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HUGE win against the Bruins tonight


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Wow what a game.


  Jimmy Howard kept us in the game, making timely saves. A bad call cost the Bruins a goal when they called Chara for bumping Howard on a power play goal and waved it off. A minute later the Bruins scored anyway.


  Tatar tied it in the second and the Bruins scored in the third about halfway through to go up 2-1.


  In years past that might have been it, but the kids never stop. Jurco scored to tie it and then Nyquist stole a puck and went the distance going around Chara like he was a pylon (okay he DOES resemble one) and beating Rask.

  The kids kept the pressure on, forechecking like crazy and not allowing the Bruins to set up. The Wings looked young and hungry and like they wanted it. The Bruins looked old and tired.

  It is just one game, but it is only the Bruins 3rd regulation loss in their past 30 games. The kids held their own with the big bad Bruins in a must win game and with 2 games against Buffalo and one against Carolina in our final six it seems inevitable that the playoff streak is alive and well. I am very satisfied with this season and I am euphoric over next season.

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Congrats to the Wings tonite on an important win (& even more importantly, beating the Bruins to boot! That part I really like!)

I was only able to watch, thx to @hf101 telling me about seriousportstv stream...so caught the 3rd. That breakaway by Nyquist was a true thing of beauty. I could seriously watch that replay several times!  I haven't caught many Wings games this season, but what a performance tonite. Incredible.

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Boy! I really thought we got away with one, here. We were SERIOUSLY outplayed in the first two periods. Babs said it right after the game when he said that in the first two periods our forwards never had the puck, like, ever. Boston's defensive structure for 3/4 of this game was just darn impressive. Their time of possession had to be ridiculous. They look like serious Cup contenders for sure.

And we were fortunate that Iginla wasn't in the lineup last night. He has a knack for scoring against the RWs. I didn't shed a single tear when I heard he wasn't in the lineup, especially with all of our guys who have been and are still out.

Howard was MAGNIFICENT! We really had no business being in this game other than his outstanding play and, quite honestly, some good luck too. There were some pretty good opportunities where Boston just plain missed the net, and had they put it on net, they probably score. Howard made at least a handful of cross-crease saves on what would have been open-net shots if he wasn't anticipating the puck like he was. This may very well have been his best game this season. A statement game for him for sure.

I thought the best Wing on the ice last night was Tatar. I hate that the team seems to need him to wake them up and inspire them seemingly on his own, but that's what he does, and he did it last night. He was really responsible for Jurco's goal, battling in front of the net and kicking it over for an easy empty-net shot for Jurco. (And Jurco needed that for his confidence too.) Did you see Tatar's reaction after that goal? I gotta tell ya, he has quickly become my favorite Wing who is skating right now, with a tip of the helmet to Nyquist. Tatar just seems to be the RWs' emotional engine right now.

Nyquist had a challenging night with Chara on him most of the night. Chara contained him well, I thought...UNTIL...what a thing of beauty that was. Not as highlight-reel ready as his last goal, but I liked this one better, personally, because he beat Chara, who had done a darn good job on him most of the night. It only takes one...

Has anyone noticed how many goals of late we have scored because of opportunistic speed? Helm, Tatar and Nyquist are generating these goals like we haven't seen since 2002 or thereabouts. We suddenly have multiple players who can and will beat you with speed. I am SUPER glad that Helm, Nyquist and Tatar are able to play on different lines. It makes opposing teams have to choose which line to put their best D on. Last night, it was clearly on Gus, and that freed up Tats. I CAN'T WAIT until Pavel Datsyuk comes back and is able to feed these guys. It's gonna be fun!

Overall, it was fantastic for Howard to show that he can steal a game. I think that's exactly what he did last night. If we play like this in a series against Boston in the SCPs, there is no way we win 4 of 7. We've definitely got to play with more grit for more of the game if we expect to get beyond round 1 (assuming we make it). But coming back and coming back the way we did was a HUGE step. 2 BIG points!

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  I doubt we can beat Boston in a series as well, BUT if Datsyuk comes back before the end of the season and shakes off the rust AND Zetterberg somehow gets touched by the water of Lourdes and comes back as well and then add in Ericsson for Lashoff (I am sorry I still hold my breath a bit whenever he has the puck on his stick) we at the least wont embarrass ourselves and will not be anyone that a team wants to face.


  And I have to talk about Brendan Smith for a minute. I have watched Brendan play regularly since college at Wisconsin, I remember going to a Buckeye game and watching him be the best player on the ice, and THEN the Wings drafted him. I was thrilled.

  He took forever to develop in Grand Rapids. Slowly beat the desire to commit bad penalties out of him (for the most part) he came to the NHL with so much promise and then his learning curve just stalled. Now it seems he has finally started getting it, the second half of the season he is top four worthy. Looking up last night with 40 seconds to go and seeing Smith duking it out for the puck behind Howard, I was not worried, I was actually confident as he pushed it to the corner and played his man that he knew what he was doing. I cannot say I have enjoyed watching his learning curve but I am quite satisfied with where he is now. It gives us 4 NHL d-men to build around, all quality, and allows Kindl to slot into the bottom pair where he belongs when Ericsson comes back. I agree with you about Tatar among the forwards, he is my favorite for his north south style, get the puck rush the net, make the game simple kind of game. Among the d-men, it was always Kronwall, but lately I have enjoyed watching Smith play tremendously.

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What an outstanding game!  I knew the Red Wings COULD beat Boston but honestly I didn't expect them to, particularly after yet another slow first period.  But everyone figured it out pretty quickly and they pulled it together.  Last week, I was asked who I would rather have the Red Wings face in the playoffs, and I immediately called for the Bruins over Pittsburgh.  Boston is starting to turn into Detroit's Chicago in the Eastern Conference.  For some reason, they get up a whole lot more when they play each other.  Last night's show only strengthened that argument.  Ironically, though if the Wings keep playing the way they are, I probably won't get my wish.


Even without Alfie they played hard and got the job done.  I can only imagine how they'll look once the big guys all come back.  

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  Datsyuk is back!! He is playing Friday against the Sabres. Ericsson wil be back around the start of the playoffs and Z is hoping to be back. Wow.


  Does Babs deserve serious consideration for the Jack Adams this season? I believe he does. The adversity this club has overcome is remarkable. Babcock deserves the credit for keeping the team going. His mantra about not worrying about who is unavailable that he has to worry about coaching who is available have been words to live by and he has these kids believing in themselves with key pieces getting healthy at just the right time.

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@WingNut722@SpikeDDS  Does Babs deserve serious consideration for the Jack Adams this season? I believe he does. The adversity this club has overcome is remarkable. Babcock deserves the credit for keeping the team going. His mantra about not worrying about who is unavailable that he has to worry about coaching who is available have been words to live by and he has these kids believing in themselves with key pieces getting healthy at just the right time.

I fully agree that Babcock deserves strong consideration for the Adams. However, right now--and you KNOW it somewhat pains me to say this--I still have to give the nod to Patrick Roy. What he has done with the Avs is remarkable, and in his first year of coaching at this level, no less.

But I AM torn on that, because I also believe Babcock--who has never won the award--IS one of, if not THE, best coaches in the league, and this year showcases why. He has already demonstrated that he knows how to win with a higher level of talent. He's done it with the Wings, and he's done it with Canada at the Olympics. But this year, he's willing the RWs to win when others look and say we have no business winning. His ability and WILL to focus is unreal. How many times was he asked about who wasn't playing this season? You KNOW the man HAD to be frustrated with all of the injuries...on the inside...but he NOT ONCE let that frustration take his focus off of driving who he HAD skating, whether in their 1st NHL game or their 400th, to do what was necessary to win games or at least get points.

And he's had to adapt his strategy to the different skill set of the newer players. How much different is your strategy when you have all of this speed in the lineup vs. at the start of the season? It's very easy and LAZY to try to stay with what you have been successful doing for a long time, but it doesn't necessarily lead to success when the skill set changes.

And this driving discipline, I think, has had a good bit to do with the development this year of Brendan Smith. Let's face it, he sucked defensively at the start of this season. And even though he sat him for a game or two, Babs still believed in this kid, but had to get his attention to discipline himself. And he FINALLY used the press box to do that, and Smith has responded. I agree that he is a far better player now then at the start of the season. I think Babcock has had a lot to do with that.

I am therefore torn. Looking ONLY at this season, and the resources each coach has had and what they have done with them, I give the nod to Roy right now. But. If I look beyond this season at all, Babs is beyond due for the recognition. Tough call, especially because I LIKE Babs, and I really don't like Roy for obvious reasons, but he IS a winner, and even though I don't like him because we were rivals for all those years, I respect the heck out of him. He is displaying that he too knows how to lead a team to believe in themselves and win.

I think it might be time to start a thread outside of the RW forum on Adams candidates. It would be interesting to see what those who don't wear Wing-stained glasses think.

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I fully agree that Babcock deserves strong consideration for the Adams. However, right now--and you KNOW it somewhat pains me to say this--I still have to give the nod to Patrick Roy. What he has done with the Avs is remarkable, and in his first year of coaching at this level, no less.

But I AM torn on that, because I also believe Babcock--who has never won the award--IS one of, if not THE, best coaches in the league, and this year showcases why. He has already demonstrated that he knows how to win with a higher level of talent. He's done it with the Wings, and he's done it with Canada at the Olympics. But this year, he's willing the RWs to win when others look and say we have no business winning. His ability and WILL to focus is unreal. How many times was he asked about who wasn't playing this season? You KNOW the man HAD to be frustrated with all of the injuries...on the inside...but he NOT ONCE let that frustration take his focus off of driving who he HAD skating, whether in their 1st NHL game or their 400th, to do what was necessary to win games or at least get points.

And he's had to adapt his strategy to the different skill set of the newer players. How much different is your strategy when you have all of this speed in the lineup vs. at the start of the season? It's very easy and LAZY to try to stay with what you have been successful doing for a long time, but it doesn't necessarily lead to success when the skill set changes.

And this driving discipline, I think, has had a good bit to do with the development this year of Brendan Smith. Let's face it, he sucked defensively at the start of this season. And even though he sat him for a game or two, Babs still believed in this kid, but had to get his attention to discipline himself. And he FINALLY used the press box to do that, and Smith has responded. I agree that he is a far better player now then at the start of the season. I think Babcock has had a lot to do with that.

I am therefore torn. Looking ONLY at this season, and the resources each coach has had and what they have done with them, I give the nod to Roy right now. But. If I look beyond this season at all, Babs is beyond due for the recognition. Tough call, especially because I LIKE Babs, and I really don't like Roy for obvious reasons, but he IS a winner, and even though I don't like him because we were rivals for all those years, I respect the heck out of him. He is displaying that he too knows how to lead a team to believe in themselves and win.

I think it might be time to start a thread outside of the RW forum on Adams candidates. It would be interesting to see what those who don't wear Wing-stained glasses think.

Agreed. Babcock should at least be a finalist. John Cooper should get a look as well, as Boudreau. Quennville deserves a look every year these days but he has a lot to work with.

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