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Florida in finals again?

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Very possible the Panthers could be in the Finals again.
I've always maintained that last year's run shouldn't have been viewed as 'lucky', or that the team had a Cinderella run, as most people tend to think.

Panthers underachieved last season, then finally got their act together for the playoffs and it took them to the Finals.
This season's team, IMO, is even better than last year's, and they have been playing during the regular season like they should.
Of course, that doesn't guarantee success in the playoffs, but right now, hard to bet against them going far or even winning it all.

As for Bettman's "nightmare"...yea, yea...I get it...ratings, non traditional market, and the attendance at Panther games is very, very underwhelming, but the team making it to the Finals should never, ever be viewed as a worst case scenario.
Bettman wanted a team in Broward County, he gets a team in Broward County....same with the desert in Arizona, Music City, TN, and the Carolinas, and anywhere else some people think a team shouldn't be due to being non traditional markets.

Since the teams ARE there....why would the commissioner's office not want success for them?
Why continue the arse backwards, archaic thinking of the old ways of just northern cities or popular cities, or original six cities and other such similar nonsense?
I could care less if the Panthers get disappointed again and lose in the playoffs.....because, of course, they are a division rival of my team.
And I could say the same about the Bruins and Leafs in the East....and the Avalanche, Stars, and Blues in the West.
But even if I don't care for the team, if they are good enough to get to the Finals, then they deserve respect, promotion, and acknowledgement for doing so, just as much as if it were the Blackhawks, Red Wings, Penguins, or Leafs doing the same.

All teams in every city currently should be counted on to be just as important as the other.
And if they aren't (like some mentioned), then the commish needs to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Other than that, tough chit for the media and fans who think certain teams shouldn't be in the Finals due to some outdated reason.
Some complain about the league as a whole not getting the same amount of respect as some other leagues like the MLB and especially the NFL.

Well, it is backwards thinking that keeps the NHL as the infamous 'red headed stepchild'....and that will only change when the league treats, pushes, and promotes all their teams the same...regardless of how the team actually performs, or how well their merch sells.... ala the NFL, who, in the interest of business, will have you believe that the NY Jets at the Arizona Cardinals is MUST SEE TV....even if both teams are terribly unexciting and have long histories of crappy seasons.
And people eat it up.

NHL should take notes....... just sayin....

Edited by TropicalFruitGirl26
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I could see florida making it out of the east, which sucks because that means my bruins won't


And the Panthers won't be an easy out.


That said, winning puts asses in seats so to have a "non traditional" team make it, is only good for the NHL

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Dallas Stars vs. Florida Panthers for the Stanley Cup. Dallas Stars win the Stanley Cup. Joe Pavelski wins his first and only Stanley Cup, scores his 500th goal next season, makes his hall of fame case stronger, and retires in 2027.

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4 hours ago, Buffalo Rick said:

Are the Rangers home for game 1?   If so , why?  Didn’t Florida have better record?

Rangers had the best record in hockey they have home ice 

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