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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Yay! Laughton scores. We have 9 more of those to look forward to over the course of the season
  2. I hadn't considered that. hell yes! It's time to spread the wealth. My first time in dallas
  3. The TNT coverage is pretty entertaining. Gretzky saying he cheated offensively every shift.... good stuff
  4. Boo-ins look like they are getting rattled. They don't like being hit
  5. NAK has become totally worthless. He's only noticed when he does something stupid...which seems to be a regular occurrence
  6. I'm going to the Dallas game , they need this crap worked out so Hart is in net that night
  7. Seriously, why? And why this soon? Oh, are we afraid we will wear out a professional 23 year old?
  8. Dude, you put him on a list with cechmanek...that's just hurtful, and MEAN
  9. he had one bad game THIS SEASON. I get your point, but let's give the kid a chance. I mean, G has 2 goals, TK has 2 goals, I'm not hearing anyone pointing out they sucked last year....YET! But to be fair, I am already on the hate train for Laughton and NAK, so maybe I'm not really making a point. But whatever, back to it... fck it, I lost my groove. I'll just end here
  10. See, this confuses me. Hart has one bad game and he is criticized, nit picked and the panic button is pushed. He has a great game, and its too early to make "any assessment" Some times it's OK to just reflect on one single game without over analyzing and entire season thats yet to happen Hart played great and had a highlight reel save that was followed by a G goal. I'd say that single save jump started the offense. Yay team. Great win. Hope we see more of this
  11. Major props to Thompson and Seeler. That is the type of heart and dedication many of us have been clamoring for over the last few seasons. Seeler letting the Kraken know he doesn't care how big you are, you aren't going to push us around, and Thompson making sure the message is sent, you don't touch our captain I wouldn't mind seeing this type of fire out of NAK and Laughton, but I guess after the effort of putting on their sweater, they must be spent
  12. Thay song is stupid. I hope any home wins are 1-0 so I don't have to hear that crap more than once Seriously, how did that win?
  13. Vora check gets traded and all of a sudden g has a shoot 1st mentality? That's weird
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