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Everything posted by B21

  1. Wait wait wait......Giroux was trying to mount a mountie? I have the perfect nickname for him: The French Tickler. Get used to it fellas. No more Crosby/Bettman/Regis jokes? Of course, Crosby never got caught with his hand in the...errr....cookie jar. Apparently there really is a God!
  2. After seeing some of these cap hits I do not feel nearly as bad as far as who the Pens have lost... $2.9 million for Engelland? $5.5 million for Orpik? $4 million for Jokkinen? $1.5 million for Glass? (That's the most reasonable of these deal which says a lot).... A rumored SEVEN MILLION for Niskanen? Someone I was hoping the Pens would sign - Benoit Pouliot - gets $4 million per?
  3. Does it make sense to sign Greiss when you have Zatkoff? $1,000,000 tells me he's not going to be in the AHL. I can only think they want Zatkoff to get some real minutes. As for Glass - he made $1,100,000 last year so I guess a small raise was in order? He was much better this year than last but I'm not sad to see him go. Agree 100% on Erhoff.
  4. I'll miss Orpik and wish him the best buy $5,500,000 per year for 5 years is insanity. Looks like Jussi got $4,000,000 per for 4 years from Florida. Jussi and his PPG headed south. Glass to the Rangers for 3 years at just under $1,500,000 per. Meh. I like the Erhoff signing. Bridge to the Pouliots and Harringtons? Insurance for Maatta? Love the Comeau signing. Know nothing about Greiss. The 'ol organizational depth? Not sure at $1,000,000. A hot rumor was Kulemin to the Pens. He's still unsigned. I still think we could use another Comeau-like player or two.
  5. I still don't see how people are calling the Pens cap situation * that * bad. No -$14,000,000 is not alot - if you are filling top 6 forward spots or top 4 defenceman spots. That's not what the Pens are doing.... Kunitz/Crosby/Dupuis Hornqvist/Malkin/Bennett Spaling/Sutter/??? Adams/???/??? Letang Martin Maatta Scuderi Bortuzzo Depres I imagine Depres ends up with a cap hit at or just above his qualifying offer ($850,000). Round it up to $1,000,000. Figure $3,500,000 per for Sutter on a bridge deal? That leaves about $9,000,000 to sign a 6/7 defenceman and 4 3rd/4th line forwards. Or - about $1,800,000 per player. It might be wrong but that would seem to be about the norm for most teams' bottom six. Or is a $4,500,000 4th line center the norm these days?
  6. Sure about that? He turns 40 in October. That's the whole point of the rule...at what age does a player start to break down? The NHL says 35. And then goes on to say that if you want to sign a guy to a deal that takes effect after he turns 35, do so at your own risk. And if you want to get cute with the length to lessen the cap hit? Do so even more at your own risk. It's a fair rule. This retroactive complaining about it (not you) is only because it's hurting the Flyers cap situation now. Nothing more.
  7. Little different. Kovy was under 35 when the deal was signed. The NHL stepped in and decided that Kovy's deal was basically the straw that broke he camel's back as far as these deals with years added at the end that lowered the cap hit when the player was likely to be retired.
  8. All the injury did was make the inevitable happen sooner. Pronger at 40+ (now) was not going to be the same Pronger at 35. I wouldn't call the length of the contract gamble. I'm sure the Flyers knew they were "paying" Pronger until he was 42 hoping to get 2-3 good years out of him. Not knowing/getting the 35+ rule was the gaffe. It's a good, fair rule. Asinine was not knowing it.
  9. Sounds like a 3rd liner to me. $1,500,000 qualifying offer. Not bad at all.
  10. Only Holmgren would offer that deal not knowing the ramifications. It's not like the NHL changed the rules AFTER the deal. They were already in place...to keep teams from circumventing the cap by adding bogus year at the end of an older players contract to lessen the cap hit. Flyers tried it and got burned.
  11. @nossagog @Polaris922 On the surface it seems lopsided but the Pens (err Crosby and Malkin) have a habit of turning these 20/50 guys into 35/70 guys. Kunitz, Neal and to a lesser extent, Dupuis. Only a year older than Neal (27 vs 26). A little cheaper (saves $750,000). A lot more likable. I know nothing about Spaling. Seems like a 3rd liner?
  12. Thank you, Radoran. Bryzgalov? Bryzgalov?
  13. Yeah - a little proofreading may have been in order...
  14. See the after each as well? That means poking fun. Not malicious. Ha ha ha - no harm - no foul. Now your reply in #25: << Seriously though, you and Polaris have your panties in a wad because I said I personally did not think the Golden Child had done enough to warrant the Hart Trophy. >> You kid. I kid. You kid. I kid. You then somehow get your panti....err, take issue with...Polaris and I disagreeing with you. Hence this thread disintegrating the way it has. So my prior point stands. How dare Pens fans disagree.
  15. Simple. The Crosby bone is connected to the Bettman bone...
  16. Executive of the Year: Gary Bettman Event of the Year: The Winter Classic League of the Year: NHL (2nd time in 4 years...) Some props to Dan Rooney on a Lifetime Achievement Award, too. Winners: http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/SB-Blogs/On-The-Ground/2014/05/SBA-Winners-List.aspx Nominees: http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Conferences-Events/2014/2014-Sports-Business-Awards.aspx
  17. Can you say "transparent"? Haters gonna hate.
  18. Of course. Disagreeing with your opinion (as I did) is acceptable. Coming back and saying my...panties were in a bunch?...because I did disagree is not. See the difference? Either continue the debate, accept that others have contrasting opinions or don't reply at all.
  19. Ha! The only wadded panties appear to be your own because a few Pens fans had the temerity (gasp!) to disagree with you. The funny part is, it's not like it was close. It was a landslide. Lindsay and Hart. That means a lot of people who know a lot more about hockey then you or I ever will have the same opinion. Have your opinion. But this is a forum so don't act like someone just stole your lunch money when someone disagrees with it.
  20. Mine's better. The "crying Crosby" jokes are older than the Flyers' last Cup.
  21. I think at the end of the day he's back in Detroit.
  22. B-b-b-b-b-b I though only Pens fans lose their $#!+ when dopey fans start dopey threads?
  23. Guess the guys who play with him don't know as much as Flyers fans?
  24. @jammer2 @flyercanuck I feel better after seeing his resume. Could end up being a good hire. He has plenty of time in the NHL, too. @brelic I don't think Babcock is the eventual target anymore. I said this in the other thread, too. If he wants out and the Pens wanted him, something could have been worked out with Detroit.
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