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Mezzaros should not be traded for some useless stiff


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The Flyers , more than any team should realize that defensemen are a valuable commodity. I am positive we have led the league in injuries to defenseman over the last 3-4 years if not longer. Considering how many injuries we have had, and also considering the age of Timmo and Streit and the fact that Mez and Grossman have also been injured a lot, I would keep Mez around for a while. There is no urgency to just unload him for a useless body, just to clear cap space. We are OK with cap space once Pronger is on LTR.


What I would do, is keep him and let him play, Gus would have to be the odd man out for a while. We would hope that Mez, in a contract year, stays healthy and has a good season. If that happens, then his value shoots way up, and as we all know, at the trade deadline, teams overpay for defensive help heading into the playoffs. So ,considering what we gave up for Grossman, and Kubina, Mez can easily get us a second round pick. If other teams suffer defensive injuries we can get more. If Mez gets hurt or is horrible, we lose nothing, since we were giving him away anyway


We all have high hopes for a good season, but  a lot  has to fall into place for that to happen. We need younger forwards to improve, we need a suspect defense to stay healthy and perform and we need a no name goaltending duo to play well. If our young guys don't come through and our defense/goaltending  falters, we will be sellers at the deadline. So if we are sellers, then Timmo is another guy we can unload at the deadline, for his last shot at a Cup. If the Flyers are out of it ,Im sure he waves his no trade for one last chance to win.



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I agree with your post and think a healthy Mezz will help this Team.  However, I dont see a Team, at this point, overpaying for his services with his history of injuries.   If the Flyers are out of contention and someone is willing to bring him on I would trade him at the deadline.   I think this philosophy makes the most sense (as you stated) b/c a Team might be willing to overpay for Mezz (*if healthy*) at the deadline - considering he would be a rental player.


If he is healthy he will be a nice upgrade to last year's defense.   Let's just hope he remains healthy.

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This IS a rebuild, while trying to remain competitive. The young D aren't ready yet, but soon. The forwards should be coming into their own in another year or so for Cooter, Laughton, and Schenn. Simmonds, Voracek, Read, and Giroux already make a difference.

If you don't have the patience for this, what makes you think five years of bottom feeding will feel better - which is no guarantee to work mind you. JVR ring a bell?

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This IS a rebuild, while trying to remain competitive. The young D aren't ready yet, but soon.

I think that's where many people get confused, myself included. I can appreciate a rebuild while trying to remain competitive. It's great that they kept Coots, Schenn, et al and resisted making moves for " winning now".

But on the other hand, they sign Streit for 4 years, and give Gill a contract as a #7/8 d-man. To me, it would make much more sense to give the #7/8 spot to Lauridsen, Manning, or some other Phantom. And instead of committing to Streit for 4 years and an NMC, start to grow Gus into that role instead of having him your #7 d-man.

I realize Timonen is gone after this year (most likely). So a guy like Streit will be helpful beyond this year. As I've said before, it's not so much the people they bring in but the terms.

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No argument on terms. I'd rather develop D with TOI, even if it means AHL or juniors. Streit was a long, but okay deal, if Timonen retires as expected.

Lauridsen and Morin aren't ready, and Bourdon lost time due to a bad injury. Bartilus didn't pan out. Homer is trying, but the Flyers luck is miserable with fluke injuries. The Pronger effect continues to date.

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