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Not Flyers but Gotta Love the Flyers Reference.

Guest idahophilly

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I know this is from hockeybuzz (Richard Cloutier). But, the Flyers reference is great and there is some truth to it, even if over exxagerated. However, we feel pain and complain about the Flyers!!!??? Just FEEL what this blogger feels about his team. I'm glad we are the Flyers. Bad or good, we got something to talk about.


Life of an Oilers blogger in mid-July.


I could write about who the new captain will be. Will it be Hall? Eberle? Gagner? Nick Schultz? Smyth? Someone else?


Dustin Penner. The Oilers might have interest in him. They might not. Did they ever? I doubt it. People who are as bored as I am tried convincing the masses that there was a chance, in an effort to keep us awake. Word is, he's gonna sign with the Ducks. One year deal, $2mil. Exciting, no? Even if he signed with us instead of them, exciting, no.


According to the biggest bust in NHL Entry Draft history Brian Lawton, this is the worst time ever for the Oilers to try and deal Ales Hemsky. I'll bet you today was as bad as yesterday, which was as bad at the draft, and was as bad as the trading deadline. Just deal him for whatever and get it over with. He's not going to magically turn into a 1st round pick no matter how long we hold onto him. Not ending the situation just gives the fan base false hope and distracts them from their golf game.


People texting me to say Eric Belanger signed in the KHL. I stopped caring about Belanger the second the Oilers bought him out.


People saying to me Ben Eager isn't done. He's a head-case. One day, he's there, the next game, he isn't. We don't need guys like that on the roster. Why people are concerned about where he fits into the roster mystifies me. Don't care, don't care, don't care.


MacTavish telling people the Oilers are done this summer. Well, that not exactly what he said. He's full of crap. No GM of any team is ever done. Ever. The Oilers are at 46 contracts right now, so they almost need to dump people before they add anyone else. It's not that complicated though. I can think of about five guys who could be dealt for draft picks that the Oilers, organizationally-speaking, would never miss. And why aren't more teams acting like the Flyers? Sign anyone; do whatever you want. $100mil in cap and 75 contracts. You don't see anyone with that franchise being concerned. Why are the Oilers?


Sam Gagner has been given the first arbitration date, which is July 22. I'm guessing the NHL doesn't want to hear about this situation any more than the rest of us do. Thank goodness it's the 22nd. That means we'll get an end to this soap opera over the next week, and therefore, won't need to talk about it anymore. Will they sign him to a long-term deal? Short term? Will it go to arbitration? Will he be traded first? Does anybody know? Does anybody care?


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I think the Oilers are positioning themselves for a playoff run. Thus, any asset they deal off would probably be a player to make them better rather than a draft pick....just my gut opinion. Lot's of things to work through in Oilerland. This is the year they need to 100% determine if Dubnyk is thier #1 goalie of the future. The next pressing question is will the seemingly frail shoulder of Nugent-Hopkins hold up to the daily grind of the NHL? WIll Hall finally put all the talent together, have a full injury free year...if so, he could score 40 for the first time.

The addition of Ference will help the youngsters on defense and really solidify the defense corps as whole. Scuderi and Ference where the crown jewels of the less than stellar crop of UFA d-men. In other words, if you want their services, the basic law of supply and demand infer that they will be a tad overpaid, which they were. All said and done though, the Ference signing didn't break the bank, they kept the cost respectable.

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that was an awesome read... I have a mental image of this writer drinking ****ty scotch, smoking a cigarette and half in the bag while he wrote this article... good stuff...

Mac T must be under incredible pressure. The writer ? It's gotta be Vodka, not Scotch.

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that was an awesome read... I have a mental image of this writer drinking ****ty scotch, smoking a cigarette and half in the bag while he wrote this article... good stuff...

It does kind of put the image of Hunter S. Thompson in your mind, don't it?

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