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New Rule proposal re: Mason situation.

King Knut

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Can we just start protecting our goalies again?!?!!

Damn it NHL damn it Shanahan!

Used to be touching th paint negate anything. Them Brett Hull happened and all of the sudden it's open season on goalies.

There's a happy medium!!!

That said, I think the new rule which should take affect immediately is if your guy injures a goalie within a week of the playoffs, you can't start your #1 until theirs is better.

aKa I don't think the penguins should be allowed to play Fleury. Plain and simple. 2 minutes for a jack ass scrub vs taking Mason out of who knows how many games? That ain't right. That just ain't right.

After the Flyers owned the penguins so lopsidedly lately... That's just a jack ass move to pull and it just stinks of Bylsma tactics.

Dan Bylsma can rot in hell. I 'effin hate that guy. I really really really do. He and Bettman have a special place in hockey hell together just waiting for them.

Razor came here because wanted a shot. Well here it is. Please Show up for 60 Ray!

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That usually means something pretty bad. I don't think we'll see him again this year.

If it was even close they wouldn't announce it now. We have to consider Mason just plain done this year I think.

Which seriously? How the hell is this league okay with that? 2 games before the playoffs in a mostly useless game, a play like that? Come on! There needs to be some damn retribution.

I fully expect a boring 1-0 game tomorrow. Every skater is going to have to play D tomorrow.

This is infuriating to see Mason out and the damn team won't say why or for how long.

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Why don't we just shoot the offender, along with the coach and the captain of the offending team for failing to prevent him from doing it?


And Aziz is right, making the Pens play Fleury is more of a penalty.

Edited by AJgoal
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ah these "eye for an eye" solutions never work, just too many possible motives and outcomes to police things that way.


nice try KT but i don't think it's workable. I sure share your frustration though. Maybe not as much as the Doom N Gloom Squad. I happen to think we have almost as good a shot with Emery as with Mason. I'm not bothered by Emery starting G1. Not crazy about the backup situation but...whaddya gonna do?

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I'm just overreacting and spazzing out, so clearly I didn't think that through.  Obviously you make an excellent point. 

Of course the Penguins don't seem to know that about him, so the impact might actually be felt if they "thought" they were being punished.


I don't care about making the Penguins lose... I want the damn message to be sent that this kind of crap is not okay.  Right now the message is being sent that some of this crap is not okay and the rest of it is actually probably a really good thing for your team to consider.



shouldn't be *allowed* to play fleury?  it's fleury in the playoffs, man.  why help them out?

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Normal I'd grasp that you're trying to make a rhetorical point of some sort, but in the case of Bylsma and Crosby....  I'm half tempted to take you seriously.


These guys have been getting away with this kind of crap for years and I'm fed up with it.  I want both the Flyers and Penguins to advance now, not only becasue we've owned them lately, but because I want a G.D. pound of FLESH! 


Why don't we just shoot the offender, along with the coach and the captain of the offending team for failing to prevent him from doing it?


And Aziz is right, making the Pens play Fleury is more of a penalty.

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No totally.  This isn't a doom and gloom thing it's a reckoning. 


Let me be utterly clear:  I think if this team is beating the Rangers, it'll happen with either guy in net.  I don't see Emery as a let down really performance wise.  I have the same fears for both of them and I just hope Ray's health holds up because I don't think he'll let on if he's in pain at this point.


But unless something bad happens, I personally don't see Ray playing as a situation that'll cost the Flyers the series. 

I'm just pissed that the Penguins are once again, getting away with it.




ah these "eye for an eye" solutions never work, just too many possible motives and outcomes to police things that way.

nice try KT but i don't think it's workable. I sure share your frustration though. Maybe not as much as the Doom N Gloom Squad. I happen to think we have almost as good a shot with Emery as with Mason. I'm not bothered by Emery starting G1. Not crazy about the backup situation but...whaddya gonna do?
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I'm just pissed that the Penguins are once again, getting away with it.


eh, i dunno.  he got a penalty.  i really really hate that players do it, but i have a tough time thinking it is really all that much worse than most other 2 minute penalties.  at its worst, maybe 5 minutes, but....would've made no difference, really.  it's a dick move, but a lot of dick moves happen out there.

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I just grew up in an era when goalies were treated with a bit more respect.  They're vulnerable and have rubber pucks flying at them at a hundred miles and hour.  They need to be off limits.  Especially when inside their own crease.


eh, i dunno.  he got a penalty.  i really really hate that players do it, but i have a tough time thinking it is really all that much worse than most other 2 minute penalties.  at its worst, maybe 5 minutes, but....would've made no difference, really.  it's a dick move, but a lot of dick moves happen out there.

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I just grew up in an era when goalies were treated with a bit more respect.  They're vulnerable and have rubber pucks flying at them at a hundred miles and hour.  They need to be off limits.  Especially when inside their own crease.


hey, i'm a goalie, i agree.  i'm just not sure what "off limits" should mean.  used to be if a goalie was touched, it was a 2 minute penalty, no questions, and so it should be, but...the guy got a 2 minute penalty here.  the old school interpretation was used on this one.  

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There is no silver lining to this cloud. NONE 


Some (both Pitts and Flyers fans) would have you believe it was just a hockey play. I called bush league on it right away. Some thought (Pitts fans) that Mason was "overacting". I called BS on it right away. Mason is a gamer and does not leave a game, nor miss the next game because of acting. 


Meang, or whoever that scrub is should watch his back the next time he suits up for an NHL game. 

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I thought the old school interpretation was taking a run at their goalie and kicking the ever loving crap out of the dude who did it?


hey, i'm a goalie, i agree.  i'm just not sure what "off limits" should mean.  used to be if a goalie was touched, it was a 2 minute penalty, no questions, and so it should be, but...the guy got a 2 minute penalty here.  the old school interpretation was used on this one.  

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I'm not bothered by Emery starting G1. Not crazy about the backup situation but...whaddya gonna do?



Emery is fine. I just don't think he can steal you a game like mason can. I also think the confidence of the team and they way they play in front of him is different. But it is what it is. 

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