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Everything posted by ClusterChuck

  1. “I feel like I don’t see anyone out there” Mats, Look behind you. 5 or so preseason games clustered with Iowan's and only 2 reg games, Oh and a new team. We'll probably see the 'Boudreau Shuffle' soon, So Mats will feel like this for a while.
  2. I am so tired of this pulling the goalie with over 2 minutes to play. It's NOT an advantage by any means if your team hasn't shown the ability to control the zone. Granted if you've been dominant in the O zone during the game and/or PP's then fine, But that's not our Wild... 1 mistake and game over, And for me it kills that late game excitement of the crazy finishes. Then say it's tied, Those last 4-5 minutes are hanging on for the OT and who has the advantage with the 3 on 3. No push to win in regulation...This S#!% is ruining the game for me.
  3. Is it "Flashing the leather" or Donato's ability to directing straight into the glove?
  4. One thing I'd like to see is BB keeping lines together. The only way this team will have any success is chemistry and know where and what the line mates are doing. This is not BB's history tho. Even when we had 1 strong scoring line, He'd break them up to get other's "going". We've seen the results.
  5. I can't believe the NHL.com Bracket advertised a 'Second chance'. Boo Hoo, So your 'pick' failed. Take your participation trophy and watch some interesting Hockey now. For the 1st time ever I went 0-4 in the RD1 West. So what?? I'm going to go out and shake my fist at some clouds now. ...and then watch and hope the Islanders go take the Cup.
  6. @IllaZilla Sounds like Fenton better get moving then. Thank for the info !
  7. Now isn't Kaprisov the one we had 'issues' with his agent/ He had issues with his agent in regards to signing in the NHL? Has that become clearer and Is there any issue of Kaprisov not wanting to be on this team? I know we own the rights to him, So I thought.
  8. All 4 great points. I'd like to see at least #3 happen just to see if Boudreau can really handle this team. Then #4 would actually be possible too. I wonder what the waiting list for 'The Warming house' is like now. As long as there's people in there waiting for tickets, CL will be happy.
  9. I hear ya. I always look for an upset early hence me picking Carolina to upset the Caps. But like Bill Murray said... It was good but, It just wasn't great ...So I went after the Bolts. The East overall is so much stronger, I figured if it happens it'll be there.
  10. Having spent many a day at Canterbury Downs, These PO's with such a clear cut favorite in Tampa Bay reminds me of many races with a 3-5 Fav. Not worth even betting but ripe for an upset. Question is who? and when?. So, Why not?..... Hope this works, I just did a screenshot of my picks the first day NHL.com put up the bracket. Btw, LOL...Disregard the typo in "goals scored" because you know #4 is so close to the #9
  11. It would be very interesting if the same scenario was to happen today. (All the events) How would the team and the NHL handle it, Especially with the media coverage.
  12. Wow, Great read. I remember all those different scenarios which led up to the demise. Especially the deals with the existing arenas and the MOA. Poor Lou, He did his best throughout it all. I never really used Norm's harassment as a reason for them moving. Too easy. Proof that even back then the media loves drama in sexual harassment stories than business dealings. I still have that 'transition' jersey. I've tried to sell it a few times in a garage sale and one time was asked why I had a Dallas jersey....
  13. Hi All. Another one from the Wild.com Titanic. I wasn't sure if I wanted to start a new forum but I guess I just missed the group *sniffs* and the discussions. Of course looking forward to all the new people too.
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