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Flyers interested in Alfredsson?

Guest radoran

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Dreger says it's likely Detroit. It'll be weird to see him anywhere but Ottawa.

Over 35, former captain, beat the Flyers in a few playoff series.

Sounds like a seven-year, $45M, NMC deal from Homer's perspective.


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Yeah... sounds like a Ray Bourque situation.. he was as loyal to Ottawa as a player can be in today's NHL, but this is his one last kick at the can. Timonen could have easily chosen to do the same.

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McKenzie just tweeted he wasn't likely to stay in OTT.

I figured it was a matter of time before he was linked to the Flyers, so I decided to do it first.


you trying to give me a heart attack! :)

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@pilldoc It's tough to lose a player to a direct division rival. Six games a year where a guy is trying to prove you wrong and plays with a wicked fire in his eyes. Same situation for the Leafs having lost McCarther to the Sens. It would be a fair bet that Clarke McCarther will directly cost the Leafs 3-4 pts next year, OT goals etc.

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@pilldoc It's tough to lose a player to a direct division rival. Six games a year where a guy is trying to prove you wrong and plays with a wicked fire in his eyes. Same situation for the Leafs having lost McCarther to the Sens. It would be a fair bet that Clarke McCarther will directly cost the Leafs 3-4 pts next year, OT goals etc.

Look at our own situation with Talbot and Jagr. Moreso with Jagr 2 yrs ago. He was like a man possed when he played the Pens. I totally get your point. That is why i made the comment if the Sens fans really realize that the Red Wings are now in their Conference.

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@pilldoc It's tough to lose a player to a direct division rival. Six games a year where a guy is trying to prove you wrong and plays with a wicked fire in his eyes. Same situation for the Leafs having lost McCarther to the Sens. It would be a fair bet that Clarke McCarther will directly cost the Leafs 3-4 pts next year, OT goals etc.

By the early accounts I read, the Sens opened up the checkbook for Alfredsson and he walked away?

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@radoran Yep, Melnek (sp) the Sens owner apparently called up Murray and told him "get this done". It may have been a bit of "to little, to late". My theory is Alfie felt slighted by the offer taking so long, also taking into account he played for under a mill last year, an obvious "take one for the team" kinda scenario. If Alfie was really a priority, they should have moved this process along much quicker....they had tons of time to get this done. After he goes UFA and other teams had offers on the table is a bad time to finally pony up, which is my understanding of the timeline. Perhaps the Swedish contigent on the Wings, coupled with their ability to win it all might have been the straws that broke the camels back here.

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Yeah, from what Dreger posted, Alfredsson gave them two contract options yesterday, and Murray balked. Melnik then called Murray, but Murray never really revisited the numbers with Alfredsson. At least that's what I got out of it.

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Also seems that by the time they got back to him, Alfredsson had decided he had a better shot at the cup elsewhere. Actually got to hear the interview replayed on NHL radio.

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