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The future of Flyers ownership...

Guest ZeZel25

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I hope Ed Snider lives to be 200, but when that day comes when he can no longer be affiliated with the team, who will become the owner of the Flyers? I don't believe Comcast-Spectacor will stay owners for any significant time.

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I'm not sure why they wouldn't. They still own the WFC (and operate another 50 arenas beyond that), and it makes sense to own the anchor tenant as well. The bigger concern is whether or not they would spend the needed amount if that were to come to pass.

If they were to sell out, it seems likely that the Harris group would get first crack at buying the team and the arena, and they'd probably be offered to the other two sports ownership groups thereafter. If all of those turned down the opportunity, then we'd be looking at owners from outside Philadelphia, unless there's a hockey-mad billionaire around here that I'm unaware of.

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@dilbert719 My big fear is Ed passes or retires and some corporate board takes over the day to day business end of the Flyers. As much as I dislike Ed and his meddling, at least he loves the sport and is passionate, and the same would probably not be true of some corporate talking heads when they inevitably take over. Hopefully we already have the GM of the future in place before all that goes down, cause I don't trust Lukko and some corporate yuk yuk's to make the proper decison there.

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I hope Ed Snider lives to be 200, but when that day comes when he can no longer be affiliated with the team, who will become the owner of the Flyers? I don't believe Comcast-Spectacor will stay owners for any significant time.

Flyers are a ridiculously valuable asset for Comcast - the ancillary revenue they get in addition to "hockey related revenue" is huge.

Take CSN, for example. Comcast "shares" the ad revenue between one affiliate (CSN) and another affiliate (Flyers). Why would they want to share that?

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Flyers are a ridiculously valuable asset for Comcast - the ancillary revenue they get in addition to "hockey related revenue" is huge.

Take CSN, for example. Comcast "shares" the ad revenue between one affiliate (CSN) and another affiliate (Flyers). Why would they want to share that?

Just saying, they did it with the Sixers.

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Just saying, they did it with the Sixers.

Comcast is far more involved with hockey than basketball though. I believe they own the rights to the Center Ice cable package, don't they? And of course they own NBC which has the TV rights to NHL games. Peter Lukko's son was drafted by the Flyers. I don't see Comcast selling off the Flyers unless the frachise becomes a big money pit, and I don't see that happening with or without Ed Snider.

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While not everyone agrees with his methods, no one can question Ed Snider's love of the game and his desire to win. I actually think that desire to have one more cup is part of the reason the Bryz deal was made.

That being said, he won't be around for ever. I think Comcast retains ownership of the team. Comcast is a business and Flyers hockey is good business. They are one of the top hockey markets in the league with loyal, die hard fans who not only sell out every night but also buy a ton of merchandise.

Comcast knows business and they know the Flyers are good business. Not to mention those corporate types tend to be very competittive and I think that mentality will filter down to the decisions the team makes.in the form of more sensible contracts but still having a win it all mentality every year.

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I expect them to stay owners until such a time as the United States Congress decides Comcast's vertical integration is having adverse effects on some other media company who bought more influence and thus makes Comcast sell off the team.

Until then, I's wager that Mr. Snider is seen mostly as an amusing but capable custodian of the investment.

I don't believe Comcast-Spectacor will stay owners for any significant time.

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