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Chief Must take the "C" from Giroux.

King Knut

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Would be really object? He's a kid lost in the wilderness right now and no one on this team or running it is equipped to guide him out.

If another team had cap room they'd take him. They just would be smarter and not make him a captain.

I seriously. I just hate Holmgren so much anymore. It's just blind hate. I can't even think about it. He's such a jack ass. He owes us all so much of an apology and he's too much of a dick to ever offer it.

I can't even cope with how much if a disaster this team is.

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Just because something's never been done before doesn't mean it can't be done.

If Giroux had captained the team to two cups the way Toews did, then gone stone cold like giroux has, I wouldn't be saying this.

The fact is, this team plate better with 3/4 a's than they have since Giroux took the captaincy.

I true captain would have given it up by now.

A true coach would have stripped it. This is an extreme set o circumstances. Doing what normally gets done simply isn't working.

Either way I agree that Giroux sits a few games at this point.

Your first sentence is interesting to say the least. Did not realize my post was so hard to understand so I will try again.

You cant take the C away after less than two seasons. He is the best player on the team but has struggled mightily . If Toews and the Hawks struggled for an extended period of time would you take the C away... No.

If you strip the C then you have to trade him. Clearly, your logic states differently. I suppose you never played hockey bc this is something that should not and will not be done. Who should be given the C on this team anyway if G gets stripped? Is there a better choice? And please don't say VLC or Streit. Both have been here for a cup of coffee and VLC can't stay on the ice. The last thing this team needs is another Foppa incident.

You are then going to take a rudderless ship and remove the captain in exchange for 3 As? Who are the A's?

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  Of course, the best case scenario is G just gives up the C. He should do that for the good of the team as a whole. He needs to concentrate on getting his game back on track....period. If he had any jam he'd realize the team needs a new leader and step down. Vinny would make a good captain. I can see the team listening and respecting a vet with a Stanley Cup under his belt. G needs to do what is right for the team. He bit off more than he can chew.

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Why not first remove him from the top line...let him play with Rinaldo for a few games...may work by virtue of him not playing against the other teams' top lines?


Personally I'm working on trying to become a Kings fan instead...anybody ever change the team they're a fan of before?  Advice?

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Want to send a message? Quit making trades and treat them like they're playing.

They're playing like a leaderless team, so make that the case. NO CaPtain.

This team did better without one.

Now there's no Gagne, Jagr, Briere or Talbot.

Thy have no captain. None should wear that C until one emerges.

They did better when they didn't have one and so should it be now.


Giroux reminds me a bit of Forsberg in the sense that he's the best player on your team, but not a good leader.


But stripping him of it right now does this team no good at all. I would concentrate on putting experienced "lieutenants" around him.

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I don't think it's that time yet. I agree that he hasn't earned the "C" yet but taking it away from him won't do any good. There's not really anyone to give it to either. I like the idea of pronger helping out but he can't be expected to do that...would the team respect a guy who's not playing with them?

Just sit him for a game or two to send a message.

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I've always seen Giroux as the "Forsberg" to someone else's "Sakic"


What they are missing is the "Sakic" in that equation.

So like a Kane and Toews?

Crosby and Malkin?

Ovechkin and Backstrom?

In the Flyers world, that would be like, say, a JVR, a Carter, a Richards, a Jagr?

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