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Pulkkinen gets a 1-year deal with Red Wings


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The Freep say this is smart for both sides, and I agree, but I also think this may create an even bigger problem at the end of next season. Abdelkader. Helm. Now Pulkinnen. I think there may be one or two more. Granted Pulkkinen is not going to be UFA but just a RFA, but still. We are going to have a problem at the end of this season, especially if Pulkkinen does well this season. We need his right shot, and if it is working for us, we are going to have to pay to keep it, and that will mean losing either Helm or Abby. I have said it before, that as much as I like Helm--and I do--if it comes down to a choice between Abby and Helm, we honestly need Abby's skill set more than we need Helm's.


In a way though, I see this deal as the Wings just kicking the can down the road. Perhaps it will give them time and opportunity to dump Howard and his contract at the deadline or another player or two that we may not want to keep. It will, as the article says, give them more of an idea of how much they need Pulkkinen as well--how good he may be for us. But it's a can that may come back to kick the Wings in the butt next year.


I suppose this isn't the worst problem you could have, though--too many good players and not enough money or roster spots for all of them. Good to be able to pick and choose and then trade away what you decide not to keep, eh? Although it is important to choose wisely. Marian Hossa continues to teach that lesson.

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Pulk is worth keeping for now, especially at $735,000, but this is not/will not be a major concern.  Pulkkinen has a hard right-hand shot, for sure, but that's about all he has so far.  His lack of two-way play did not impress Babcock, which is why he didn't appear in the playoffs.  Granted, everything before this year comes with an asterisk given the new coach, but the core concept of the Red Wings is still a puck-possession, control play.  If he doesn't develop that in this, his first full season in the NHL, I expect he can be moved.  


I would agree with you that I'd take Abby over Helm, but I would take both of them over Pulk.

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I would agree with you that I'd take Abby over Helm, but I would take both of them over Pulk.

I think that will depend heavily on how much he contributes on the PP. The more he contributes there, the harder this decision gets.

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But how good does Pulk have to be on the power play in order to keep him around for that sole purpose?  If he doesn't develop a two-way game, doesn't score even strength, and makes poor defensive errors, then his power play goals only work to neutralize those mistakes, making him a break even player.


He's young and certainly impressionable, and I would like to see him work out.  Time will tell..............

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If he doesn't develop a two-way game, doesn't score even strength, and makes poor defensive errors, then his power play goals only work to neutralize those mistakes, making him a break even player.


You're going to love Mike Green.



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Well yeah...if he is our top PP scorer or close but also has a +/- of -34, of course that matters. I didn't see TOO much defensive liability when he was up here last season. A few mistakes, but nothing that seemed systemic.


You may be right, but that's why they plan to initially pair him with Danny Dekeyser, who has developed into a very reliable, solid stay-at-home D-man. Don't want to be caught with your pants down too often, obviously, but the Wings tend to pair a stay-at-home with a more offensive threat if they are available.

Kronwall's role, for example, has changed depending on who they have paired him with. For about a season and a half, you hardly saw ANY Kronwalling--saw a couple toward the end of last season--and I think it was in large part due to the difference in his responsibilities relating to whom he was paired with. That doesn't explain ALL of his lack of Kronwalling, but I think it's played a role for sure.

I like (on paper) the pairing of Green with Dekeyser. I think it will play to both of their strengths and will help minimize their liabilities. If you are relying on Green to be the stalwart defensive veteran of a defensive pairing, you are asking for trouble. This pairing won't do that if the chemistry works. There is paper, and then there is reality. Training camp will be big this year, and this will be one reason it will.

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You may be right, but that's why they plan to initially pair him with Danny Dekeyser, who has developed into a very reliable, solid stay-at-home D-man. Don't want to be caught with your pants down too often, obviously, but the Wings tend to pair a stay-at-home with a more offensive threat if they are available.


I just found the description amusing, more than anything else.


Green needs a steady stay-at-home type with him, no doubt.

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I would personally pair Green with Ericsson who is a wonderful stay at home back end guy, and run Dekeyser on the top pair with Kronwall.

@SpikeDDS@WingNut722 Pulkinnen He led the entire AHL in goals with 34 in only 46 games in spite of the fact that approximately one third of the year he was in the NHL, next was Paul Thompson who played 73 games and Shane Harper who played 75. He is a true offensive force, my God I haven't seen a slapper like his since the days of Hull. Not saying he is going to have 700 goals, lol, but the kid has 30-40 goals a year written all over him. The day will come when he, Nyquist and Dylan Larkin form the top line and wow, is that going to be something.

Does Pulkinnen have deficiencies? God yeah, just a sniper without much more on the table. But he will be a regular 30 goal a year guy OR MORE and he played so very well for Blash in Grand Rapids. Give him a chance, I think everyone will love him.

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I would never assume at this point that Pulk is a poor fit in the Red Wings uniform. This will be his rookie season, and I'm very excited to see some serious offensive power game after game.  With great and genuine respect for @SpikeDDS, I felt it was a bit premature to speculate that Pulk's signing this year will create a very tense situation in having to decide between Helm and Abby come next year's free agency.  If Pulk turns out to be next Brett Hull, as you alluded to, or even if he turns out to be a dud, then that decision may not carry as much weight.


We wait and see.

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@WingNut722<br /><br />I do not think that Pulkinnen is a future Brett Hull, it is his slapshot that reminds me of him, he lifts the stick so far above his head and just lets her rip. It works wonders in the AHL where the defense is a half a step slower but in the NHL he will have to make adjustments. I think he is more than capable of making them and will be successful at the next level like Tatar and Nyquist before him. In fact, I think he is a better prospect than either of them.<br /><br />As to Helm and Abdelkader, I have been a huge Helm fan for a long time and Abbie has finally turned into a real player but there are only so many roster spots and with both UFA's next season I think the long list of prospects down at Grand Rapids will force one or even both out. Youth must be served. And Mantha, Athanasiou will be banging away for playing time next year as well, Axel Holmstrom is a year behind them as well as this years first rounder. I think at least one of the two is gone, it is difficult, Helm can play any position up and down the lines and is the fastest wing, Abby has found a home in front of the net. I don't want to see them go but there are only so many roster spots and the kids are better, or are going to be.

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I didn't presume you thought Pulk was the next Brett Hull, I just wanted to establish an extreme hypothetical for Pulkinnen turning into an elite player, and since you mentioned Hull, I went with it.  


As for Abby and Helm, I agree that the youth are pushing against the roster, but they have to earn that spot.  Abby and Helm are established players, and if the young guns below them don't measure up to force them out, then Abby and Helm will remain in Detroit.  Simply being younger doesn't guarantee you the roster spot.  Holland has to take quite a gamble to release Abby and Helm in order to replace them with a fresh rookie.  I don't see that happening just yet.  Look for them to be signed to another 2 year deal after this season.  

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Just a nice time to be a Wings fan. A deep and talented roster and a deep and talented farm team. Especially among the forwards.

On defense, Oullet and Marchenko did not embarrass themselves last year, Sproul took a step back at GR during the season but I still think he has the best shot of any of the three of them and have not given up on him. The three of them are C or C plus prospects who could end up second or third pair guys. But we are in a beautiful position to trade a young forward (Jurco?) and a kid d-man for an established top defenseman if we need one down the stretch. I simply love how the team is built right now.

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  This was a mistake by Holland IMHO. I would have given him a 3 year bridge deal that took him to UFA status. Spend more money to lock up more years moving forward. I would have given him 6.5 to 7 mill for 3 years. Yes, it is making a huge commitment to somebody who is not a proven commodity at the NHL level, but I believe with all my heart that he is legit, the real deal....a pure sniper who cannot fail. I think he has a huge break out year and the Wings will have to pay dearly to secure his services. Even with the protection of RFA status, you can't protect against a rising star....those get paid by an arbitrator.

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I would personally pair Green with Ericsson who is a wonderful stay at home back end guy, and run Dekeyser on the top pair with Kronwall.

Funny, when they first announced that they intended to pair Green with DDK, my first reaction was, "Huh, why not with E?" I think the main reason might have been to minimize line shifting--not wanting to break up Kronner-Big E, but I think it ALSO was meant as a clear confidence booster to DDK, because if he takes that pairing, he will know that the reason for it is because they are depending on him to back up Mike Green's game. Otherwise, I'm kinda with you on E vs. DDK. Bottom line, I think either one fits the bill to be a good partner with Green.


With great and genuine respect for @SpikeDDS

I was waiting for the hammer to come down after the paraphrase of Ricky Bobby! ;-)

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Sorry, pal, no candid movie reference here (particularly as I haven't actually seen that movie).  Just a true sentiment!



With the recent RFA signings, the Wings are pretty close to the cap as it is.  Plunking down a bundle on an unestablished player just doesn't fit into the budget.  If Franzen had stepped aside it would have opened up a bit more flexibility, but if you sign Pulk for that contract then your wallet's empty.

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