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Flyers Zone Exits and Entries, first quarter of the season


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Here are three articles evaluating the Flyers' zone exits and entries. Caveat: All of this data was compiled by the author based on her observations of the games (using multiple viewings of each game). So what constitutes a successful exit, entry, control, etc. is all based on her perception, so take it with a grain of salt. That said, her methodology is pretty solid, and unless she's purposefully dinging certain players, sample size should make up for any particular unconcious bias she might have:








Edit: I made a mistake and posted the first article twice. The third article now links correctly. Note that she is a fan, not a journalist, and these posts certainly carry that personality in spots.

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All of this data was compiled by the author based on her observations of the games (using multiple viewings of each game)



She should get a medal for that alone. 


And probably see a shrink or whatever the current treatment is for PTSD-like symptoms.

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On a more serious note, what I like about the research she has done is precisely that it is observation based (as opposed to strictly statistical based). Also, I traced back through the articles to see the stuff about the neutral zone. I've always felt most games are, or at least can be, won or lost there.


I think it's why I have an obsession with puck support, or lack thereof. Puck support matters everywhere but arguably it matters more in the neutral zone, where it can be a huge factor in helping create or prevent odd man breaks and thus great scoring chances.

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I cherry-picked these comments:


The more I watch these games, the worse I feel for Couturier.Couturier is carrying that line on all fronts. From exits to entries, he’s had to be better at it all in order for that line to have any type of success.



Against the other teams top lines. 

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I cherry-picked these comments:



Against the other teams top lines. 



And with Umberger and Took the money and run Read.....


....with that said man it sure seems like Read and just mailed it in after secure that extension.....sad..........though...i wouldn't be surprised if was to be shipped off too come trade deadline time...not exactly saying i want him gone just if it happens i'd understand.

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with that said man it sure seems like Read and just mailed it in after secure that extension.....sad..........though...i wouldn't be surprised if was to be shipped off too come trade deadline time...not exactly saying i want him gone just if it happens i'd understand.



Me neither. That article also speculates that Read is playing (somehow) with a high ankle sprain. I don't know how someone plays beer league hockey, never mind the NHL, with a high ankle sprain, but there you have it. I'd say his confidence around the net is shot at this point, so it doesn't really matter. Have they tried to get him some looks with others, PP time etc to get him going?

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Me neither. That article also speculates that Read is playing (somehow) with a high ankle sprain. I don't know how someone plays beer league hockey, never mind the NHL, with a high ankle sprain, but there you have it. I'd say his confidence around the net is shot at this point, so it doesn't really matter. Have they tried to get him some looks with others, PP time etc to get him going?


Read's actually got the second most PP TOI out of all the forwards not on the first unit, outside of VLC. VLC's skewed a little higher because he started the year on the first unit. So Read is getting his time, but only has 3 points (1G, 2A).


Edit: That's PP TOI/game. He has more total PP TOI than VLC.

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I'll have to pay attention to his skating stride next game. A high ankle sprain should be fairly easy to see. What worries me is if playing through this is going to alter his stride significantly to mitigate the pain. I've had injuries where I had to flex/turn body parts differently in order to lessen the pain, and it becomes hard NOT to make that motion after the pain is gone.

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I've had injuries where I had to flex/turn body parts differently in order to lessen the pain, and it becomes hard NOT to make that motion after the pain is gone.


Yes. Man i had one that lasted forever....man that schitt hurts and it greatly affected my game in fact my doctor said it is what lead to my plantar fasciitis in that same foot like you said from the injury and not staying off it the soreness lead to bad form the way i bared my weight on it, leading to another injury. 

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