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Homer's plan leaked

Guest Samifan

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calling every GM and trying to obtain players 35 or older. Multi year contracts with full NMC will be guaranteed.

When asked for a comment on the strategy Ed Snider replied, "It's what Paul's comfortable with, that's how he likes to do business and I fully support him."

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calling every GM and trying to obtain players 35 or older. Multi year contracts with full NMC will be guaranteed.

When asked for a comment on the strategy Ed Snider replied, "It's what Paul's comfortable with, that's how he likes to do business and I fully support him."

Chris Therien ...Mark Howe...Come on down

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Homer can't win no matter what so we just as well should have fun making fun of him. If he does nothing, he is an idiot. If he trades, he is an idiot. And tomorrow he will choose who ever he chooses and he will be... an idiot. The guy can't win with the fans... But.... he's the millionaire and the one running the team. Hmmmm???

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No... That's a no brainer. Even thought about saying that I think the lack of patience is the biggest concern. However, Homer has a boss also, so maybe it's not his fault. At 80 years old maybe Snider is feeling that pressure to win before it's to late. Bad business decision but a very humon one.... Besides, NO ONE new what Bob was going to do this year, not even himself. You say hindsight is 20/20? Your right. Deal with situation realisticly though, at the time. That changes that 20/20 view.

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