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Snider is in denial


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Interesting read in today's DN: http://www.philly.co...Mr__Teflon.html

And at some point you have to ask: Has Ed Snider become our version of Al Davis, his heart in the right place, his head not so much? Is there something structurally wrong with how the Flyers do things? A philosophy? A lack of one? And if so, does it all trace to its founder and the guy who still calls all the shots?

Davis, who died in 2011, always seemed to be in a hurry to reverse his Oakland Raiders' fortunes. Some years that rush worked well enough to make them a playoff team and some years it was a disaster, but there was no semblance of a structured plan, at least in the later years.

I wonder if Sam Donnellon will be getting a Christmas card from Snider this year.

Edited by JackStraw
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I for one am all about accepting responsibility for anything I do or am responsible for. I know Snider wants to win as he has shown a committment to winning more than any other Philly owner. I would love nothing more than for him to be able to hold the Cup once more. All that being said there are no excuses for the team this season. All teams had injuries and dealt with schedule issues. Bottom line was there were holes in this team that were not addressed in the offseason and contracts that hurt the team from moving forward.

They have an opportunity to do something about it this offseason but ridding themselves of some of the contracts. I bite the bullet and amnesty Briere and Bryz. While Snider and Comcast will still be responsible for paying out money for the contract it provides some much needed cap space to address the teams needs.

I think that with the amnesty of the contracts, making Mason number one, signing a potential free agent forward like Horton and possibly trading for a defenseman (even if it means giving up Couterier to get him) we can be right back in the hunt next season.

In the world of big business Comcast, thee is no way even Ed The Ringmaster can eat that kind of buyout money. Net net is the organization has to change from the outside in. Snider out. Holmgren out. Needs to be a cleaning house and the only player that can force that is Lukko from his Comcast power base.

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the insanity of the fo is a joke, it's all about favorisim, snider doesnt care about winning a cup, if he did, he would make a change on the gm and coach, homer doesnt know what he's doing, he keeps players that dont want to play and overpays them with no trade clauses and over 5 year deals.

with the coach i might add, he never holds the roster or himself accountable with the lously line changes, turnovers etc. if they are not doing their job, bench them and put players out there that want to play and win, i see alot more phantom players that want to play with the flyers rather than the overpaid stiffs like hartnell, briere, coburn, mez. i dont care how much the fans and coach love them and how much money they are making, if they are not doing their job, bench them.

it's called accountability, it's the biggest reason why the flyers will never win a championship.

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Nice work with no edits there TF83... making progress is always nice but when starting from the bottom it only can get better right? Two thumbs up! (get it? Two thumbs, beach, shirtless men, in an avatar??)

If I do recall hartnell has been benched (in game) a # of times by Lavy over the last two years and was demoted to play the 4th line as well for a span this year. Breire, Coburn and Mezz were pretty much injured... OK, I will give you Cobie this year but we did not see Mezz or Briere much this year due to injury. All you scream about is accountability which is ridiculous and nonsensical. You cant take veterans that have had very good success in this league and stash them in the AHL b/c you "want to send a message..." and most have one way contracts - aka: they CANT be sent down.

This isn't Bantam or Midget hockey TF... if you want to talk about players being overpaid fine but your contstant babbles & clammoring about "accountability" and "favorism" (my new term for the day btw!!) is misguided and purely speculative BS. You are not in the dressing room and have no clue what the Coaching Staff and Mgmt do behind closed doors so stop pretending... bring something else to this board other than the rants of a misguided teenager... on the beach.... shirtless.... with another dude ... in an avatar- get it yet?

Furthermore, it is absolutely stupendous that we have AHL players that want to play on the Flyers. Poll ANY AHL player and I would bet that 100% of them would want to play in the NHL. Just b/c they want to play in the NHL and they give effort does not make them NHL caliber players. They want to get out of the Phantoms b/c it is literally the WORST AHL TEAM. Our prospects are less than average and as a whole our farm system sucks - so yeah TF, let's make the sound decision to send all of the NHL players on the Flyers down (remember, most you cant) and let the Phantoms play as our NHL Team - Brilliant idea there Coach!

For the love of all things hockey stop it with the stupidity and nonsensical posts!

Edited by murraycraven
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At the risk of sounding like an a**, I(and others) have been comparing Mr Snider to Mr Davis, on this site, for months--and as recently as 2 days before this article, IN THIS VERY THREAD! Once again, I am 100% convinced, the Philly media is on this site, and steals from it-REGULARLY.

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At the risk of sounding like an a**, I(and others) have been comparing Mr Snider to Mr Davis, on this site, for months--and as recently as 2 days before this article, IN THIS VERY THREAD! Once again, I am 100% convinced, the Philly media is on this site, and steals from it-REGULARLY.

I wonder what their screen names are. We should do a McCarthy-style hunt and find out.

First, I suspect radoran is actually Frank Seravalli. @radoran, care to defend the accusation that you're suspected of being a card carrying member of the Philly media?

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I wonder what their screen names are. We should do a McCarthy-style hunt and find out.

First, I suspect radoran is actually Frank Seravalli. @radoran, care to defend the accusation that you're suspected of being a card carrying member of the Philly media?

But we know that you and rad are one and the same... so if rad is Frank, and you are rad, that means...

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