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Canadians rooting for US-based franchises...


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...or vice versa. Please explain the rationale behind that.


I'm from Europe. I have no personal affiliation whatsoever with any of North American city, state or province. I support the Pens because Lemieux is the le mieux (the best).


I thought you all guys in N. America support the team closest to your home/birth place. That's clearly not the case.



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The closest thing to a professional hockey team to the cave where I was born was the Flin Flon Bombers.

The Jets existed but we're in the WHA and I didn't identify with Winnipeg anyway, which was far away.

So I adopted the Flyers as my team. They were a tough team from a blue collar town so it was easy for me to identify with them.

And I've stayed loyal to them despite management's efforts to piss me off over the years.

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My father grew up in montreal and anthough I was born in the States, I adopted his team as my own and have even gotten my girlfriend to be an incredible Habs fan!! It has to do with geographical location, for sure, but there's a lot to be said about the traditional element as well. This is why I'm a Canadiens fan and not a Bruins/Rangers fan haha

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My being a Sens fan is just based on when I started following hockey. I really started paying attention the year the Sens joined the league, and chose them based on that. Over 20 years later, it's deeply ingrained.

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Not a Canadian, but grew sayin Aye... in an area farther north than Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal.  

My team the North Stars were stolen to Dallas, and I moved East.  Ron Hextall's rookie year sold my attention for fan ship for the Flyers.

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@Yorick  Geez, I wish I had this put away somewhere, so when I'm asked (at least once a year....lol) I can dig it out and answer quickly. The story goes....I was a hockey crazy young lad, collected hockey cards with every spare cent I could get a hold of. The very first time I every got a complete team in a set, it was the Flyers. Gary Dornhoffer was the one Flyer I was missing. When I finally got him, I separated all the Flyers and kind of put the whole team on a pedestal. I was 7 years old and the Flyers were just turning the corner as legit Cup contenders. I started following the team....the very next year they won the cup, the rest is history.

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I was a Bruin fan growing up because my father was watching the Habs game(He was a Habs fan) vs the Bruins, and I caught sight of Cam Neely. Back when hitting from behind was not a penalty called and you could actually intimidate defensemen into just panicking when retrieving the puck, it was fun watching them all run from the big guy. He also had silky smooth skating and could bulldoze through anyone. Including Scott Stevens trying to lay a big hit on him, and if anyone got dirty with him, he would literally kick the crap out of them.


My Father always encouraged finding a player I liked to watch, then watching more of his teams games to find my team, so I did lol. Then I saw Ray Bourque. Still the best most consistent defenseman I have ever seen to this day. Loved Andy Moog to death too.


For reasons I explained to beantown in his introduction thread, I am now a Sharks fan

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