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Mezzo for nothing better than Coburn for meh

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Coby will shine again if teamed with Timmo or even Streit.

I really feel like last season had a ton to do with his role being different than his strengths.

I like mezaros' game... But his health just can't be trusted. If we could feel safe that he'll play 65+games again it would be different. We can't.

Long and short, if coburn goes he'll need to be replaced. Mezaros can just go.

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Mezaros can just go.

I agree with this for one obvious reason. He missed 25% of the season 2 years ago, and almost all of last year. They are used to him NOT being there. Which makes him easy to not miss if/when gone. I am not saying he isn't a solid dman, and not saying the Flyers couldn't use him. But after the last 2 seasons, he is simply expendable given the cap position Homer put them in.


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At this point, I can't imagine Mez will get us anything more than just a very late pick (something like 4th round) and a cap relief. And with adding Vinny, I can't see Mez still being on the team come training camp. But who knows.... stranger things happened.

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The Islanders took on Thomas' contract this past season to get above the cap minimum. I'd imaging there are teams looking to do the same this year. The problem is that other GMs know we are in a cap bind and that greatly diminishes our returns.

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The Islanders took on Thomas' contract this past season to get above the cap minimum. I'd imaging there are teams looking to do the same this year. The problem is that other GMs know we are in a cap bind and that greatly diminishes our returns.

We aren't really looking for returns, are we? Just salary cap relief, right?

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I agree with this for one obvious reason. He missed 25% of the season 2 years ago, and almost all of last year.

Yes see that is the a plus when looking at Streit...in 7 years in the NHL he has only missed 15 games....besides the whole year he missed....so he seems durable....

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you look for about a dozen pucks (non logo - blank pucks) coming back for a trade for Mr Mezz... When he plays he is a very good defensman but he is more fragile than a used tissue. Just dump the salary...

I hestiate to trade Coburn honestly... he can be a good player and if he leaves it is going to leave a big hole in an already porous defense. Just like Carle - he will be missed.

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Are you ok trading Coburn for minimum return? I'm not and that would make me hate these offseason moves more. Other GMs know our cap situation. They aren't going to be asking for Mez. They'll be asking for Coburn and offering little in return.

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Are you ok trading Coburn for minimum return? I'm not and that would make me hate these offseason moves more. Other GMs know our cap situation. They aren't going to be asking for Mez. They'll be asking for Coburn and offering little in return.

No! Coburn is an asset. If nobody makes a valid offer, keep him.

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Disagree with the premise. If Coburn can bring you a great return, sure trade him. If not keep him. Of course, Homer could also try not to paint himself into intricate corners that force trading Mez for nada.

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