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Hextall rips Flyers after loss


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At least he is seeing then same slop of an effort as we are;

Inside the changing room, a sanctuary for players that is usually kept at an arms-length from team management, Flyers general manager Ron Hextall was peeling the paint off the walls with words that would make a stevedore blush.

"Are you [bleeping] kidding me?" Hextall screamed, loud enough for the media waiting next door in the locker room to hear. "That's [bleeping] embarrassing! Jesus [bleeping] Christ!"

The door slammed, one final time, but not until it sounded as if a wastebasket bounced off the wall deep inside the bowels of Madison Square Garden - where the Flyers have now lost nine consecutive regular-season games.

Here is the article: http://mobile.philly.com/sports/flyers/?wss=/philly/sports/flyers&id=283291111

I can take being beaten by talent but the worth ethic is a serious concern come game time. What is the issue here?

Last, I officially refuse to listen to Berube speak bc I am convinced that he has no system. None. Keep telling them to skate harder Chief and I am sure you will be the next one gone...

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No system can help this team. I never thought Lavy should have been axed after three games either. I think he actually was/is a good coach, but the team make-up is junk. Too many players that think or want to be the stars and not enough that are willing to be a complementary piece. 


Roster shake up will probably come before the coach gets canned. I also think Umberger should be riding the bus in the A, 

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No system can help this team. I never thought Lavy should have been axed after three games either. I think he actually was/is a good coach, but the team make-up is junk. Too many players that think or want to be the stars and not enough that are willing to be a complementary piece.

Roster shake up will probably come before the coach gets canned. I also think Umberger should be riding the bus in the A,

Agree bert.... Lay night was some pretty bad hockey. We have seen this type of play before an d I have no idea how a team can play so flat. Morseo when the goalie is playing lights out in front of them.

Hartnell should have never been traded. I could care less about the 2 years, less penalties and the trade looks worse every time RJ hits the ice. He is utterly useless and should not be given any extra ice - as on the 2nd unit PK. A total ******* joke of a roster spot and should be put out to pasture. Of wait - CBJ was going to out him out to pasture until we decided to take on his ludicrous contract. Great move Hexy.

Last night was a joke... No effort... No heart..

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As much as I understand why Hextall did what he did, I think it's a little misguided. 


You tell me what is more likely - that every single time the Flyers play the Rangers, they come out "flat" and "not hungry enough"? Or, that the Rangers just play a type of game that gives the Flyers fits? That's on the coach more than the players.


Occam's Razor, my friend. Not the poster, but the principle :)

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Mason was on fire and the announcers actually acknowledged that, but for some reason the team couldn't get anything going on the the offensive zone. 


I like Simmonds a lot, but he is not the player they need on a line with Giroux and Voracek.


I still want to run VLC over with my car, but I may save the lawyer money for the Umberger vehicular homicide that I am about to commit. 


Hey on a lighter note Lindros and LeClair are getting inducted into the Flyers Hall of Fame tonight. I wonder if Bobby Clarke will be in attendance?


I know I will be (free tix from work). Look for the A-hole wearing a white Nordiques sweater- that would be none other than me. 

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As much as I understand why Hextall did what he did, I think it's a little misguided. 


You tell me what is more likely - that every single time the Flyers play the Rangers, they come out "flat" and "not hungry enough"? Or, that the Rangers just play a type of game that gives the Flyers fits? That's on the coach more than the players.


Occam's Razor, my friend. Not the poster, but the principle :)





I dont feel like it is miguided one bit.   The pure lack of effort last night deserved every criticism that fans and management could muster.  There is a difference between playing poorly/not executing and literally having no effort.   There was absolutely no effort and there is no reason for a team like the Flyers to play a game like that.  Considering they had their Captain suprisingly play they should have been ready to put forth an effort.   The effort was not there... it was apparent all night long by watching a mediocre Rags Team make us look like a Community College Club Team.  


As I said before... I have no problem being beat by talent but when a Team show no effort that is all on the Players.

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I know I will be (free tix from work). Look for the A-hole wearing a white Nordiques sweater- that would be none other than me.


that will be a great time bert!!  enjoy the game and I will keep and eye out for you!  LOL!


what are the odds that Lindros cries during his speech?  He is speaking correct?

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The pure lack of effort last night deserved every criticism that fans and management could muster.  There is a difference between playing poorly/not executing and literally having no effort. 


Well, I guess that's what I was getting at with my comment - they *always* look lost like that when they play the Rangers in the past few seasons. 

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Well, I guess that's what I was getting at with my comment - they *always* look lost like that when they play the Rangers in the past few seasons. 


brelic... they absolutely do that.  It is a head scrather but I am not allowing prior games to be an excuse.   If my dog keeps shitting on the floor I keep correcting the action and punish the dog....

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If my dog keeps shitting on the floor I keep correcting the action and punish the dog....


Sure - but what if your dog only does that when your friend's rabid hyena comes to visit? Every team in the league, even the best ones, has a few opponents that give them fits. I'd be annoyed too if I were a Pens fan and the Flyers just seemed to have our number. Would you say it's lack of effort on the Pens part? Or the failure of the coach and team to adapt their game to an opponent they know frustrates them? Or is there really much they can do about it?


In any case, I'm glad Hextall did what he did. And I think he knows it's symptomatic of something larger. But he's' also a fierce competitor and games like last night should drive him absolutely nuts.

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As much as I understand why Hextall did what he did, I think it's a little misguided. 


You tell me what is more likely - that every single time the Flyers play the Rangers, they come out "flat" and "not hungry enough"? Or, that the Rangers just play a type of game that gives the Flyers fits? That's on the coach more than the players.


Occam's Razor, my friend. Not the poster, but the principle :)


I sort of agree. The words "That's [bleeping] embarrassing! Jesus [bleeping] Christ!" after a 2-0 loss seem like an overreaction. But it was their third loss in a row, so I sort of get it.

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At least he is seeing then same slop of an effort as we are;

Inside the changing room, a sanctuary for players that is usually kept at an arms-length from team management, Flyers general manager Ron Hextall was peeling the paint off the walls with words that would make a stevedore blush.

"Are you [bleeping] kidding me?" Hextall screamed, loud enough for the media waiting next door in the locker room to hear. "That's [bleeping] embarrassing! Jesus [bleeping] Christ!"

The door slammed, one final time, but not until it sounded as if a wastebasket bounced off the wall deep inside the bowels of Madison Square Garden - where the Flyers have now lost nine consecutive regular-season games.

Here is the article: http://mobile.philly.com/sports/flyers/?wss=/philly/sports/flyers&id=283291111

I can take being beaten by talent but the worth ethic is a serious concern come game time. What is the issue here?

Last, I officially refuse to listen to Berube speak bc I am convinced that he has no system. None. Keep telling them to skate harder Chief and I am sure you will be the next one gone...


Goaltending. Last year it was the GM, the year before it was the coach, we're on the "goaltending" phase of the cycle.

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I sort of agree. The words "That's [bleeping] embarrassing! Jesus [bleeping] Christ!" after a 2-0 loss seem like an overreaction. But it was their third loss in a row, so I sort of get it.


there it is and you just wrote it.   If not for Mason this game would have been an absolute blowout.  He kept them in the game and played great...   Secondly, this is not about just the Rags game... this is about the last few games that have all been the same.

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Agree bert.... Lay night was some pretty bad hockey. We have seen this type of play before an d I have no idea how a team can play so flat. Morseo when the goalie is playing lights out in front of them.

Hartnell should have never been traded. I could care less about the 2 years, less penalties and the trade looks worse every time RJ hits the ice. He is utterly useless and should not be given any extra ice - as on the 2nd unit PK. A total ****** joke of a roster spot and should be put out to pasture. Of wait - CBJ was going to out him out to pasture until we decided to take on his ludicrous contract. Great move Hexy.

Last night was a joke... No effort... No heart..


They need veterans and I do wish he could be a part of that veteran mix I'm talking about, but they are not a stellar team with him and a horrible team without. They have 7 wins and 10 losses. One this date last year, with Scott Hartnell, they had 8 and 12. They need a Pronger or a Timonen. Technically speaking, this group could probably use one of each. They have talent, but they have no drive, leadership, or experience.

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I sort of agree. The words "That's [bleeping] embarrassing! Jesus [bleeping] Christ!" after a 2-0 loss seem like an overreaction. But it was their third loss in a row, so I sort of get it.


Clearly he's upset at the way in which they lost. 2-0 was not representative of what we saw on the ice - Mason saved their bacon over and over, and the Flyers in front of him couldn't generate squat.


So, he's frustrated for sure. 

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They need veterans and I do wish he could be a part of that veteran mix I'm talking about, but they are not a stellar team with him and a horrible team without. They have 7 wins and 10 losses. One this date last year, with Scott Hartnell, they had 8 and 12. They need a Pronger or a Timonen. Technically speaking, this group could probably use one of each. They have talent, but they have no drive, leadership, or experience.



I agree completely... the hartnell/bumbburger thing was more of a comparison b/t players.  

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there it is and you just wrote it.   If not for Mason this game would have been an absolute blowout.  He kept them in the game and played great...   Secondly, this is not about just the Rags game... this is about the last few games that have all been the same.


I didn't watch the whole game. At a certain point I just lost interest. The Goldbergs is a damn funny show and beats boring/uninspired hockey, but from what I did see what you said about Mason is right. He is the only one who showed up last night.


I'm very rarely one to have a problem with someone yelling at players. I don't think it's done often enough anymore to be honest, but those words after a 2-0 loss kind of make me laugh. I get it though, 3rd loss in a row and he was not happy. I understand where he's coming from.

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Clearly he's upset at the way in which they lost. 2-0 was not representative of what we saw on the ice - Mason saved their bacon over and over, and the Flyers in front of him couldn't generate squat.


So, he's frustrated for sure. 


Frustrated like the rest of us!


That said, I saw Samuelsson on the Rags bench with his dry erase board diagramming defensive responsibilities during a time out up 2-0 in the waning moments of the game.


I saw Berube doing the "skate harder" thing. At least it didn't look like there was any sort of real strategy being communicated and the team certainly didn't play like it had one.


I am wondering if/afraid that we are seeing a "Barber II" situation where the coach simply isn't giving the team the direction it needs.


Someone posted in a thread about how the team looked after the recent five days of intensive training under Berube. They look like crap. Sort of like they did coming out of the first, fabled "full preseason" under Berube.


Can anyone really explain - beyond platitudes like "puck pressure" and "skating hard" - what Berube's trying to have them do out there?


Take VLC towards the end of the game - the announcers pointed this out - where the Flyers had a 2-on-2 puck battle in the left corner and VLC was standing - standing - in the right corner, apparently waiting for the puck to magically come his way instead of putting the extra man into the scrum. Then, when they lost the puck battle and the play went up the left side, VLC was completely out of the play and basically skated to the bench for a change.


Now, I know it was Olczyk, but there is something to be said when the announcers can point out something as simple of creating odd-man situations in puck battles.


Did Berube want VLC cherry picking waiting for a miracle? Because that really didn't look like "puck pressure" to me.


Not meaning to pick on VLC specifically - because a lot of the team looks directionless out there.


And not necessarily saying "it's the coach's fault" - just trying to figure out what the coach is actually trying to do...

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I agree completely... the hartnell/bumbburger thing was more of a comparison b/t players.  


I would love to have Hartnell and 1, 2, or even 3 of those type of guys I'm talking about, but if it was just Hartnell, we're still having this same conversation. The only happiness I take from the trade is that we will have cap space, which we desperately need, because Vinny isn't exactly enticing anyone to make a move for him.

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I have zero problem with what Hexy did.  IMO, the effort was "****ing embarrassing."  I don't care what the score was/is; teams lose hockey games all the time. I care about a solid effort.   I've said it 100 times on here, and will continue to say it. it's about working hard, effort, etc...and that was NOT there last night.  If others think it was, that's fine.  I didn't see it.


I also appreciate the fact that Hextall did NOT acknowledge it to the media.  Who cares if they overheard him.  He hammered the team in private.  I'm pretty sure they got the message.  Nothing good happens when that stuff gets aired to the general public.  

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The only happiness I take from the trade is that we will have cap space


I hope to God they buy him out at the end of the season, because cap space three years from now just isn't cutting it.


They can get $3M rightaway with an Umburglar buyout.


Make it so.


Nothing good happens when that stuff gets aired to the general public.  


Nothing good's happening with them doing it "in private" either...

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I didn't watch the whole game. At a certain point I just lost interest. The Goldbergs is a damn funny show and beats boring/uninspired hockey, but from what I did see what you said about Mason is right. He is the only one who showed up last night.


I'm very rarely one to have a problem with someone yelling at players. I don't think it's done often enough anymore to be honest, but those words after a 2-0 loss kind of make me laugh. I get it though, 3rd loss in a row and he was not happy. I understand where he's coming from.



LOVE the Goldbergs... reminds me so much of my youth.   Great show!!

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