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Trade Revisted: Bob vs Mason


Who won the trade between Bob and Mason?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Who won the trade between Bob and Mason?

    • Blue Jackets with Bob..after all he DID win the Vienza Trophy a year later
    • Flyers with Mason
    • Niether team..still too soon to tell
    • win / win for both teams

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But there's no guarantee they would have signed Bob to the same deal. Or that Bob wins the Vezina Before getting it.

it's like looking at a traded away draft pick and saying the guy was a bust - no guarantee same guy would have been picked.

And there is no saying that Columbus would sign Mason to the great deal Philly did...i doubt Mase would sign there for 4.1mill per yer....

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And there is no saying that Columbus would sign Mason to the great deal Philly did...i doubt Mase would sign there for 4.1mill per yer....

Mason was relegated to backup in Columbus and facing an exit from the NHL. I think Philly could've gotten him cheaper, truth be told, and he didn't care where as long as he signed somewhere.

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Mason was relegated to backup in Columbus and facing an exit from the NHL. I think Philly could've gotten him cheaper, truth be told, and he didn't care where as long as he signed somewhere.

Cheaper than Leighton? What? Was Columbus PAYING someone to take him?

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I was referring to Mason's contract. I think he could've been had cheaper but he's been worth the money for you guys.

It was a Holmgren deal, almost by definition he could have been had cheaper...

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It was a Holmgren deal, almost by definition he could have been had cheaper...

That said, Homer's signature was long term deals that were overpaid at the start amd a bargain at the end.

But the wheels came off with crater, richards, bryzgalov, macdonald, lecavalier and arguably pronger and second hartnell with the jury still out on giroux.

I think Mason is a pretty fair deal for both sides.

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The durations were insane.  I have no idea what Homer was thinking.  Was he assuming he'd be dead by the time those contracts expired.

In and of themselves, 5+ for Carter, Richards, Pronger... all pretty good... for a few years.  but for 10+ it's just insane.  Richards maybe made a little sense just because he was still really young at that point.  But to have to trade him three years later is a really shameful display of poor GM judgement. 


But the wheels came off with crater, richards, bryzgalov, macdonald, lecavalier and arguably pronger and second hartnell with the jury still out on giroux.
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The durations were insane.  I have no idea what Homer was thinking.  Was he assuming he'd be dead by the time those contracts expired.

In and of themselves, 5+ for Carter, Richards, Pronger... all pretty good... for a few years.  but for 10+ it's just insane.  Richards maybe made a little sense just because he was still really young at that point.  But to have to trade him three years later is a really shameful display of poor GM judgement. 


They were flat out circumventing the cap. There's really no other way to look at it.


There was no "cap recapture" so they could pay out a lot up front and then buyout at the end either through compliance or regular buyout. I believe that was the plan with Briere from day one. If the Pronger gamble had paid off, having his cap hit halved for a few years at the end wouldn't matter if he was holding the Cup.


Homer thought he was cleverer and he really only managed to outsmart himself.


And if the compliance buyout for Bryzgalov wasn't available, don't think they ever get Mason...

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