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Everything posted by goalnut3133

  1. I just realized how outnumbered i'm gonna be in the game chat room on Tues Oct 15th!! :wacko:
  2. @jammer2 The finals?? Sorry to burst bubbles out there, but I highly doubt we are gonna get close to the finals this year! It would be nice to just last past Round 1 though & not get eaten by the Sharks again! Pietrangelo would be super sweet but I can't see a deal with the Blues ever happening, esp. like this. Imagine us facing the Twins however many times in the West? That would just be too much of an 'alternate universe' sorta thing for the Nucks to deal with. Not to mention, if the twins were dealt....remember the Van rio.... Oh, never mind....
  3. Hmm....you just may be on to something there, jammer...
  4. Yah, either that or Torts holding them at gunpoint, "Score, dammit...score! Do something...ANYTHING, besides being a couple of pylons for practise!!" Me Torts!! You Score!!
  5. One mega whopper of a screwed in the arse contract is more than enough for us, thanks....lol! That would be a nice 'bookend' to the 2 'bookends'...haha. Yah, I've resigned myself to the fact that we will never get that elusive Cup, at least, not in my lifetime, anyway...haha. I just wanna see them not make fools of themselves at least, & put up a tough fight, go down swinging, ya know? Yah, that would be ideal if they could manage that.
  6. Believe me, jammer, I ABSOLUTELY hear what you're saying! The twins have great seasons & then vanish into thin air come playoff time...very lop-sided playing & frustrating to fans. But even if we were to do a huge core overhaul, I'm not so sure I'd start with the Sedins. They're also missing the ingredient beside them...what were they like when Kes was healthy & on his game? Incredible. There has not been anyone to fill that void on their line for awhile now. I'm also hoping to see what happens to their game with Torts lighting a fire underneath them & the likes of Booth, Burrows & Kes...can he make magic happen again? No more lackadaisical, country club atmosphere...Torts wants to prove everyone wrong & has a fire to win. Booth is also coming off his ankle injury & Kes says after 2 yrs, he finally feels healthy again...Booth has also been considered the #1 sleeper in the NHL for this year...hmm, hard to imagine that but here's hoping, huh? Weber & Forsberg for the Twins? Imo, no, but if it came push to shove, I'd take Weber, but Forsberg is just too unproven yet for my taste, considering you're trading for the Twins caliber.
  7. i have a feeling it will be less, but who knows? The twins do not seem to be unhappy here, & they could have been talking about greener pastures & big-time dineros a long time ago...I think they're the type to just come to play & are content at a reasonable rate. Can they legitimately compete with better talent beside them? At this stage I don't think so...but they are just pure magic to watch at any rate during reg season. Six year contracts? I'm not so sure on that...that would put them at 39 yrs of age, & I could see them retiring from NHL to play in Sweden before then...but then again, who knows?
  8. @yave1964 Yes, I know what you mean. I will breathe the big sigh of relief once the paperwork is done. I just wasn't sure where the Sedins' minds were at with this, but now it's good to know their true intentions & that they're not looking to play games (no pun intended!), but really have their hearts set for their families to be here. If that's their priority concern, then financial quibbles will not likely be an issue. It's nice to see guys who can really play AND be decent, genuine folk & not necessarily be just after the big money!
  9. (Sorry I'm a bit behind the ball on this one...been trying to play catch-up with Breaking Bad seasons!) All I can say is thank God I will not be seeing the twins in another uniform anytime soon!! In another forum, I saw this sweet post that summed up my thoughts... http://www.news1130.com/2013/08/21/sedins-plan-to-stay-in-vancouver-with-the-canucks/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  10. As a Canucker, it's a no-brainer, the '82 finals series vs the then-hated NY Islanders...I only saw it on TV, but wouldn't be able to imagine the kind of pandomonium in the arena...a sea of white towels & the Na-na-na song, cheers...deafening. And my then-hero (& still a sentimental favourite) King Richard Brodeur....I still remember the commentary of the day.."they've doused the Flames, de-throned the Kings, and plucked (?) the Hawks.." Of course being there would be extremely bittersweet. We were nicknamed "the Cinderella team". (And then awful enough, to be repeated vs Bruins 2011....ah, let's not go there. In '82 we were cheered & celebrated even after the heartbreaking loss, in '11 we were the laughing stock of the NHL.)
  11. I agree with @radoran, I've never been crazy on the logo & even more so, the colour combinations, although if I had to choose, I much prefer the dark green home jersey to the white combo. (But I guess that goes the same for ours, I much prefer the blue home jersey to white). For the Wild, I'd rather see them bring back the vintage "N" as in hf's avatar, as at least an alternate jersey, but then it would clash with the new name. (Same as I like our 'stick in the rink' vintage jersey..I almost prefer it to our Orca whale).
  12. @jammer2 Nice write-up! I'm also interested to see what JG Pageau does this year...that kid seems to have a lot of spunk, sure wouldn't mind having him on our team! I also didn't realize Anderson's stats were that good! From what little I saw of him last year, he didn't look his usual self. Regardless, I think the Sens are in a much better position this coming season than we are, anyways. And, really, I'd be happy with any Canadian team representing the East & making a strong go of it in the playoffs...cuz we sure aren't gonna be leading the Pacific (I can't see it anyways), let alone the West! Forget it! Just keeping it real...
  13. Some of these 'odds' are very 'odd', but they usually are..lol. My picks seem to fly in line with the article: Kings (we are no match for them. And we're just behind them in the odds? The Sharks 19/4..really? And they whooped our butts good in the 1st round last season!) Hawks (I think this is no-brainer) Penguins (though I'm rooting for the underdog Blue Jackets! Rangers, really? You guys think Vigneault's gonna be able to whip them into shape that fast? Maybe 1 more season with them, my guess) Bruins (as much as I hate to say it! But them suckas are goin' down in the playoffs! But I'm thinking it will be a close one with the Red Wings for the division. In my perfect world, one of the Canadian teams will come out on top, maybe the Sens? Here's hoping! )
  14. Yah, I'm glad Tanev was kept, we figured that but I had no idea why they would bother to re-sign Alberts (did he even play last season? lol), but now that you've put it that way, I guess it makes sense & possibly a smart move. I honestly have really mixed feelings about what's gonna happen to the 'Nucks this year...it could be the disintegration of the 'empire' that never was. The Sedins are aging, even if they do stay on at end of contract, Kes I can't see ever having the greatness he once did, David Booth has to be one of my biggest disappointments, his never amounting to all the hype...all this & not even touching yet the Luongo drama with the next chapters yet to unfold. It feels like a team that I have to watch peeking through both hands covering my eyes.
  15. Exactly, another great write-up..(where do you get all the energy? lol). As much as I completely HATE to admit it about the Bruins, they seem to be a pretty sure thing for the playoffs, even with all the surprising change-ups (well, maybe not Seguin, lol). They will definitely be a 'force' to contend with once again, particularly with Rask...though I had not heard yet that Theo was heading their way. A shame that he now may be back-up when he was once a pretty good starter, but I suppose he is getting on in years & his numbers have been waning. Well, better to be somewhere, (not like some goalies, ahem) & playing back-up for a team like Boston can't be half bad.
  16. That's a cool video hf. I like how Buffalo went back to their old logo, which I prefer, I couldn't get used to the modernized one. And I prefer the 'Nucks current logo & vintage. But oh god, those Oh Henry bar colours!! Puke! :wacko:
  17. @jammer2 Wow jammer, that's a lot more 'inane' conversation in those comments than even @ruxpin and I have!!
  18. @Hockey Junkie Will be good to see what Grigorenko can add to the team this year, now that he's had more experience...a good centre pick-up.
  19. @Flyskippy That is an awesome emoticon! Wonder if @Digityman can add more like these for us...would be cool! @hf101 Well there is at least 1 more potentially regular 'Nucks fan on here now, so that makes...uh....a grand total of....2 of us? So I think that qualifies us to have at least 1 additional chat room for the 'Nucks games....LOL!!
  20. @flyercanuck haha, yah I noticed the OHL guys in there, great stuff! TB's Stamkos paired with Drouin would be exciting to watch...just wish our guys were in sooner to mix the pot!
  21. Here's a good article summarizing who the hot ones are to look out for this season. Just too bad our BoHo & Shinkaruk won't be ready that soon, but here's hoping rookie centre Brendan Gaunce will work out this season for us. http://thehockeywriters.com/top-ten-rookies-to-watch-in-2013-14/?utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer&utm_content=buffer202b7 __________
  22. So really, by your estimation, Cory is playing for a team not much better off than where he came from...poor Cory, but at least he'll get to start...I had heard earlier that there would be a 'duke-out' for starter G position & that Marty was not going to go quietly & not for as long as he could help it! That after enjoying being starter & STAR for 'Nucks, Cory would be put right back to square one...a back-up fighting for 1st position (AGAIN!). But glad to know if this isn't the case!
  23. @jammer2 60/40, that's not bad then...I want to watch & see how he does there. They say his style of goaltending is in opposite contrast to Brodeur's & may need to change his style to keep in line with the goalie coach, but possibly may also just leave him to keep playing per his usual way...however, the downside is that if the goalie coach just teaches Marty style, how will it benefit Cory in improving & correcting his technique? Yah, you could be right about Marty's son...I did hear some commentary that there may be a bit of conflict there with Cory down the road, but then again, maybe not. Hopefully not the drama we've had here!
  24. I didn't realize Toews didn't play much 5 on 5...as I said in yave's Chicago thread, I've gained a lot of respect for their team & esp. guys like him, Sharp, Seabrook...good guys & classy too. Maybe it's just me but they seemed such a different team in the playoffs than say when we played against them even a yr or 2 ago...
  25. I am quite surprised that Ovie (though I don't like him) & St Louis are that low on the totem pole (though I guess Ovie's getting on), not to mention Malkin--thought he'd have more goals for sure too. That is quite the disparity with Stamkos..... & Toews can't even touch him!
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