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Samuel morin...the non weepfest

Guest flyercanuck

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Something Coburn could never do!!!!

Well he tried but he just can't do it, time and time again i've watched him yet all he gets is epic fail every time....sad really

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Yes that is Coburn. He had all the same potential that Morin has, what worries me the most is the Flyers developing these dmans to max their potential. What are the chances of them getting the same thing out of Morin that they are getting from Coburn? I say highly. If Coburn was develped by another team, I can see them maxing out his potential. The Flyers just don't have the personnel to develop dmans or goalies.

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Yes that is Coburn. He had all the same potential that Morin has, what worries me the most is the Flyers developing these dmans to max their potential. What are the chances of them getting the same thing out of Morin that they are getting from Coburn? I say highly. If Coburn was develped by another team, I can see them maxing out his potential. The Flyers just don't have the personnel to develop dmans or goalies.

Um... he was in fact developed by another team...

Edited by murraycraven
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What are the chances of them getting the same thing out of Morin that they are getting from Coburn? I say highly.

Just curious... This is based on what? It happened once with Cobie and now we are doomed to repeat history over and over? Besides, Coburn will be gone soon enough. We need his 4.5 million in cap space and if any of our Phantom "kids" are gonna get a chance to develope someone has to move. (unless you are counting on Mez and Gross crappping out again this year which is a distinct possibility)

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Is it just me or does Morin look at lot like vanRiemsdyk?


Someone, somewhere posted on Twitter that he looked like a young Pronger, I replied with exactly what you said..He looks like JVR. Hope he doesn't play like him. :ph34r:

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See, I didn't remember that. Now that's kinda funny.

Idaho... it is all about knowing the facts my friend. He was drafted in 2003 by Atlanta and then spent the next SEVEN years in their Org and/or affiliates along with the Winterhawks before being traded to Philly.

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Idaho... it is all about knowing the facts my friend. He was drafted in 2003 by Atlanta and then spent the next SEVEN years in their Org and/or affiliates along with the Winterhawks before being traded to Philly.

7years? drafted in 03 and traded to us in 07, did you know that fact?

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Just curious... This is based on what? It happened once with Cobie and now we are doomed to repeat history over and over? Besides, Coburn will be gone soon enough. We need his 4.5 million in cap space and if any of our Phantom "kids" are gonna get a chance to develope someone has to move. (unless you are counting on Mez and Gross crappping out again this year which is a distinct possibility)

Based on us never developing a dman, when was the last time we drafted and develop one? I do hope I'm wrong but I can't pretend to believe we will develop Morin into a no.1 pairing dman.

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Dude... he was with the Portland Winterhawks from 2001 - 2004/2005. The went to the AHL and spent 5 seasons w/ the Wolves and/or Thrashers so how was his development by the Flyers? He was brought here b/c the Thrashers were running out of patience with him. From day #1 on the Flyers roster he started...

Seems to me that you should develop players before they make the jump to the big club. Same way Giroux was developed and every other player that comes through the ranks.

You made a baseless claim and the history is there to prove that he was in the Thrashers org for quite a while after being drafted. Unless the Flyers are now helping other teams out in the development department your relation to Coburn makes no sense.

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What are the chances of them getting the same thing out of Morin that they are getting from Coburn?

Like i said kid has a mean streak...something you can't really teach, it would make him a better defenseman no doubt yet he just doesn't have it, plus Coburn despite all the physical tools just isn't smart enough i believe...

...just look how may times guy coming into the zone with the puck and he'll just chase them getting out of position and then can't even clear the crease or worse he'll actually turn his back on the puck!!!

I'm like WTF is he doing how can you defend the puck when you turn your god*amn back on it, just all the little things that show he is dumb as a box of rocks!!!

Morin looks smarter just from his positioning i've seen in clips and he USES HIS SIZE TO SEPARATE TO PUCK FROM THE PUCK CARRIER which i've prayed Coburn would learn to do but yet just refuses to get physical at times even against smaller guys!

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Someone, somewhere posted on Twitter that he looked like a young Pronger, I replied with exactly what you said..He looks like JVR. Hope he doesn't play like him. :ph34r:

Body wise he looks like the lanky Pronger back in the day but in the face yeah he looks like JVR.

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Yes that is Coburn. He had all the same potential that Morin has, what worries me the most is the Flyers developing these dmans to max their potential. What are the chances of them getting the same thing out of Morin that they are getting from Coburn? I say highly. If Coburn was develped by another team, I can see them maxing out his potential. The Flyers just don't have the personnel to develop dmans or goalies.

I have to disagree. As a junior Coburn was never projected to have the offensive potential that Morin is projected to have. True, it's just potential but at least with Morin the potential is there. With Coburn, the only people who thought he had that kind of upside were Flyers fans who saw a big guy who could really skate and thought we were getting the next Pronger. As a junior he was projected to be a shut down defenseman with very limited offensive skill. Which is exactly what he is now.

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I think Morin's floor is a more physical version of Coburn. His ceiling is much higher.

I think so his reaction time is much greater it just looks like he thinks the game better sees the plays unfolding better, where as with Coburn he just seems to be running around like a chicken with his head cut off at times...

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7years? drafted in 03 and traded to us in 07, did you know that fact?

So... go back to the post where I detailed where Coburn played and count the # of red items - Seven w/ the Thrashers. From his draft year to the Flyers there were SEVEN seasons.

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I noticed that too. It kind of creeped me out a little, to be honest.

No other player shot up the top 50 like he did in just over a years time...impressive and has much room to grow...


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"it is all about knowing the facts my friend. He was drafted in 2003 by Atlanta and then spent the next SEVEN years in their Org and/or affiliates along with the Winterhawks before being traded to Philly."

7years? drafted in 03 and traded to us in 07, did you know that fact?

I think his facts are OK, just his math is off. Or is he counting Coburn's time with the Winterhawks prior to being drafted as being time devoloped by Atlanta? Or was Coburn drafted in 2003, traded to the Flyers in 2007, but still being devoloped by Atlanta until 2010? That's what his statement implies.

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Or is he counting Coburn's time with the Winterhawks prior to being drafted as being time devoloped by Atlanta?

Yes he is...all of juniors is considered developing time not just when you're drafted...

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I think his facts are OK, just his math is off. Or is he counting Coburn's time with the Winterhawks prior to being drafted as being time devoloped by Atlanta? Or was Coburn drafted in 2003, traded to the Flyers in 2007, but still being devoloped by Atlanta until 2010? That's what his statement implies.

TZ - math or no math he was primarily "developed" by a different organization. The claim that the Flyers did not develop him makes no sense - this is the reason why we picked him up. Altanta was frustrated w/ his development. By those accounts he actually turned into a respectable defenseman so maybe the Flyers did "develop" him where Atlanta could not...

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Yes he is...all of juniors is considered developing time not just when you're drafted...

It is draft date forward that is NHL development. Otherwise, why do most prospects that are not ready go back to Jrs? Well, one would think it is to work on their game and "development"...

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