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Flyers Not Making the Playoffs?


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I don't understand some of the logic, like not making a trade at all and growing from within. Growing from within and having a team full of our picks is great, BUT when you have too many of one thing and not enough of another ,if it means an overall improvement of the team, then you gotta make a move. Some guys don't want Laughton deallt, some sat Coots, some say B Schenn, well there are only so many center positions and only a so many big minutes to give to the top 2 centers...so we already have Coots a defensive center and we have Laughton ,who is also a defensive center,so how many defensive centers do we need?

I don't want to see guys traded for old washed up vets , but center is our strongest position ,so it stands to reason if we needed help on defense or left wing ,one of the centers would go. If we look back on some trades in the old days,we traded Linseman for Howe, and Recchi for Desjardins, in both cases we gave up tremendous players but got back something great as we'll. I don't think anyone would argue that those deals improved our team dramatically. I also don't think anyone would ever want to take back those trades.

Of course we are not gonna get another Howe or Desjardins since they were already established and we traded established guys for them.So depending on how the season plays out and what our needs are, I can easily see Laugton who has high potential ,traded for a left wing or defenseman with equally high potential. A guy who is just as highly rated and who is just as close to NHL ready, or you may see B Schenn traded for a dman equal to his ceiling.

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@, aside from player development, there really was no room on the team for him,since we are stacked at center. Management felt, it was better for him to play big minutes in juniors than to play a few shifts in the NHL ,even though he may have been ready for the big time,there were not enough minutes for him.

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Laughton turned all of 20 in May. While the game is, more than ever, a young man's game, with players like MacKinnon and Monahan making the NHL as 18/19 years olds, they are still a rarity. Very few 18/19 year olds have the physical, intellectual and emotional maturity to step right into the NHL. 

More importantly, rushing a player who does not have that maturity can damage a player's confidence beyond repair. They can be destroyed by it.  

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