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Jagr's Girlfriend is Super HOT!

Guest Bakanekimiwa

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He's doing a blog in Czech( http://isport.blesk.cz/clanek/blogy-redaktori-jaromir-jagr/113372/ve-philadelphii-jsou-ted-na-me-prisni.html ) , but the real story was the inset pic and how hot his gf ( http://isport.blesk.cz/clanek/svet-hvezd/113146/jaromir-jagr-se-do-svatby-nehrne-je-to-jen-kus-papiru.html )is... Daaaayyuuum.

I mean, it's hardly a surprise that a highly paid athlete has a hot chick, but props must be given when they are do. Nice work jags!

Btw, I expect that one of you will provide us with a perfect translation to his blog...

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Btw, I expect that one of you will provide us with a perfect translation to his blog...

Well it's not perfect but....

"It's just a piece of paper," let the attacker Philadelphia to hear from journalists overseas, when the conversation turned to marriage.

Before Jágrovým his mustache Inna escaped to Florida

Jagr started, but was injured again. Return I uspechal, admitted

Jagr again conquered the NHL. Fans passed the Czech star to Earth song

Comeback Jaromir Jagr: mustache suits me as a bitch, right?

Jagr pulled groin, acupuncture helps him: as if pulled into my knife

The wedding is famous too nepožene 68. The child was apparently considered but Jagr. "Of course I want to be one of my dad," devoted to the U.S. On the occasion of thanksgiving and private issues journalist.

"But I wanted to be like my parents and I want to devote to the children as well as they did me, something I'm not ready yet," divorced his thoughts on the follower hockey family.

"Maybe next year when my hockey career is nearing an end," he said before the American reporters, who also told that without their parents would never be so great things failed.

"If I had a mom and dad for someone else, now I did not play in the NHL. I know quite certainly," he said. "They belong exactly the types of parents who gave up his own life due to the fact that their children were better and were successful," wrote Jaromir Jagr compliment mom and dad.

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I mean, it's hardly a surprise that a highly paid athlete has a hot chick, but props must be given when they are do. Nice work jags!

The best part of that is that she is 24 now, but they have been together for 6 years. You can do the math. B)

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I don't have a link, with hands like nodl's i don't think he scores a whole lot ! hi yo !

my post was actually a joke because bakinewama's signature quotes aziz saying nodl will score more goals than jagr, so i was simpling trying to fuel that debate some more ;)

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