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Rundlbad gone to Switzerland, a look at his career transactions


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Former first rounder DavidImage result for david rundblad Rundblad who always looked the part combining size and speed but who never translated to the NHL is likely gone forever, 113 games, 4 goals, there have been worse first rounders in the history of the game, at least he made it to the NHL and has his name on the cup from his time with the Hawks.

  But that is not what this is about. This is about the list of people who were traded for him.

Everything started well, the Blues took him number 17 in 2009, but then:


2010 traded to the Senators for a First Rounder which the Blues used to select Vladimirth?&id=OIP.M51e4aecc5a3dece9bd75777b3d71 Taresenko.

2011 traded to the Coyotes for Kyleth?&id=OIP.M97fa424c32e39b9c1a2b6a508169 Turris.

2014 Traded to the Hawks for a pick that was used to select top prospect Christian th?&id=OIP.Mb3a7d49300af44a2b2789fee2b8cDvorak.


So in short, a first round quasi-bust who played 100ish games in the NHL was more or less traded even up for Taresenko, Turris and Dvorak. I hear that before signing with Switzerland, the Hawks were close to trading him even up for Claude Giroux or Drew Doughty but the Hawks were holding out for a better offer......

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15 hours ago, yave1964 said:

Former first rounder DavidImage result for david rundblad Rundblad who always looked the part combining size and speed but who never translated to the NHL is likely gone forever, 113 games, 4 goals, there have been worse first rounders in the history of the game, at least he made it to the NHL and has his name on the cup from his time with the Hawks.

  But that is not what this is about. This is about the list of people who were traded for him.

Everything started well, the Blues took him number 17 in 2009, but then:


2010 traded to the Senators for a First Rounder which the Blues used to select Vladimirth?&id=OIP.M51e4aecc5a3dece9bd75777b3d71 Taresenko.

2011 traded to the Coyotes for Kyleth?&id=OIP.M97fa424c32e39b9c1a2b6a508169 Turris.

2014 Traded to the Hawks for a pick that was used to select top prospect Christian th?&id=OIP.Mb3a7d49300af44a2b2789fee2b8cDvorak.


So in short, a first round quasi-bust who played 100ish games in the NHL was more or less traded even up for Taresenko, Turris and Dvorak. I hear that before signing with Switzerland, the Hawks were close to trading him even up for Claude Giroux or Drew Doughty but the Hawks were holding out for a better offer......




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Considering that he was traded for both Tarasenko and Turris makes one wonder what really happened there?  He  had a reputation that as a prospect he was something special, and the GM who was attempting a trade held his value high.  Maybe because at one point there was a shortage of young highly touted d-men and now there are younger better prospects I dunno.  


It's kind of laughable that (as it had to be Holmgren) might have even considered trading away his #1 center for a 7-dman.  


I don't blame Runblad though for choosing to play in Sweden over sitting on the bench as a 7th d-man.  

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