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Homer: Bryz support to drive down Bernier trade price.

Guest King Knut

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If Lombardi really is hard balling homer for Coots, I sincerely hope homer is lying to bryz's agent in the press to cool Lombardi down.

Please lord let it be so. As we've battled over here,I don't think Bry's play isn't as bad as most here think. The locker room seems to be a problem for him though, but either way he needs to be Brodeur good to merit hand cuffing this team's budget the way he is.

There are too many other needs to screw our cap room on Ilya. Keeping him would be a disaster regardless of how poorly or well he plays.


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There are too many other needs to screw our cap room on Ilya.

As much as I hate Bryz and his cap number, you can't fault him for signing the contract he was offered by Homer. I still want him gone no matter what the cost but Homer needs desperately to learn from his mistakes.

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Oh I absolutely don't blame bryz for anything.

I blame homer for all of it.

Every goalie they sign must go through a psych evaluatuation from now on!

The team was essentially a goalie away from the finals and the cup for a while there, then homer screwed up the team to get that goalie, PLUS the goalie got turned out to be pretty meh at best. Now he has to rebuild everything else again. Yes the youngsters will come o age and be better, but the old guard on D is too banged up to be viable.

Bryz is just Bryz. His numbers looked good, but homer should have known from meeting him once that he wasn't a fit.

I don't blame Bryz for missing the playoffs, thy was the team and mostly the D (most of which was hurt).

I blame homer for getting Bryz at a cost that prohibits fixing what's really wrong with the team at this point.

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If Lombardi really is hard balling homer for Coots, I sincerely hope homer is lying to bryz's agent in the press to cool Lombardi down.

Please lord let it be so. As we've battled over here,I don't think Bry's play isn't as bad as most here think. The locker room seems to be a problem for him though, but either way he needs to be Brodeur good to merit hand cuffing this team's budget the way he is.

There are too many other needs to screw our cap room on Ilya. Keeping him would be a disaster regardless of how poorly or well he plays.


You know, I once played Homer in a game if poker...

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As much as I hate Bryz and his cap number, you can't fault him for signing the contract he was offered by Homer. I still want him gone no matter what the cost but Homer needs desperately to learn from his mistakes.

Uh, ya. Maybe next time? Cause he hasn't as of yet.

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If Lombardi really is hard balling homer for Coots, I sincerely hope homer is lying to bryz's agent in the press to cool Lombardi down.

Please lord let it be so. As we've battled over here,I don't think Bry's play isn't as bad as most here think. The locker room seems to be a problem for him though, but either way he needs to be Brodeur good to merit hand cuffing this team's budget the way he is.

There are too many other needs to screw our cap room on Ilya. Keeping him would be a disaster regardless of how poorly or well he plays.


So Homer is talking up Bryz to knock berniers value down? First of all, if WE know about Bryz, I'm going to guess Lombardi does. And if Homer won't pay what Lombardi wants (and I hope he doesn't) he's not the only fish in the sea.

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Just like a company to force employees to take a test the execs couldn't pass themselves...



Years ago the company I worked for had a CEO named Harry Stonecipher......He got caught banging his secretary so the rest of the company had to take ethics classes so we would know better........gotta love that company mentality.....almost as good as the classes they make us workers take on hiring responsibilities(which we have ZERO say in...)

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It's not like he's convincing the images to take bryz off our hands. He just has to convince them he's crazy enough to keep him on the flyers at least another year.

It's half wishful thinking, but it's also half just the sort gamesmanship homer's always guilty of.

Half the time he makes a point of something in the press, I feel like it's an out and out lie.

It's a negotiation. The kings need to not have to resign Bernier and want to get the best they can for him. Or hell. Might even be for the benefit of Bernier's agent. They may even be to the point of ironing out the sign part of the sign and trade.

Or maybe it's for the benefit of another deal.

Or of course maybe you're right and homer really is just a lunatic idiot who's ready to ride the bryz train to suck town for the next 7 years.

Which would you prefer?

So Homer is talking up Bryz to knock berniers value down? First of all, if WE know about Bryz, I'm going to guess Lombardi does. And if Homer won't pay what Lombardi wants (and I hope he doesn't) he's not the only fish in the sea.

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