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Everything posted by FD19372

  1. I generally don't like, no-trade clauses on lengthy contracts...but maybe that's just me.
  2. Yes, and not only that...according to Spotrac, Kyrou has a no-trade clause, that kicks in, in 2025.
  3. According to a sportswriter on Twitter, Thomas Welch,..Kyrou won't be traded for Kevin Hayes. Kyrou would be traded for the 7th pick.
  4. Maybe you're right. It could be that I still a bit traumatized, and recovering, from the Chuck Fletcher years.
  5. Why the HE... double hockey sticks, would Briere not accept this trade deal? I would have taken it, and ran as fast as I could...with the guilt of me feeling like a thief, hitting me later. There is obviously still (as if I didn't almost know so, anyway) some serious thought process problems, and a power struggle going on in the Flyers organization.
  6. According to broadstreethockey.com (amongst others, I guess), Briere and the Flyers are trying "very hard", to obtain another first round pick in this year's NHL draft.
  7. If he can rid us of Hayes, that'll immediately and permanently catapult him in front of Fumbles Fletcher, as a competent GM.
  8. If the execs and Alumni Yacht Club really cared about winning, they would have (a) tanked this season and not hired Tortorella. (b) traded their bloated and dumb, contracts for whatever they could get, and (c) hired the most qualified people to start a complete rebuild..oh and just for fun..(d) not tried to market another dumb jersey, so they could sell it to gullible fans, who don't see the big picture. Valerie Camillo leaves, and now you have more extraneous marketing nonsense instead of fixing the real problem, the lack of a good on-ice product. More mediocre (at best) indeed.
  9. Well, they've got a couple of new jerseys out now, so I'm really excited for the team to be relevant on the Philadelphia "landscape", again. It looks like the franchise is really learning what the true fans, really want. More merch to buy.
  10. Sharp has won three Stanley Cups, and had a successful career, though I am a little concerned with his lack of experience. I think bringing in John LeClair as a hockey ops guy, will help, but the same is true there with a lack of experience. Briere has been given a lot of credit by many in the NHL hockey world, for having a ton of knowledge and savvy as our new GM, though he has never been GM. We can't say that Jones, LeClair, Sharp, Briere or any of them CAN'T do their jobs well. I don't love the fact that they continue to bring in guys with ties to the Flyers, but at least they're new..so who knows? Whereas, we all knew that Fletcher was an abject failure, from season one, of his GM tenure here. I'm willing to give them a chance, and hey, at least the Flyers didn't hire Hal Gill, as their skating coach.
  11. Mario & Co. destroyed Chicago even worse the following year, if memory serves.
  12. It appears that Uncle Gary's "Pet Project" One, is going to win the Cup. Is Seattle.. Uncle Gary's "Pet Project 2", destined to win the Cup next year?
  13. Florida has life thanks to great takeaway in the offensive zone, by ex-Flyer Nick Cousins. 2-1, Vegas. My 3-2 Florida prediction, still has life.
  14. Great trades I made as Flyers GM. - Chuck Fletcher
  15. I think the Panthers stay alive without Tkachuk tonight, and win 3-2, in OT. Verhaeghe with the game-winner.
  16. So far, Florida looks like the more desperate team but not having Tkachuk is obviously an absolutely serious gut punch.
  17. Credit Adin Hill for a heck of a save for sure at the end of the game, but Matt Tkachuk had the game tying goal right there waiting for him and couldn't elevate the puck. The last two periods of that game were REALLY good.
  18. Verhaeghe wins it, as Tkachuk goes to the net. Well done, Panthers! They earned the W.
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb, and pick Matt Tkachuk to win this in OT, just after killing off this penalty.
  20. On second thought, just a bad break and a trip call on Forsling. Da*n. I wanted to see the Panthers win this one.
  21. An awful ack of discipline, strikes the Panthers again. Terrible tripping penalty on Barkov.
  22. Panthers tie on it on a goal by Matt Tkachuk. Nice patience by Ekblad to set up..I think Verheaghe for the one timer, that Tkachuk pounced on and stashed home in front.
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