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Posts posted by SCFlyguy

  1. 1 minute ago, mojo1917 said:

    Define what you mean.

    What's the same old because I'm not seeing it yet. 



    What's different?  The team plays hard?


    Reasonable minds can differ on trading Konecny.  I happen to believe the team is still woefully devoid of Stanley Cup talent and he is their biggest chip to trade.


    Not trading Seeler and Walker would be a fireable offense.


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  2. 2 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

    Some players just DGAF about that some just want all the money.

    Every player should try to get every cent they can.  The owners certainly are.


    I mean the owners are the ones that insisted on a salary cap.  We lost a season before the players accepted it.


    Now you want those same players to also cut the owners a deal and not take what they can get.


    Hell of world we are living in.

  3. 3 hours ago, flyerdog said:

    when a woman is a genuine victim of SA and has the courage to come forward and press charges, typically her first thought is for justice and the punishment of the perpetrator..she is not thinking about any financial matters first and foremost. That stuff might come later in a civil settlement but the primary goal is justice, vindication and resolution.

    Isn't that exactly what happened here?


    She reported it to police, who swept it under the rug.  After the criminal justice system let her down, only then did she resort to the civil system.

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  4. 9 hours ago, hmc687 said:


    It is odd and disturbing how many posters here, presumably men, are already projecting Hart guilty of any and all charges.  This only reinforces my point that when a man is charged w sexual assault it does severe damage regardless of trial outcome.  And this has already ruined 1 professional career (that we know of) but I'm sure many more.


    Anyhow, I'll wait till the hearing plays out before making accusations.  The only information available right now are just stories because nobody really knows anything yet.  And reading grown men get emotional and angry about stories is a good laugh

    Laughing about stories of sexual assault is a reason it doesn’t get reported.  Boys will be boys, eh?

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, flyerrod said:

    Due to the length of time from the original investigation. I am not saying the original investigation was done correctly but why did it take 4 or 5 years to correct it? I can think of 83 million reasons why false accusations can and are made.

    It took 4-5 years to correct it because those in charge had to be publicly embarrassed by leaks into taking the investigation seriously.  Had that not happened, it never would have been done correctly.  It would have been settled confidentially, with a payment of over $3M, in an effort to make the story go away.

    • Good Post 2
  6. 3 hours ago, hmc687 said:


    Whole thing is nuts.  Todd Bertuzzi paralyzed a guy and never did time.  Carter, and the other players, are stil involved in a sexual assault case in 2024 from 2018 - its wild.  Especially considering the Ontario police cleared Hart. . . . .

    You're neglecting the fact that Hart and the other players were "cleared" by what apparently was a sham police investigation nearly intended to clear them.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, hmc687 said:

    We'll see what the court finds, but I won't be calling for Hart to be thrown in jail "like the rest of them" until the trial ends.  Wrongful accusations DO happen.  People lie.  Money complicates things.

    Why do I think you won't be even after the trial ends?

    • Like 1
  8. Not presuming Hart was involved or not involved - I wouldn't know - I am and have been presuming for some time that he wouldn't be the starting goalie for this team when it was finally a contender.  You have to know when to cash in assets and I didn't think the Hart asset was going to be worth more in the future.

  9. Thank god for Torts.


    This is a very easy team to root for that is starting to get me over my hatred of the organization.


    I think they should trade Walker and Seeler at the deadline and hope it doesn't tank the playoffs.  It would be great to see them playing with house money.  Absent any no-brainer deals, everything else can wait for the offseason. 

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