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This has to be the bottom


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  This has to be the bottom. It cannot be any lower than this. The absolute nadir of despair has to have set in.


 Playing the Washington Capitals last night AT home against a struggling Washington Capitals club that was returning from a West coast trip that included back to back losses to Calgary, by an embarrassing 5-2 margin and then 3-2 to Vancouver that saw Ovie the Great get nicked up, the Capitals stumbled into Philly last night, minus their superstar.

  The Flyers looked like a team smelling blood over the first few minutes of the game, hitting and playing hard, but getting nothing past goalie Braden Holtby. The Capitals, outplayed and looking sluggish outshot 8-4 came out of the first up 1-0 on a nifty goal by Backstrom. It looked to still be anyone's game.


Four minutes into the second it was already 4-0 Washington, Rinaldo had a gross misconduct penalty. Mason, who has been solid early this season was on the bench and Razor was sent out to finish a game that started with promise and was now hopelessly lost.


 Two more goals against late in the period, sandwiched between newcomer Steve Downie getting his face smashed in by a punch by enforcer heavyweight Volpatti who absolutely DRILLED him. Downie left in an ambulance with a concussion. And to boot, he drew an instigator.


Joel Ward who entered tonight with 3 goals in 12 games finished the scoring with his third goal of the game. Eight seconds later all hell broke loose.

  A good old fashioned line brawl, but:

It included Emery going the length of the ice, getting himself ejected but wow did he beat the hell out of Holtby. Razor drew an instigator penalty on the play.

Some real punches being thrown, resulting in an injury to Vinnie, who had no business squaring off against 'Binky' Oleksy, who is a nasty young piece of work. Binkie did come away with a bloody nose tho.

Simmonds and Schenn both showed a sign of life which is more than can be said for most of the squad in tonights game.

  So to summarize:

No Ovie

At home

lost 7-0

New guy Downie gets clocked and concussed and leaves in an ambulance AND draws an instigator

Razor kills Holtby who stays in the game and finishes his shut out. Razor also with an instigator

Lecavalier hurt

On NHL network, televised nationally


  It does not get any lower than this. Something has to give and soon. I am a Wings fan but from my thorough enjoyment of this forum watch a lot of Flyers action, I cannot remember the last time I saw a team implode over two periods as badly on home ice on an nationally televised game as the Flyers did last night. Ugly game.

  On the plus side, at least you know what rock bottom looks like and there is no way to get lower. I am hoping the Flyers find a way to turn it around really quick. I just don't know short of Hitchcock returning what the hell or who the hell could fix this mess.

Edited by yave1964
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You tempt fate! NEVER say never. There are a dozen scenerios I could give you right now that are worse, FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR worse than what is and this is bad enough. Let that sink in. I'm hoping this is the bottom but won't even give you a "what if" that's even more bad. I won't utter them. DON'T temp fate. It has a way of catching up with you...

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Glad you are here. You seem like a decent fan of the game and not just your team.

Yes, this really has to be the bottom. Even Craig Berube admitted so in a post game comment....however, we have a game tonight and another loss would not be pretty....especially if Giroux is still MIA.

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Great post yave...  I agree with everything but not willing to say we have hit "rock bottom" just yet.  Looking through everything that has taken place the only positive I see is that at least McGinn is going to get another chance.   I know that is not much to go on but I seriously think this Team can go lower...  sad, sad, sad...

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But it's sad the only reason McGinn in getting a chance is because of injury.

He has earned a chance based on his play...but the culture here is to look good on 'Paper'....whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.



THIS!!!!!!   This was my whole issue w/ bringing Downie in!   McGinn is bigger, has a scoring touch, plays hard, etc... there is no reason this kid should not be in the linueip.   100% agree man...  

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I seldom post in the Flyer section because I do not want to appear to be trolling or just 'going along' with the crowd on an issue.


  But this team is rudderless. I watched Holmgren on NHL Tonight, he was shuffling along and had a deer in headlights look, looked completely lost. The end has to be near for this man, you know he loves this organization but he has no idea how to fix it.

  IMHO it has to start with a prick of a coach who holds everyone accountable on every shift, a Boudreau, Carlyle type, someone who has been there, done that, and is not afraid of his players. And a GM who puts the fear of his authority into the players.

  This is not a country club mentality, but a rudderless organization. Holmgren has to go. Berube may be an NHL coach, but not now, not with this club. A fish rots from its head and this club smells pretty bad right now.

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I seldom post in the Flyer section because I do not want to appear to be trolling or just 'going along' with the crowd on an issue.


  But this team is rudderless. I watched Holmgren on NHL Tonight, he was shuffling along and had a deer in headlights look, looked completely lost. The end has to be near for this man, you know he loves this organization but he has no idea how to fix it.

  IMHO it has to start with a prick of a coach who holds everyone accountable on every shift, a Boudreau, Carlyle type, someone who has been there, done that, and is not afraid of his players. And a GM who puts the fear of his authority into the players.

  This is not a country club mentality, but a rudderless organization. Holmgren has to go. Berube may be an NHL coach, but not now, not with this club. A fish rots from its head and this club smells pretty bad right now.



all fair points yave...  I think you are pretty much spot on and I dont think anyone would consider this trolling.  They flat out suck right now and anyone that thinks otherwise is an ass and should stop following hockey.   This Team is a mess...


Now that Carle, Carter, Richards, Bryz, etc... are gone who else is to blame?    They are an embarassment.  

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+1 for use of nadir in a hockey forum

Somehow I feel better hearing my own dismal assessment validated by an objective party. It really is this bad. But honestly I could present several realistic scenarios of things getting even worse, so I dread the rest of hockey season for what still might happen and its just barely November

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