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Coyotes recap 2024

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FPRESEASON OUTLOOK A lot of pundits thought this would be a very good year for the Coyotes, solid goaltending, lots of young prospects, vets such as Keller developing into a near star, many thought they would be a dark horse for a wild card


FINAL RECORD 36-41-5 77 points, missed the playoffs.


STRANGE STAT OF THE YEAR For the first time in NHL history, a team, the Coyotes, had not a single player win at least 50 percent of their faceoffs. None. Haytron came in first with 49.8 faceoff wins, and it was downhill from there. Serious,  This was the most inept faceoff team in NHL history.


WHAT WENT RIGHT Keller developed brilliantly into a dangerous point a game weapon. Schmaltz quietly had a fantastic season. Durzi came over from the Kings an potted 41 points on the back end. Macelli was a fantastic playmaker. Bjugstad and Kerfoot were solid vet players. Goalie Ingram was among the top five goalies in all of hockey for the first half of the season until he got banged up. Logan cooley started slow but caught fire late and showed so much promise. Guenther looks like the real deal. Crouse and Carcone had Cy Young 20 goal seasons. 


WHAT WENT WRONG Well Arizona voted them off the Island and now they are moving to Utah so there is that. Other than Durzi the defense had not a single puck mover and looked bad. Centers were hugely dissapointing, not a playmaker among them. Vejmelka had some damn fine games but long stretches where he was awful. 


HIGH POINT OF THE SEASON jANUARY 20TH the Coyotes bested the Penguins raising their record to 23-19-3 right in the thick of the final playoff spot. Ingram was injured but the hope was that Vejmelka and coompany could keep them in the mix and they would finish strong and attract fan interest.


LOW POINT OF THE YEAR Everything fell apart right then and there. Vejmelka was awfulm, the kids did not hold it together and they managed to lose an insane 14 games in a row ending their season. During that 14 game stretch they were outscored 66-34. The season came to a sickening thud.
   Oh and they moved to Salt Lake City so there is that.


FREE AGENTS Liam OBrien and his goonery will likely move on, nobody of any importance is a free agent this year. Durzi and Hsyton are both RFA who will expect to get longer deals at decent salaries.


TOP PROSPECTS lots of kids are already in the NHL and proven with upside. In the minors Conor Geekie and Artu Raty are chomping at the bit for a middle six center position, Maveric Lamereaux may step into a top four defense position and is highly skilled and more or less ready. The Coyotes have 7 picks in the top three rounds this year and next.


 OUTLOOK FOR 2024-25 Who the Hell knows? At least they arent playing in a college facility named Mullet Arena. The new owner may step up to the plate and add to the roster with a splash. Or he may let them settle for a year or two, let the ton of good solid kids develop and build according to the old plan. Hard top say.

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35 minutes ago, yave1964 said:

WHAT WENT RIGHT Keller developed brilliantly into a dangerous point a game weapon. Schmaltz quietly had a fantastic season. Durzi came over from the Kings an potted 41 points on the back end. Macelli was a fantastic playmaker. Bjugstad and Kerfoot were solid vet players. Goalie Ingram was among the top five goalies in all of hockey for the first half of the season until he got banged up. Logan cooley started slow but caught fire late and showed so much promise. Guenther looks like the real deal. Crouse and Carcone had Cy Young 20 goal seasons.


That's really promising for this team, and quid of Hayton who showed pretty good things one season ago before getting several injuries. Another right thing is head coach André Tourigny. I really things this is a good fit and that the team has the right person in the right chair. He held an interview each week on the french TVA Sports where he openly spole on hoy does he envision things, the strategies, his vision etc. And that was extremely interesting. Anyway, I had them as a wild-card team but the injuries and that awful 14-game losing streak killed their hopes. Ironically, they started to play better once they knew they wouldn't play there anymore...


Another good thing is the change of ownership. If the organization finally has someone who cares and who wants to put money and a good team on the ice, that's all bonus. Maybe they will stop to be the NHL's salary dump just to ease other teams with their bad contracts. I can't believe that Bettman is keeping this dípshit owner in the loop for a potential reactivation of the franchise (yeah technically, it's neither a relocation nor an expansion. Salt Lake City is starting fresh like a new team but with former Coyotes' players, staff and assets while the Coyotes franchise is put on hold but with the branding and history staying in the boxes in Arizona. Sutpid but it helped the NHL keep the apparences...). Meruelo has five years to build something, I really hope he miserably fails.

Edited by Math
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  • 2 weeks later...

All kidding aside, the Delta Center is not a terrific upgrade over where they are now.  Currently, just 12,000 unobstructed seats and even after remodeling it will still be less than 18,000.  


The best part is the franchise is no longer connected to Meruelo.  Beyond that, this is kind of a lateral move IMO.  Although in theory this market should be affluent enough to support this team for the future.  I'd still have rather have seen the team move to Houston than Salt Lake City.  Toyota Center is closer to NHL standards as arenas go and I think it would make for a better road trip (Texas two step) and keep all but one team in the Central Division in the Central time zone.  

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I think there's a project for a new arena and that's should be a done deal once an NHL is there. Bettman knows that the current Delta Center is not a perennial solution, the Smiths were aware of that and that was part of the discussion prior to the move.


I think this team can really take-off. They have now an owner that is willing to spent, the core is talented, they have a ridiculous amount of picks that they can use for further transactions and honestly, I had the then-Coyotes as a WC team but the inconsistent goaltending coupled with an awful 12-game losing streak sealed their fate.


What they need now is the addition of one or two big names though free agency or transaction to help the team on a marketing pespective, and to bring experience on the ice. I'm dreaming but if they could get a guy like Stamkos or trade for Marner, that would have an immediate impact.

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2 hours ago, Math said:

What they need now is the addition of one or two big names


What? They have Shea Weber for two more seasons!



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Not trying to kick the Yotes bot nearly three decades in Arizona their number one most hated rival was the fans. 

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2 hours ago, yave1964 said:

Not trying to kick the Yotes bot nearly three decades in Arizona their number one most hated rival was the fans. 


And the crazy thing is, there were times going back many years where the Coyotes looked like they were gonna start building a winning tradition.
I really do believe it comes down to ownership and/or management.
I mean, it wouldn't be the first time the front office or the ownership group has torpedoed their own franchise, whether by design or pure ineptitude.

In fact, before I came on board this forum, I was a mod at a general sports forum where my department was hockey....and we had quite a number of Coyotes fans posting regularly in their sections.
There ARE fans who want hockey in Arizona....but I am guessing its hard to build upon that small buy loyal following, or even KEEP those they do have if ownership themselves are clown show.

Ship has sailed for this franchise, but if the NHL ever wanted to re-insert a team in Arizona, AND they have an owner who knows hockey, cares about hockey, or at the very least, hire good hockey people and stay out of their way, then I say hockey in the desert could still work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/2/2024 at 7:22 PM, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:


And the crazy thing is, there were times going back many years where the Coyotes looked like they were gonna start building a winning tradition.
I really do believe it comes down to ownership and/or management.
I mean, it wouldn't be the first time the front office or the ownership group has torpedoed their own franchise, whether by design or pure ineptitude.

In fact, before I came on board this forum, I was a mod at a general sports forum where my department was hockey....and we had quite a number of Coyotes fans posting regularly in their sections.
There ARE fans who want hockey in Arizona....but I am guessing its hard to build upon that small buy loyal following, or even KEEP those they do have if ownership themselves are clown show.

Ship has sailed for this franchise, but if the NHL ever wanted to re-insert a team in Arizona, AND they have an owner who knows hockey, cares about hockey, or at the very least, hire good hockey people and stay out of their way, then I say hockey in the desert could still work.

I think and I am guessing that the mistake was moving from Phoenix to Glendale. 

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2 minutes ago, notfondajane said:

I think and I am guessing that the mistake was moving from Phoenix to Glendale. 


Yeap, that was the catalyst of many other epic mistakes and failures that this franchise has made in terms of marketing, management, business and sports-related fields.

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26 minutes ago, Math said:


Yeap, that was the catalyst of many other epic mistakes and failures that this franchise has made in terms of marketing, management, business and sports-related fields.

To be brutally honest, I actually liked the team and having a team in the desert. 

I'm not sure of the reason why they left Winnipeg? 

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2 hours ago, notfondajane said:

To be brutally honest, I actually liked the team and having a team in the desert. 

I'm not sure of the reason why they left Winnipeg? 


For the same reasons that the Nordiques left and that the Oilers — yes, even the Oilers — were that close to be packing for Houston: small market, no revenue sharing, no salary cap, exchange rate, growing salaries, obsolete arenas, higher taxes, and also a new commisoner who was tasked to grow and develop the League with new markets in the south, where the potential is.


But hockey will be back in Arizona some time for sure. Two conditions to be successful however to start: 1) if a decent and properly located arena is built and 2) not with Meruelo as an owner. If at least one of the two conditions is not fulfilled, it's a no-go.

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5 hours ago, Math said:


For the same reasons that the Nordiques left and that the Oilers — yes, even the Oilers — were that close to be packing for Houston: small market, no revenue sharing, no salary cap, exchange rate, growing salaries, obsolete arenas, higher taxes, and also a new commisoner who was tasked to grow and develop the League with new markets in the south, where the potential is.


But hockey will be back in Arizona some time for sure. Two conditions to be successful however to start: 1) if a decent and properly located arena is built and 2) not with Meruelo as an owner. If at least one of the two conditions is not fulfilled, it's a no-go.

I heard that Meruelo received $1 billion on top of the price of the team. In case he wins the bid for the land somewhere near Tempe. (Seriously) I am not sure how true that is!

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2 hours ago, notfondajane said:

I heard that Meruelo received $1 billion on top of the price of the team. In case he wins the bid for the land somewhere near Tempe. (Seriously) I am not sure how true that is!


That is dramatically true... In fact, the NHL bought the franchise $1 billion and the Smiths bought the team from the League at a price around $1.2 billion reportedly. So it's a benefit of $200M to be shared between all the other team. Yipee, win-win deal, everybody's happy!


But technically, it's not a true relocation per se. Utah inherits all hockey assets related to the Coyotes but the logo, name and team history are frozen and will stay inactive for the time being. Meruelo has been given these guarantees but he has to have an arena ready in five years. He must first win a land aunction that is set in late June (again, in a terrible location btw). If he wins, he still needs to come with a project and build this thing. Considering that it takes 1 to 1.5 years to construct it, a real project has to be achieved and accepted in 3.5 years approximately. So there are many hurdles to overcome. If he fails to win the aunction bid, he's toast, which I truly hope: he has been an awful owner and it's crazy that the League still considers him to reactivate the franchise in the future.

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2 hours ago, Math said:


That is dramatically true... In fact, the NHL bought the franchise $1 billion and the Smiths bought the team from the League at a price around $1.2 billion reportedly. So it's a benefit of $200M to be shared between all the other team. Yipee, win-win deal, everybody's happy!


But technically, it's not a true relocation per se. Utah inherits all hockey assets related to the Coyotes but the logo, name and team history are frozen and will stay inactive for the time being. Meruelo has been given these guarantees but he has to have an arena ready in five years. He must first win a land aunction that is set in late June (again, in a terrible location btw). If he wins, he still needs to come with a project and build this thing. Considering that it takes 1 to 1.5 years to construct it, a real project has to be achieved and accepted in 3.5 years approximately. So there are many hurdles to overcome. If he fails to win the aunction bid, he's toast, which I truly hope: he has been an awful owner and it's crazy that the League still considers him to reactivate the franchise in the future.

I curious if Meruelo loses the bid, could it be another person pick up the ball and try to put a team back in Phoenix?  If it happens I wonder if the Suns would allow it? Unless their owner buys the team!

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