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Commander Clueless

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Posts posted by Commander Clueless

  1. So, what title does Crosby get for punching a player in the balls?? 


    G.O.A.T , clearly.


    Punching a player in the pelvic region is a sign of intensity and competitiveness. His compete level is so absurdly high, it's approaching perversion.

  2. @Commander Clueless


     Ya, I don't think the parts that make up that roster are capable of playing his system. Laviolette might have been a better fit, and Carlysle better in nashville.


    Or better yet, just have the Leafs and Preds swap rosters. Bingo.



    I can't help but wonder if Carlyle thought he was signing his resignation papers when he signed this extension. That'll learn him to read the fine print. ;)

  3. I just want to clarify my confusion a bit. Carlyle, like any good coach, has his strengths and weaknesses.


    However, for those of you that aren't aware, the Maple Leafs just finished a season under Carlyle in which they set an all time NHL record for most shots against over 82 games. Effectively, we just witnessed one of, if not the, worst puck possession teams ever to play the game at the NHL level.


    But I think I figured the extension out. I was operating under the initial assumption that the extension was, by it's nature, a reward. That was my mistake. It's clearly intended as a punishment.

  4. @yave1964


    I don't necessarily disagree with their choice to keep Carlyle around. I didn't think it was likely, but it was certainly possible.



    But an extension? That's mind boggling.


    Coach out his final year and go from there, sure, but extend him for two more years past that? After the season he just had? Colour me confused.

  5. They're extending him?? When you said redemption for Randy Carlyle I thought they were getting 5 cents for taking him to the recycling center.




    I'm at a bit of a loss for words at the moment.


    I'm assuming this decision involved compromising pictures of some sort.


    Either that, or some sort of elaborate ploy to keep Shanny's enemies guessing.

  6. So I started a topic on my good buddy Randy in the Leafs section, but I figured I'd post this in here as well as he not only didn't get fired, but also received a 2 year contract extension. Which I find to be odd at best.


    At least now I have a reason to post it in the "Around the NHL" section so that people can actually find it without having to get lost on their way to the Flyers board. :P




    Thoughts on this oddity? I'm assuming since Shanahan is new at this, it's merely a case of him accidently pushing the "Extend" button on his desk instead of the "Fire" button. :ph34r:





    I should add that the Leafs at least had the decency to scapegoat their assistant coaches.

  7. @flyercanuck


    Carlyle's system this season was to have the team put their hands over their heads and assume the fetal position whenever in the defensive zone and hope the bad guys eventually get bored and go away.



    The way I saw this offseason going, based on Shanahan and Leiweke's press conference talking about "culture change", was one of three ways:


    1) Change the coach and hope the players buy into the new coach's system.


    2) Overhaul to the players to fit Carlyle's style better and hope they buy into Carlyle's system, unlike the last group.


    3)  Attempt to invent a device that swaps the players' personalities with that of their counterparts from an alternate dimension where the team is successful.



    With option #1 officially crossed out, I think Shanny might be leaning towards #3.


    To be fair, they are changing the assistant coaches...so there is that.

  8. Its got to be Pronger.


    I was thinking it could be Primeau but I'm not sure he is awake yet


    Not to be a spoilsport, but wouldn't hiring Pronger imply he retired as a hockey player and thus cost the Flyers cap space?


    I mean, he may make a decent AssMan, but do you really want your management staff on your cap?

  9. C'mon now, let's not be too hasty here. We have to see what develops. Garth Snow could be available!


    Have to hold out hope!




    As if the Islanders would ever let that man go after all the stellar work he has done for that franchise. Pay that man his money!


    Maybe they should explore hiring Simon Gagne as an apology for trading him for crap.

  10. Darren Dreger recently stated that it looks as though Randy Carlyle may survive to piss on his goalies another day with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Oh yeah, and that other thing he does for them...coaching, I think it's called?

    Obviously unconfirmed speculation at this point, but one has to wonder if the Leafs' brass aren't looking to shift the blame to personnel rather than their coaching staff. Or perhaps, Brendan Shanahan is taking the patient approach and seeing what happens before making any decisions.

    To be fair to Carlyle, just the short season before last his team looked to be on the up and up. Even this season they were winning until the collapse for the record books. But they lost their identity, and they lost their PK. Also, Randy stands accused of starting his answer to every interview question with the word "Again," even when he clearly has never discussed the subject at hand before.

    I don't think Carlyle is a bad coach, but his performance this past season leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not necessarily against keeping Carlyle around, but after a collapse like that (the third collapse in a row), SOMEthing needs to change.

    It should be an interesting offseason regardless.

    At this point I'm almost wondering if the Leafs might accidently tank themselves into contention eventually, in spite of their best attempts to sabotage the franchise (which, to be honest, would be akin to attempting to sabotage Keanu Reeves' ability to act....like, what's the point?)

  11.  I 2nd this post!


    Glen Healy it is then. :P



    Anyone who has ever had to listen to that man ever thanks you for your support. And my God have mercy on your orange and black soul.



    Hextall should call up Lindros. Or maybe Renberg.

  12. Feaster? Healey? Trying to throw a spanner in the works? Or just used to Leaf gms ineptitude? Either way, you're NOT getting a 2nd out of me!


    No no, I was just operating under the assumption that Philly only really likes management that are either from the area or formerly played for the team, and also the assumption that I don't like Healy and want him as far away from the broadcasting booth as possible.


    And give me my 2nd, darn you! You know you wanna.


    We've been through this, by the way. The Leafs aren't inept, they just have that gypsy voodoo curse on them. Everyone knows this. It's science.

  13. Typically I would be useless in a thread that starts out with "jokes aside", but in this case I think I'll throw my hat in the ring for Jay Feaster.


    He may not be a former Flyer, but he's from the area-ish, right? I think he'd fit in well as an AssMan. Just don't let him make the decisions.


    If I had a recommendation, I'd say Glen Healy. He's got so much insight into players and, really, he deserves a chance to never be in broadcasting ever agai....I mean, a chance to put that talent to good use.

  14. I think it's likely Buffalo throws big dollars at Callahan and offers the captainship.


    Money and the potential to become a hero for his hometown has to be alluring.


    @flyercanuck If MacTavish stays the course with Edmonton and doesn't start changing things around there, they well could be. I'd have more faith in Murray than MacTavish as a GM, but who knows? Edmonton fans may dispute me because I admit to not having all that much knowledge on the subject, but I'm still confused as to why MacTavish got the GM job to begin with, other than his familiarity with the organization.

  15. HAHA good one CC. I'll give you this you are by far the best Leaf fan i've known....great sense of humor you give and take a great addition to these boards...and a knowledgeable Leaf fan, i thoughts those were like the Easter bunny....don't exist!!!!


    So maybe there is a Ester bunny!  :ph34r:





    Well, I don't know if I can really be called knowledgeable; I mean, they call me Clueless for a reason. :P


    But friendly, knowledgeable Leaf fans do exist...more so than you might think. We just hide it under years of built up rage, heartbreak, and creative ways to consume alcohol.


    I like these boards a lot because here I'm in the minority as a Leaf fan. I admit it's strangely nice to get away from the mob that is Leaf Nation every now and again. Also, on these boards you almost can't help being a closet Flyer fan. Just don't tell anyone I said that. :ph34r:

  16. 1. What was your favourite Holmgren trade/move?


    2. What was the worst Holmgren trade/move?


    3. What should be Hextall's first order of business?


    1. Steve Mason because I was hoping someone would give him another shot.


    2. Not trading Richards to the Leafs


    3. Addressing the forward situation (Re: Schenn, Lecavalier, Hartnell)



    Wait, was this for Flyer fans only?

    • Like 1
  17. I find this to be an interesting choice by Nashville. They certainly don't have the personnel to match Lavi's style, do they?


    I'm guessing they push hard for some offensive players this offseason. Some good wingers available via free agency if they've got the coin.

  18. @jammer2 I had also read a rumour (not sure if true or not) that Shanny and Babcock don't necessarily have a very good relationship. Take that for what it is worth (likely nothing).



    If the rumours of Babcock wanting out are true, you have to imagine he's first choice for the Leafs. Nonis has reportedly been defending Carlyle and asking "who is available that is better?" , and that would answer his question nicely. I'd also be willing to give Trotz a shot if he'd be interested.


    Nothing against Randy. He hasn't had much time here in Toronto (2 full seasons now), but it really does seem like he's lost the room.

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