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Guest AlaskaFlyerFan

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Now I feel it is critical to find a top-line LW to compliment G and Voracek in order to make this signing a slam-dunk for the Flyers. Great to have your best player locked up long term but he can't do it by himself no matter how good he is.

Lemieux, Crosby, Malkin all did it by themselves so to speak.

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No, they're not bankrupt.

They just have the same number of Cups that they had before they signed Briere. So if they "found a way" what exactly was "the way" to?

No one believes that the Flyers are going to run out of money.

Lots of people don't believe they spend their money well.

Because they have shown time and again that they simply don't.

The point is, everytime the Flyers make a big signing, this board goes nuts with opinions of how it will ruin the team and tie them down to a player the will never be able to get rid of, at the cost of young players they will never be able to keep. In a large number of those cases, its nothing more than emotional panic without foundation. The team seems to find a way to manage the cap and player contracts to prove these opinions false. I used Briere as one example where it was opined that the tea made a huge mistake that would cost them the future and they would never be able to get rid of him and his cap hit.

I was not making the point in relation to Cup victories, just team management.

As for the Cup, yes, the Flyers have not won since 75. You want to call that faliure, go ahead. I won't argue. But I look at things differently. After their last title, the next 13 titles were won by only three different teams that for the most part, dominated the league. No teams in the league could win during that time. The Flyers had some good teams that fell short. Do they need a goalie? Yep. Again no arguement. But how many Roy's and Broduer's are out there for the taking.

To sum it up, I'm happy with the moves the team makes because it keeps me interested and tells me they are constantly trying to get there. I don't need to criticize and analyze every move they make.

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I don't need to criticize and analyze every move they make.

OK, fine. No problem whatsoever.

BUT, this is a "message board" or "forum" for people to express opinions about the Flyers.

The entire point of this place is to "analyze" every move they make.

You don't want to do that? Terrific. Here's a simple way to make that happen: don't.

You want a place that just says how wonderful and great everything the team does is? check out philadelphiaflyers.com

But to be surprised that people are expressing opinions and analyzing the team's moves on a message board is simply silly.

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I think he was more frustrated over constant criticism, to the point of being unwarranted.

There are many threads about why the moves are great and wonderful. Is there a point where there are "too many" of them?

People will disagree. They will discuss it. That's the point of a discussion forum.

Are there examples of going over the top? Sure. Just like there are examples of blind homer stepfordism.

Crazy thing, life.

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I like the streit signing, the Vinny signing, the Emery signing and the locking up of G. I'm not a homer but how can any of those signings make us worse than last year. Who cares about the money? Its not ours. The years you have to give or you won't get or keep them.

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I like the streit signing, the Vinny signing, the Emery signing and the locking up of G. I'm not a homer but how can any of those signings make us worse than last year. Who cares about the money? Its not ours. The years you have to give or you won't get or keep them.

Two words: Ilya Bryzgalov

That's the risk run in making these sorts of deals and it is why it is perfectly reasonable for a fanbase to talk about them. The team begs us to talk about them. We are what makes them popular - all of the fans.

Nothing we say on here has any bearing on what will actually happen with the team. There are passionate fans with passionate opinions about the team.

That's what we call a "good thing"

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@pensuck It should be brutal....35 years of making the same types of mistakes over and over again....you can only take that so long before snapping. That's what myself, rux, fc and many others are going through. The longer you have been a Flyers fan, the greater the frustration. We don't care about being in the mix, we want to win....and Homer more often than not, does not help out in this regard. His team building skills sicken me.

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OK then. what should have been done different after last years huge disappointment? They've realized there mistakes and Are trying to move forward...I'm tired of hearing about the length and nmc of contracts. If that what it takes to get a player than so be it. We're better off today than we were last year And I can't wait for the new season to start.

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@pensuck I'm not negative, I'm realistic. Flyer fan deserve better than this "all in" stragety Homer constantly puts forward. I'm sick of the lack of patience. We as a fan base deserve better than this. The duo of Ed and Homer, the dolts who signed the Bryz contract...they need to take a course in "how to build a winner", cause the adding vets on the downward slope, it's not working for me....

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@ jammer

Yes we all want a cup. That's obvious. It's not like they don't try.I don't really remember them winning one . Too young. I became a fan in the 80's and I'm still a huge fan. Do they make mistakes? Obviously, but they try their best every year. Successful or not I'm here rooting for them.

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@pensuck Of course we are all rooting for them. It's just that it's something that is very important to us all, we are passionate because they mean a lot to us. That's why I get so frustrated....they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. It's ok to make a mistake, it's not ok to repeat it. The Striet and Vinny deals (IMHO) represent doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different reslut....or the very defination of insantity. So, my team is insane, and I don't like it.....LOL!

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OK, fine. No problem whatsoever.

BUT, this is a "message board" or "forum" for people to express opinions about the Flyers.

The entire point of this place is to "analyze" every move they make.

You don't want to do that? Terrific. Here's a simple way to make that happen: don't.

You want a place that just says how wonderful and great everything the team does is? check out philadelphiaflyers.com

But to be surprised that people are expressing opinions and analyzing the team's moves on a message board is simply silly.

As usual you like to twist and distort to fit your POV. But thank you so much for succinctly describing what this forum is all about, I really didn"t have clue what its purpose was before this.

BTW fan opinions are far different from arm chair GM's who are smugly convinced that they know best what a pro franchise needs, and who arrogantly criticise every move thinking they could easily give up their job driving the local parts delivery truck and deliver a Stanley Cup

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I'm with you on this. I have as much invested as a fan as most here, but I just don't getthe dedication it takes to be so constantly negative. My Dad went to his grave a die hard Eagles fan and never got to see them win a Superbowl. My uncle recently joined him. I may never see another Stanley Cup but I am proud that the franchise is constantly trying. Its not like they set out to lose. I understand the point about the same mistakes but it could be worse, they aren't the Leafs.

After last season, I'm excited and re-energized. I felt the same way when Forsberg was brought in, and Pronger, and now Vinny. I like the balance of young players and proven veterans.

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@pensuck @CoachX

When lot's of people were moaning about the Flyers draft, I saw positive in it. Why? Because they FINALLY took a different route and drafted not one, but TWO quality defencemen, something they hadn't done in...forever. It was like "FINALLY"!!!

But after you trade 2 players that you signed to what basically amounts to lifetime contracts, is it really wise to do that yet again? And after you just bought out 2 players that you signed to longterm contracts in their 30s and have yet another holding $5 million in limbo every summer, is it really wise to go THAT route yet again?

That's the part a lot of us are getting sick of. This franchise tries the same formula over and over and over, and it doesn't work. If you do something at work that isn't getting the results you desire, do you try something different, or just keep trying to stick that square peg in the round hole? There's a reason the entire NHL fanbase laughed when Holmgren signed Vinny only days after buying out Briere and Bryz. And Streit is just more of the same.

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As usual you like to twist and distort to fit your POV. But thank you so much for succinctly describing what this forum is all about, I really didn"t have clue what its purpose was before this.

BTW fan opinions are far different from arm chair GM's who are smugly convinced that they know best what a pro franchise needs, and who arrogantly criticise every move thinking they could easily give up their job driving the local parts delivery truck and deliver a Stanley Cup

I hope you get a better truck route.

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The point is, everytime the Flyers make a big signing, this board goes nuts with opinions of how it will ruin the team and tie them down to a player the will never be able to get rid of, at the cost of young players they will never be able to keep. In a large number of those cases, its nothing more than emotional panic without foundation. The team seems to find a way to manage the cap and player contracts to prove these opinions false. I used Briere as one example where it was opined that the tea made a huge mistake that would cost them the future and they would never be able to get rid of him and his cap hit.

I was not making the point in relation to Cup victories, just team management.

As for the Cup, yes, the Flyers have not won since 75. You want to call that faliure, go ahead. I won't argue. But I look at things differently. After their last title, the next 13 titles were won by only three different teams that for the most part, dominated the league. No teams in the league could win during that time. The Flyers had some good teams that fell short. Do they need a goalie? Yep. Again no arguement. But how many Roy's and Broduer's are out there for the taking.

To sum it up, I'm happy with the moves the team makes because it keeps me interested and tells me they are constantly trying to get there. I don't need to criticize and analyze every move they make.

Funny. I don't recall the board going nuts over the 4 year deal they gave Voracek or the 6 year deal that they gave to Simmonds. Maybe it's because these were players who were just reaching their prime or maybe it was because the team did not overpay.

Were it not for the good fortune of the new CBA and the lockout we'd still be saddled with Briere and Bryzgalov. That's some real good "management" right there. So given two "get out of jail free" cards our GM goes out and does the same thing with Streit and Lecavalier. At least Streit addressed a need.

You call it trying to get there. I call it stupid.

Read up and you'll see that the moves that were criticized the most due to all that "emotional panic" turned out to be worthy of the criticism. Hartnell. Bryzgalov. Briere. Carter. Pronger.

So when the same thing happens again and again and again, the criticism is more than warranted.

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@ jammer

Yes we all want a cup. That's obvious. It's not like they don't try.I don't really remember them winning one . Too young. I became a fan in the 80's and I'm still a huge fan. Do they make mistakes? Obviously, but they try their best every year. Successful or not I'm here rooting for them.

No one is saying they don't try and no one is even hinting that they are going to stop rooting for them.

They are being critical of the same mistakes being made over and over and over again all with the same result.

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I think he was more frustrated over constant criticism, to the point of being unwarranted.


I think it's more the criticism of every move now too. Not every move this offseason was awful. The reaction by most fans to every single move has been pretty sour.

Myself included. I definitely balked a the draft picks until I gave it more thought.

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