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sekkes85 last won the day on August 7 2018

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About sekkes85

  • Birthday 01/09/1985

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  1. Bit more than I would like to give up but from what I can see he is a solid defensive dman, we have enough that can put up points. Looking at his GP seems to be real durable too. With San Jose needing to shed cap I would have hoped for a 3rd and bottom tier prospect but if the guy can help us out now the 2nd isn't a huge loss especially with how stocked our farm is. Now who gets shipped out.... or does Morin go to the minors for the year and Hagg stay as the 7th? Also Hart is probably loving these moves lol
  2. Not sure how I feel about this. We're getting a guy who had a relative down year, is older, higher cap hit, longer term.
  3. Flyers retain 30% of Gudas' salary. Niskanen has a $5.75 million cap hit for the next 2 years
  4. . That's the thing with him, he has the size but also speed and some skill to go with it (at least from what I can read).
  5. We ended up where it would be 12th, but with the Golden Knights in play it's pushed down to 13th
  6. Well lucky #7! I'd like to get Michael Rasmussen to add some more size to the lineup and give us another power forward. If they stand at 13 I'm hoping Eeli Tolvanen. Not a big body but has more of a shoot first mentality that this team is lacking horribly.
  7. Maybe they trade up to 7?
  8. Once again we have a bunch of extra picks this year. Barring any changes due to the lottery (come on ping pong give us first overall!) we're looking like this. 1st round - 13th 2nd round - 13th (44th overall) 3rd round - 13th, 19th (75th, 81st thanks Boston!) 4th round - 13th, 14th, 15th ( 106-108) 5th round - 13th (137th) 6th round - 13th (168th) 7th round - 5th, 13th, 14th ( 191st, 199th, 200th) with the 5th possibly becoming a 2018 7th, nobody seems to know the condition. We have accumulated a lot of picks this year. I'm hoping Hextall can work some magic and use them to move up in the first or turn some later rounds into 2nd rounders. Should be a fun draft weekend regardless! Note: I know it is early for all this lol Edit: Just a side note we have the most draft picks this year with 12 while Washington and Ottawa are tied with the fewest at 4.
  9. Want to get rid of diving? If somebody is called for diving or embellishment the player committing should walk scott free. Guarantee you will not have any diving after that, coaches will ride their players ass if they cost their team like that.
  10. Stinks, because the way the media was sounding we were the favorite. I think the deal breaker was that he can start in Minnesota where as here he wouldn't be able to jump right into the NHL. Would have been nice to have that extra body with potential for top 4 pairing as most of our guys seem to be 3rd pairing prospects (with the exception of Morin and Hagg)
  11. I think overall he has shown he is worth the contract. He has made saves that any other year would have gone in on a Flyers goalie. He has kept us in game in more games than cost us. He has a couple years to prove he is the guy before Stolarz comes knocking at the door wanting his shot with the big club. If he proves he is the goalie we have all hoped and wanted, great! We will ship Stolarz out for draft picks/prospects (i.e. Bernier). If not, well he will most likely get an opportunity somewhere and at the very least be a very good backup and we give Stolarz a roll of the dice.
  12. Great deal, guy has been worth every penny since he has arrived and has been the brightest spot on this team. He has kept us in games we had absolutely no right in being in and has stolen a few in the process.
  13. I think that's the way to do it Howie. The energy and feel of going to games is amazing. Hockey is by far the best sport (in my some-what biased opinion lol) to see live. It's almost like you need a group of friends to rent out a club box though to avoid a lot of the not so fun parts about attending games.
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