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Revisiting the Richard's Trade


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I could care less about rumors. I am concerned about Homer repeatedly making promises and then doing the exact opposite thing. That's a problem. I don't care who it was to.

Wait a minute... I thought Carter was banging Hartnell's wife!?! Wasn't it Lindros that was wanging Brindy's wife? Or, was Carter and Richards snorting coke off of Hartnells wife's back while Lindros was banging her?

Is there another franchise that has as many rumors as the Flyers?

Rumors are rumors and nothing more. Give a few kids a couple of million a year to play hockey and what do you expect? Thank God I did not have that money when I was 18-23 years old b/c I would have been dead. Some players take longer to mature... With that being said I still find it incredibly odd that the franchise decided to dump their biggest players in Carter and Richards. After being told by Homer they were not being traded...

I think there may be some truth to what is rumor but noone knows what went on in that room. Frankly, who cares?

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Didn't Kane get arrested forays silting a cabbie in Buffalo?

And for all the "party boy" stories Carter and Richards provided, Kane beat them at that game easily. Chicago stuck with him though, and he looks like he's grown up, which is what men do. Just like Richards and Carter and Pronger for that matter.

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@King Knut


Yes he did. Then he was seen many times totally s#%&faced in public. But I haven't heard anything like that about him in a few years...and you can see it in his play. Which is why I mentioned it looks like he's grown up...like Richards, Carter, and apparently Seguin.

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Leightin injured his back in game 1 and didn't tell anyone he was hurt and couldn't play. This is why I hate him. Not because he was bad, but because he did not give the coaches the info they needed.

Boucher who had done well was also hurt but had just returned, but obviously was having knee trouble.

Maybe Boucher is too hurt (it looked that way) and Leighton gets the starts anyway, but a decent coach will change how he relies on his goalie if he knows his goalie is hurt.

They didn't know and they lost because of it.

That and carter not being able to lift the puck, but I can't hit him too hard as he was playing in 2 broken feet at the time.

I'll go a step further than that - if we had even an average NHL goalie in that series, the Flyers win the Cup that year and Richards & Carter are still playing for the Flyers and never pick up another tab in Philly the rest of their lives.

And Briere wins the Conn Smythe and goes down as a Philly sports icon.

But the same Leighton who did so much to help get us to the Finals (and we don't make it without him!) basically froze like a deer in the headlights. No excuse for that series, especially losing game #1.

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@King Knut


Yes he did. Then he was seen many times totally s#%&faced in public. But I haven't heard anything like that about him in a few years...and you can see it in his play. Which is why I mentioned it looks like he's grown up...like Richards, Carter, and apparently Seguin.


The incident was a little overblown from the beginning - as the cabbie's lawyer said at the time:



He plead guilty to noncriminal disorderly conduct and given a conditional discharge - which he made the condition for.


He had a real rep coming out of Buffalo (I know people who went to school with him) but he has made great strides to put that behind him and be a professional hockey player.

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Ya, but the fact there was an "incident" followed by several videos proving he couldn't handle his booze led us to believe he wasn't the most mature guy around. But like I said, it looks like he's taking his talent a little more seriously.


And I can admit to having a few "incidents" of my own at that age, and under the influence.

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Ya, but the fact there was an "incident" followed by several videos proving he couldn't handle his booze led us to believe he wasn't the most mature guy around. But like I said, it looks like he's taking his talent a little more seriously.


I'd say he probably wasn't. But he did live with his mom in Chicago in the early years (I think after the "incident") and he hasn't been a problem for Chicago, obviously.


It's not like we all have incidents from our "youth" we're not proud of - just that they don't become viral videos because we're not the #1 overall pick.

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How can you not agree that the "make the playoffs and anything can happen" mentality is still the philosophy of the team when management said exactly that at the season ticket holder meetings before this season???


Richards was a product of that mentality, not the root cause of it.


Again, the apparently rudderless ship captained by Richards finished 1st in the division with a .646 winning % in his last season as captain.


They haven't hit that winning percentage and haven't even sniffed the top of the division since the trade.


I don't think that and "I'll play when I feel like it, flip the switch, yada, yada, yada" are the same thing.


That's because they aren't that good yet. I've already said it, but this version of the team is what it is. This is what they are capable of doing. The Richards led teams - the cup run team in particular - was capable of more than a .500 record.

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...But they didn't commit to a rebuild. They signed a "win now" goalie to an ungodly long contract after the started to rebuild.

If they'd committed to a rebuild it would all have made sense. Thy had bob. He'd proven his value by that point but showed that he needed experience and coaching and time. Why's more because of Lavvy playing him against the sabres (pointlessly as goaltending clearly wasn't the problem in that series) they were stuck with him and couldn't send him to the AHL.

To me that says clearly, rebuild rebuild rebuild. But the. Homer goes out and brings in the cosmonaut.

The problem wasn't that the rebuild moves and it probably wasn't even the win now moves (not alone) It was both concurrently tht made no sense and will end up costing this team 80% of Bryz's contract so he can suck for the oilers instead.



So you can only rebuild if you sign young players? No veterans allowed?

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The Richards led teams - the cup run team in particular - was capable of more than a .500 record.


Like the 1st place, .646 win % team that he had in the season before he was traded? With Pronger only playing 50 games?



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