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Chief Must take the "C" from Giroux.

King Knut

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Want to send a message? Quit making trades and treat them like they're playing.

They're playing like a leaderless team, so make that the case. NO CaPtain.

This team did better without one.

Now there's no Gagne, Jagr, Briere or Talbot.

Thy have no captain. None should wear that C until one emerges.

They did better when they didn't have one and so should it be now.

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Won't help Giroux's game at all by stripping the ''C'' from him, what's done is done. What I can't believe is there is 2 guys on this team that have worn the ''C'' on other teams and can't help G with his captaincy and leadership. ie. Lecavalier and Streit. Maybe Pronger should go into the dressing room and pop some heads.

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Won't help Giroux's game at all by stripping the ''C'' from him, what's done is done. What I can't believe is there is 2 guys on this team that have worn the ''C'' on other teams and can't help G with his captaincy and leadership. ie. Lecavalier and Streit. Maybe Pronger should go into the dressing room and pop some heads.


And Timonen, who should have gotten it over Smith way backinnaday.


There is a lot to "leadership" and walking into a new dressing room to say "follow me, boys" isn't typically it. VLC, perhaps - he's won a Cup. Streit hasn't won much of anything and is pretty much a journeyman.


There is also some thought that Pronger "popping heads" contributed to the breakdown/undermining of Richards' "leadership" at the time.


Handing G the C was a bad decision when they made it. It remains a bad decision now. And they're completely stuck with it.


Just hope it gets better.

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If you're gonna take the C then you better have his trade lined up too



Agreed... he is a young Captain and is clearly struggling.  You cant strip the "C" of him b/c he is your franchise player.   If you do it you better have a trade ready b/c it won't work once it is done.


I am a big critic of G lately but yanking the C off his sweater is not what this Team and Franchise needs.   Simply, they need players...

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I too believe the C haunts G.  I  was one of the bunch who suggested just rolling 3 A's for a while till a true leader emerges.  Who care's who the designated C and A's are anyway?  I know it has something to do with talking to the refs, but in the locker room, does anyone really give a sh!t?  Seems to cause more problems than is solves.


I also agree with those who've stated that it's too late now.  You take that thing off an you lose the player altogether, so may as well get working on a trade.  


Benchings need to take place.  That's the only message that can be sent at this point.  Put G on the popcorn line for a few.  And don't hesitate to keep sending them.  Have management and the coach label it "players have to earn their ice time every night", and just reward those who give consistent effort and produce.  

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@Spinorama... Not sure I'm if you caught any of the PHISH tour but it was great.

I am totally in agree with your post. If the Flyers brass are totally committed to winning and will do anything it takes then accountability needs to be paramount. If a player, not matter who that players is, send a message and put them in the press box.

If the club spins it the right way it will be fine. Stop the pre madonna coddling and make the players accountable.

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There is no pretty much, you either are a journeyman or your not. I prefer the definitive world, not that of indecisiveness.


Here is the definition again as you missed it in the original response. "The journeyman is a player that travels from team to team throughout his career, never really finding a place that will keep him around for the long term".


Streit does not fit based of this definition. It is not "my" definition it's hockeys definition.


You stance is 3 nhl teams constitutes a journeyman? Must be a lot of them in the nhl then :lol:

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Oh I think eventually it will definitely help his game

, but helping his game wasn't my point.

This team needs a captain. It needs leadership.

But leadership will not emerge when there's already someone who is supposed to be doing it.

Remove that block and see who steps up.

G isn't a natural leader. Big deal? He's a natural playmaker and he needs to be focused on that.

Let a leader take the reigns, but first you gotta create a legit vacancy.

Won't help Giroux's game at all by stripping the ''C'' from him, what's done is done. What I can't believe is there is 2 guys on this team that have worn the ''C'' on other teams and can't help G with his captaincy and leadership. ie. Lecavalier and Streit. Maybe Pronger should go into the dressing room and pop some heads.

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That's just silly.

What's he going to do? Get all pissy and start playing badly? He's already there. His game only has upswing potential at this point.

Maybe he earns the captaincy back? Who knows, but a statement must be made to this team and this captain.

If you're gonna take the C then you better have his trade lined up too

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There is simply no sense to this logic.

He's a hockey player gettin paid a boat load of money... And he almost literally can't be any less productive.

What on earth do you think will happen if they take away the C? How much worse could it possibly get for Giroux?

He's not a captain. Big deal. Slap him on the back and tell him to get over it. He's still the franchise. That just means different things to different players.

Agreed... he is a young Captain and is clearly struggling. You cant strip the "C" of him b/c he is your franchise player. If you do it you better have a trade ready b/c it won't work once it is done.

I am a big critic of G lately but yanking the C off his sweater is not what this Team and Franchise needs. Simply, they need players...

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I've always seen Giroux as the "Forsberg" to someone else's "Sakic"


What they are missing is the "Sakic" in that equation.


Pronger was supposed to be it. They put all their money on 20 orange and missed.


Then they said "hey, let's try 28 orange!"


Vegas loves these types.


I just see Giroux as an unfortunate square peg in a round hole.


Doesn't mean it can't fit. Just have to hit it harder.

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There is simply no sense to this logic.

He's a hockey player gettin paid a boat load of money... And he almost literally can't be any less productive.

What on earth do you think will happen if they take away the C? How much worse could it possibly get for Giroux?

He's not a captain. Big deal. Slap him on the back and tell him to get over it. He's still the franchise. That just means different things to different players.

Your first sentence is interesting to say the least. Did not realize my post was so hard to understand so I will try again.

You cant take the C away after less than two seasons. He is the best player on the team but has struggled mightily . If Toews and the Hawks struggled for an extended period of time would you take the C away... No. 

If you strip the C then you have to trade him. Clearly, your logic states differently. I suppose you never played hockey bc this is something that should not and will not be done. Who should be given the C on this team anyway if G gets stripped? Is there a better choice? And please don't say VLC or Streit. Both have been here for a cup of coffee and VLC can't stay on the ice. The last thing this team needs is another Foppa incident. 


You are then going to take a rudderless ship and remove the captain in exchange for 3 As?   Who are the A's?

Edited by murraycraven
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Just because a player shows promise of stardom is a bad reason for making him Captain.  IMHO, the gritty, tough, old-timer who guts it out every shift is a much saner choice than a young kid.   The premature placing of a C on a jersey puts too much of a burden upon someone who doesn't understand the duties nor the pressure.

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That's just silly.

What's he going to do? Get all pissy and start playing badly? He's already there. His game only has upswing potential at this point.

Maybe he earns the captaincy back? Who knows, but a statement must be made to this team and this captain.



I agree with what you have said, but It's to late now to change captains. if we took the c away from G and said when one emerges they will get the c, that would make the organization look like even more of a joke. Were firing coaches 3 games into the season, saying were not trading certain players and then trading them, awarding a player the "c", taking the "c" away. Like a reality show with no plot. :lol:

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organization look like even more of a joke


This organization can't get any worst. It's the lowest of the low right now and who cares what people think. Maybe taking the C off of Giroux will kick his a-s-s into gear. If not trade him. It's not like he can get any worst like others said. There has to be some accountability. I mean how long does Flyers fans have to wait. It's been over a year so far of him not living up to exception. 

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This organization can't get any worst. It's the lowest of the low right now and who cares what people think. Maybe taking the C off of Giroux will kick his a-s-s into gear. If not trade him. It's not like he can get any worst like others said. There has to be some accountability. I mean how long does Flyers fans have to wait. It's been over a year so far of him not living up to exception. 


You want to trade the franchise player 13 games into the season?? Last year injured g had 48 pts in 48 games, you can't say that is terrible. Don't you think we should give him more time?? Regardless I'm going to humor the question. So where do we trade G to?? LA kings?? What is the return? Who do we build the franchise around once he is gone??

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You want to trade the franchise player 13 games into the season?? Last year injured g had 48 pts in 48 games, you can't say that is terrible. Don't you think we should give him more time?? Regardless I'm going to humor the question. So where do we trade G to?? LA kings?? What is the return? Who do we build the franchise around once he is gone??




Isnt this the same stupidity for which we always rip the Flyers organization?   PATIENCE for christ's sake... 


G was still a ppg player last year... we are not even a 1/4 through this season.  

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I think having Vinny next to Giroux is what Giroux needs. I wouldn't be upset if Giroux had an assist or two per game while his line does all the scoring. That's 82+ per season which I'm ok with. What he really needs is some leadership development. The Flyers made the same mistake with Richards. They made them captains way too early. 

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This guy is done.

He is just completely rattled. Looking at him after that goal... I mean besides the fact that he just looked lost in his own end on the coverage... He just looks like toast.

He's a wreck and he's totally lost his game.

For his sake, maybe a trade is the best thing.

Can't say I want him gone, but he is fried.. Just totally fried and a fresh outlook might be the only the g to save him.

Not really much that can save this team at this point if he can't snap out of it.

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