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Posts posted by mojo1917

  1. @ruxpin

    i can count on less than 2 hands the times this year when the defense has really been bad. sometimes (lately) it has been the penalty kill that's pooping the bed, but i put that on the forwards jsut as much, for example golden boy #28 chasing the puck around trying to kill the penalty by himself.

    there will always be breakdowns and stupid clears and the other teams guys stepping up and making a nice play they are after all professionals the flyers play in the NHL.

    the lapses are magnified because*(read with comedic russian accent)* expensive russian goalie wave at puck before fishing out of twine...

    @Mad Dog

    only read about the edmonton game, not our finest hour for sure. 20 minutes of moving your feet often doesn't get a good result. sometimes a long season and long flight to a western canadian outpost combine for that type of perfect poop storm. just stinks to have that happen when you feel like you need the points.

  2. @pilldoc

    thanks for lending some perspective.

    i agree with nearly everything you've written,

    Suter and Weber and their ilk can be had with money of which the chairman has an abundance , keep the young player get them some playoff experience.

    JvR has shown some chemistry with Schenn and Voracek that line could be very very good, I don't want to see him in an different eastern conference sweater.

    hope the new cba has a penalty free buyout provison and send bryz to KHL and Peggy.

  3. @Mad Dog

    team defense was poor ?

    they gave up 20 shots, okay 21 shots, half of which were really really really stopable shots from above the circles....

    it is not like all 20 of the shots the defense are giving up are quality scoring chances, now granted i had to watch "the condensed game" so i didn't see all the action, but what is telling to me is there were no "highlights" of sustained pressure by the flames, and there were 4 of "sustained pressure" by the Flyers...

    the problem is NOT the defense.

  4. I mentioned this in another thread . Could it be that Bryzgalov's eyesight has changed subtlety ? Is the black cage causing him problems?

    Some of these goals that go through him or just miss his glove to get behind him are almost sad to watch. Whatever the problem is it doesn't seem like he is capable of working through it.

    It is a lot of pressure on the other 5 guys to have that kind of liability to constantly compensate for

  5. Just by looking at the box score...again, shut out by NHL center ice... Literally the only game NOT carried. It is not like Bryzgalov is under siege . 21 shots 4ga. He needs to watch from the press box for a little while, and see if he can get right. It is becoming clear he is incapable of "working thru it".

    Angora soft is how the Calgary Annc team described two goals...

    I wonder if he is seeing the puck, has his vision changed ? is it he's using a black cage ? he used to use white in phx, there is something almost sad to how many easy plays he's missing.

  6. @flyerrod

    this is where I say not playing junior hurt JvR in a lot of ways, those kids play a pile of games then have a pile of tournament games and then some get called up for a sniff of the bigs after the season if they're really good.... it is a totally different culture than the US college system and i think, with JvR we're seeing him developmentally and with a maturity level that is similar to where he'd have been after his first season and a half of playing in a for a serious canadian junior hockey league like the Q or WHL.

    he hasn't been immersed in the game the way the kids that play junior are until he got to the game's highest level. tough place to get your OJT .

  7. @aziz

    in fairness he did say since Lindros...

    who would the other top pick, can't miss, crazy talented Flyers be since the big E ?

    Gagne, Carter, Wyowitka ? Giroux ? he lit the Q up but was considered" smallish and needed the right situation to thrive " in the NHL

    i'm probably missing a couple of guys, but there haven't been a whole bunch of guys with JvRs hands , size , speed...

    you're right too, he doesn't compare favorably with Lindros. at all.

  8. Who have the Flyers traded...in recent history(15-20 years)...that was young, and went somewhere and just exploded? Patrick Sharp-yes. But who else? Not being a di*ck here, but I am struggling to come up with a long list of names-or even a short list for that matter.

    how about we lump guys we let walk in free agency too, rusty fedotenko, justin williams went on to be effective players for stanely cup champions in the last 10 years. those guys halve half of JvRs natural ability... he didn't explode but he continued his career simon gagne, i thought he was one clean check away from a life like primeau's...but he's still going.

    as for JvR i think the kid was hurt for much of this year, i think he wants to be a leader and a good guy in the room, i think he's growing up and we'll see more play from him like we saw in the playoffs last year, on a consistent basis.... the game is slowing down for him, he's got some cats that can skate with him now, plus i've only ever heard negatives about dustin brown in the last 3 years.

  9. @canoli

    UNH is a big big big, stoner school....lots of hot granola chics up for just about anything, i think i'd maybe want to hang out there for a little while too, just to see what could happen.

    just sayin'

    anyway, when i look at jvr i can't help but see patrick sharp, not that their styles are similar, just the second he's on a different team he'll turn into the player we want, and he'll kill us in the playoffs. Sharp was the hawks best player in the scf and he owned leighton, jvr is bigger and faster and has better hands, i'd wait, i think he's grown up. he overtrained in the offseason, pulling trucks around parking lots, and hurt himself, he was vying for a leadership role in the lockerroom. i think he's going to blossom shortly

  10. no thanks to dustin brown.

    i thought we got rid of him last summer...( i know it wasn't him but players of his ilk)

    really, there's not much out there that i would want to trade any of our top 4 young guys away for, & the only way i'd like to see jvr in someone else's sweater is if he is part of a deal that brings back a "set him and forget about him 28 minute a night guy" on defense or a way out of the bryzaster.

    i see little value in gutting the team for nash, even up swap for brown, now maybe in bernier for bob, but i like bob and as doom has said he's a similar quantity and he's already on the roster...the problem with the team is the goalie with the big contract isn't playing like he should, swapping an a guy with a tough injury plagued season for an underachieving guy that is older is a lateral move at best.

  11. @RonJeremy

    so you're saying the flyers should be sellers this year...?

    top 4 in points in the east 3/4 of the way through and you want to dump carle timmonen & briere ?


    i think we're going to like kubina's game and right hand shot, I think Grossman will be a nice steady physical presence as well.

    i say we stand pat, see how these new guys fit, i kind of like this team and don't want to see it blown up.

  12. @mkscrewy

    i think it is a semantics issue, since you really just agreed with most everyone. talent= special ability. no one has said, he's as good as the guys you mentioned, but he has the talent or potential/ability to be as good as them .

    ability to go post to post faster than anyone to wear the o/b in the last 25 years = talent.


  13. @mkscrewy

    i would, talent is defined as a special natural abilty or aptitude. Sergei has very quick reflexes, excellent skating ability ( you've seen him go post to post right ?) and vision. i would say that qualifies as talent.

    talent alone doesn't make a great player, no need to elaborate there are tons of athletes with all the talent and none of the _______ to be the best...

    now, he needs to learn somethings to be more effective in north america, his positioning, when to challenge shooters, and puck handling come to mind readiily, if he improves on those things he could then be considered a world class goalie. he has the physical tools and the desire to improve.

    there's a lot to like about the young man.

  14. @ Mojo -

    For being behind the play all night he made a nice stop in OT, his last stop, and the game turned into 2 points. Let's see if he can get more in synch on this road trip with some new blueliners. Positive political posting versus vitriolic ventsmanship

    when he starts to play well and concentrate for 60 minutes on game night, i'll give him credit, i have and up until last saturday been a sort of defender of this clown, what i see from him, is a guy that is "just not into it" and that is not why he was brought here. his play has been sub par, in fact his play has him ranked as 36 in gaa and 43 in save %... that means every starting goalie in the league and a minimum of 6 backs-ups are playing better ... what's there to cheer for regarding his play, or behavior.. ? this season's team has been a pleasant surprise, if he continues to play at this level this group will have a short spring and they and we deserve better.

    bottom line 926; he needs to play better for a sustained period, & shut the hell up until he's top 10 in the league in both of the measuring stick categories.

  15. @ruxpin

    that's the crux of the issue isn't it, he's got to play better and people will get up off of him...

    the guy hasn't come close to living up to even the modest expectation of stopping the the easy ones, people have been wanting to throw Lavy, the defense, "the system" under the bus, all of those things contribute to the goal keepers performance,that can't be denied, what also can't be denied is the guy gives up 4 goals on 25 shots every frickin' night, the shots against are average to good, the goalkeepers play has not been.

    so until he mans up and concentrates on the fing puck for 60 minutes a night he deserves every bit of vitriol he gets here and else where,

  16. @colorado_al

    i think you are wrong with your opinion, as other have stated reggie lemilen was the goalie coach until 3 years ago, once he was shown the door, leaky leighton, bad goal boucher and a cast of other misift goalies went to the sc finals. those guys did nothing before Reese began to work with them.

    the goalie coach is not the problem, the goalie , that's the problem.... Ilya's got to nut up and fing concentrate for 60 minutes, until i see him do that, i don't care if Pat fing Riley is his coach it won't' matter.

  17. this would be scary for anyone, i hope he can recover to the point where he can enjoy his kids and their endeavors. I think at 38 (next season) there is no point to trying to continue playing, there's really nothing left to accomplish.

    i was skeptical of the trade when i saw what all we gave up, but in that 1.5 years of healthy play i can see why holmgren made the move, he was a special player.

    saddend by this news.

  18. neither,

    i trade no one for Nash, this whole line of thinking has me grinding my teeth right out of my mouth....

    couterier as an 18/19 year old plays in every situation, has a Ginormous hockey iq and a really good shot. schenn is growing in confidence with each game. he's already good at face offs, hits, is strong like bull on puck and has really good offensive instincts.

    I don't even use one of those guys to get someone to take bryzgalov off our hands, i bench his stupid a$s and play bob until he request plane ticket to KHL to be with Peggy.

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