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Shero: Fleury, Bylsma (2 Year Extension) Staying

Guest B21

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Very curious to see who they bring in as the new goalie coach.

Also, with Fleury staying, I think the writing is on the wall for Kris Letang. No matter what anyone is the organization says, they simply cannot afford to keep Letang and Malkin.

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Interesting. I'm not surprised about Bylsma... I didn't think he'd get fired. Of course, I didn't expect an extension either... why not just let him ride out his final year with a little pressure behind it? I know contracts don't mean squat when it comes to coaches, but it would be a clear message that he needs to step it up a notch.

The Fleury endorsment, well, a GM wouldn't come out and say they've lost faith in their goalie, but to praise him the way Shero did, I guess it means he's staying (unless he's been to the Bobby Clarke Center for Double Speak). I'm a little surprised because Fleury just isn't that good. He's an average goalie who wins because his team scores heaps more than the other team. This playoff season was a clear illustration that bad goaltending will cost you games you should win, and good goaltending will win you games you have no business winning.

But as a Flyers fan, I'm happy :) By all means, keep Fleury!

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I have to say I think this is a backwards step for Pittsburgh. I could understand them giving Dan B the final year on his contract to prove himself but to actually give a two year extension? Wow.

Only time will tell but just imagine there is an early exit in next years playoffs and you decide to can him. You are now paying another 2 years of contract instead of just letting his contract expire.

As a Flyer fan I kind of like the move though, especially in conjunction with Fleury being crowned undisputed No1 and going nowhere... :P

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I would have prefered Bylsma not come back but I can see why he was extended. If you are going to keep him, you don't want it to be as a "lame duck". Too many issues there. He's still on the hot seat as far as I'm concerned. Yeah - if he has to go mid year of after next season, it's a lot to eat but they can afford that.

Fleury is the 'move' I don't get. I know - they can't come out and say they are looking to deal him but man were they real strong in their support. Maybe it's a smokescreen. Who knows. Still holding out hope for change at the position.

Even with him, they will be fine...in the regular season. He's overrated (or was) but they have been in top 5 in regular seaon points going on a few years now with him. He's certainly not going to cost them a playoff spot. But another post season melt down and he's almost untradable.

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I read this a little differently. Saying "my faith hasn't waned" isn't exactly a huge endorsement of Fleury. He HAS excelled in the regular season, but obviously there's a head game in him come playoff time. I just hope it doesn't cost a legitimate shot at Letang and Malkin. I know the numbers matter, but I'd rather lose Martin's $5 mill a year than Letang.

As for Bylsma... We've pointed out some things we'd like to see him do differently, and nothing days Shero or Lemieux haven't as well. He set a record for fastest coach to 200 wins so the man obviously knows something about coaching. Can't be credited solely to personnel either as many great rosters have existed without their coaches hitting that mark. I've been on the fence about him being canned, so I'll remain on the fence about him staying I suppose.

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Very curious to see who they bring in as the new goalie coach.

Also, with Fleury staying, I think the writing is on the wall for Kris Letang. No matter what anyone is the organization says, they simply cannot afford to keep Letang and Malkin.

Reggie Lemelin is still looking for a job.

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