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Everything posted by DaGreatGazoo

  1. The one thing that COULD result in some tweaks is the NHLPA. So far, they haven't had their say on this issue yet. I'm thinking they are going to ask for something to be modified/changed. Just so it appears they've had some input into the process.
  2. DaGreatGazoo


    Or beat the hell out of the kid that said it...
  3. My opinion isn't changed by what teams are affected-including the Flyers. I used their conference as an example. I simply don't like that regardless of record, 4 teams from each conference are going to the playoffs. The current format provides flexiblity, once you get beyond the division winners--best 5 records in a conference round out the playoff bracket. With the new alignment, you could potentially have team(s) with better records sitting at home simply due to alignment. Why not do this alignment for travel and scheduling purposes, and have the congerence winners as 1-2 seeds, based on record? Then the top 6 records from those divisions complete the playoff seedings.
  4. I really don't like the top 4 from each conference make it scenario. At least in the current model, the top 8 in each conference make it based on points...in this model, you could have teams from the Flyers division-which is loaded-NOT make the playoffs, while conferences with weaker teams will send multiple teams. Keep the conferences as realigned, but I think it should still be based on total points. Maybe I'm not thinking it through, and there's a reason that won't work?
  5. This will be an interesting one for Mr Shannhan. To me, it's a clean hit...not blindside, elbow down, shoulder caught Richards on side of head/face. But it is a head shot....intentional or not. Pretty sure the "upper body injury" is that hit...Richards looked dazed for a few seconds after it.
  6. @xganarchy I love Asham..but Beagle had 2 professional fights, before that one, I think. That being said, Asham said Beagle challenged him. Dumb move.
  7. @Hexy27 yeah, you're right..I missed that while looking on capgeek..thanks, Hexy. Now get your butt outta LA and play in the Alumni game already!
  8. @Digityman i actually knew that, I think I clicked on the @member, and then decided to quote the text so my post made more sense-and forgot to delete the @ reply. But I'll keep doing it, just to annoy people.
  9. @Digityman HUH? What? His mustache escaped? Is that a Movember reference??
  10. Is anyone else starting to wonder about Lavy's goaltending management?? I am still in the camp that last year's cluster f*uck in the playoffs was primarily his fault. Granted Boosh or Bob didn't step up in net, but no one will EVER convince me it was a smart move to put Leighton in net..and I thought that before he laid that monster egg. This year's questionable rotation is starting to take on a similar feel..albiet an extended one since there is plenty of season left.
  11. Why can't they just bury the contract in the minors? Am I forgetting something? Couldn't the Phantoms just scratch him indefinitely? He is still showing as counting towards the Flyers cap hit. With Nodl gone, if they could lose Betts' salary, and dump/bury Shelley, they would gain them almost $2.5 in cap space, right?
  12. I haven't run the numbers, but unless we move some fairly good sized contracts, I don't see the Flyers getting a number 2 type Dman. Most players that fit the contract criteria have NTC/NMC clauses...Briere, Hartnell, Kimmo...etc. Not saying I would move them, but that's the type of money I think the Flyers might have to move. Otherwise, it's going to cost you someone good and young....IMO..Shenn or JVR have to be included in almost any deal for that type of Dman. Picks alone won't get it done...due to cap reasons, as well as the 50 max contract rule.
  13. @flyercanuck Exactly....Ovie works on his tan, his haircut, and waxing his sweet ass Mercedes. Only know that cause I saw him at the Kettler Ice Rink in DC..climbed into a sick Mercedes after practice about a month ago. Imagine if someone like, say Carter..had Crosby's work ethic. Carter has a TON of talent and skill..but little willingness to work at continually improving. There are tons more than just Carter like that..he's just an easy target . Then again, with 50 million guaranteed over 10 years what's to work on, right??
  14. @touche22 and Staal's injury as well!
  15. @habsguy26 Good point..I didn't even think of the media angle. You are dead on about Muller. I read a lot of stuff today that said that Carolina was so high on him, they just felt like they had to make the change now, as he would have gotten snagged in the offseason.
  16. Welcome to the board! IMO, I think they need to get some beef up front...not just size, but skaters with size. I don't see them being able to handle the pounding thru the playoffs with their current crop of forwards. I may be wrong, since I don't see them a ton, just notice they seem to get beat on the boards when I watch them. Can I ask a question without offending...is it THAT important in MTL that the coach be bi-lingual?? I've always thought that MTL limits themselves so much by mandating that as a requirement.
  17. Hey FC..hope all is well. As much as it pains this avid Pens hater to admit, you are 100% accurate. I get the Pens channel..now called Root..used to be Fox Sports Pittsburgh, so I watch the Pens a lot. Even tho their announcers are total DB's, I am amazed when I watch Crosby. He is so far above most other players, it's hard to imagine. What I'm noticing in the few games back, is his "will"...he just works so damn hard every shift. Sucks we have another 10-15 years of watching him do his number against the Flyers.
  18. @Bertmega ya know that old proverb about something viewed can never be unseen...GOOD GOD, MAN! I don't even want to know who took that, why it was taken, and why the hell it was posted...and for that matter, what in the heck you were looking for when you found that!!!! :blink:
  19. @aziz I'm making a poll..we are going to let the masses decide this one.
  20. This is the kind of thing that haunts a player..forever. :blink:
  21. Didn't see where anyone mentioned this, but this surgery is on Pronger's left knee, his surgery prior to last season was his right knee. Yippee.
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