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Pens - Jackets Game 1


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Pens look slow, not in sync yet. They got their momentum and the refs call a questionable interference on Scuderi. Martin misses the bounce and its 2-1 Jackets.

Pens start the 2nd on the power play so we'll see where it goes...

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Frustrating to see them not call a pretty clear hook on Sutter's near breakaway. Could've been a penalty shot... Could've been two minutes... Either way I think they missed one there.

Letang's ooopsie at the line turned into a short handed goal for the Jackets, but 3-3 is ok with me for now. Fleury looks good. Just stopped a breakaway near the end of the second. Pens appear to be building momentum in this one.

On to the third...

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Grind grind grind.  


The defense had issues tonight, especially Letang.  He had issues on offense, he had issues on defense, he had issues on the PP.   Fleury got hung out to dry on all three goals.  I thought he had a great game overall.


Loved the goal scorers.  Bennet, Jokinen, Niskanen, Sutter.     Scoring depth would take the pressure off the top guys.


And what was DFB doing, yet again.   Start with Bennet on Sid's line, he scores a goal on the second PP unit, and gets demoted to the third / fourth line with 11:25 of TOI.  WTF.?

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There is no understanding why a female does ANYTHING! 




I had no issues with Letang's play other than the gaff on the power play leading to the shorty.  I thought he looked good carrying the puck otherwise.  Just seemed the entire team was misfiring for a large part of the first two periods.  How many times did Crosby flat out miss the net?  Shot it clean over.  


I really was ranting about Bylsma's line combinations.  I LIKED the third line of Stempniak - Sutter - Bennett.   Gave them some depth at the third line, but I agree Bennett deserved the ice time with Crosby.  I don't care for Gibbons on Crosby's wing, but I have to admit his speed seemed to give Sid some space out there.  


Worst line combination of the night?  Adams - Malkin - Neal.  I understand there were only 2 minutes left and they wanted a defensive minded player out there, but the Jackets just tore that up.  Real bad combination almost led to a goal by the Jackets with a minute in regulation.  


Nice win to build confidence.  Came from a goal down, then two goals down, and just kept it moving.  Kept pressing, and kept playing the game despite what I saw to be some weak officiating.  They let a lot of hooking style penalties go, but called a couple interference penalties both directions that just weren't penalties.  I hope the officiating improves as the playoffs go on....  but I won't bet my lunch on it.  

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"They let a lot of hooking style penalties go, but called a couple interference penalties both directions that just weren't penalties. I hope the officiating improves as the playoffs go on.... but I won't bet my lunch on it. "

If the officials would call interference that way all the time,(the way they did in the first) the game would be much faster ...well more end to end rushes for sure.

I wasn't paying too close attention to this game was the whole game called like that?

Edited by mojo1917
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There really wasn't alot of interference in the game, but I was happy that they set the precedent early in the game.   If they keep the flow like that, I'd be happy. But that's always a matter of the officials.  Watched some of the Bolts-Habs game afterwards, and there was a lot there that went uncalled.



There are a couple of things I have a problem with in regards to Bylsma's carousel of line changes.  First, it provides no consistency as you're constantly adjusting the play of new linemates.  Players get used to playing with people, how can you get that comfortable feeling when you are constantly shifting players around.


Second, to take a young player, practice him and start him on the first line, he plays well, and by the second period he gets sent down to the third line. By the third period? He had a total of 3, THREE, III, tres shifts in the whole third period.   TANNER FRIGGIN GLASS had more ice time than Bennet did last night. This is the kind of thing that confused Simon Despres last year, and hurt his confidence.  Maybe vets understand this, but young kids have a much harder time with this.


If you want him on the third line, make it known and don't jerk him around.  In reality that solidifies the third line, but quit this crap of constantly moving people around.

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Pens look slow, not in sync yet. They got their momentum and the refs call a questionable interference on Scuderi. Martin misses the bounce and its 2-1 Jackets.

Pens start the 2nd on the power play so we'll see where it goes...


A tough game. The better team won, but your boys better finish it fast, or else you will be worn out. I think Columbus will lose the series, but not without leaving their mark on Pitts- which will not bode well past the first round. 

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I actually thought those in-game line changes made sense.  Sure - Bennett made a nice play on the Sutter goal and had that monster hit early on but he was also on the ice for the Blue Jackets even-strength and short-handed goals. 


Gibbons' speed opens things up for Crosby. Bennett works well with Sutter and Stempniak (see above regarding the Sutter goal) and he instantly turns the 3rd line into a scoring threat -  at least enough of a threat where the other team has to account for 3 lines instead of 2.  And of course, it puts Glass on the 4th line where he belongs.


Why Glass has more ice time I can't explain but I liked those end game line combinations but I would expect that to change if the Stempniak/Sutter/Bennett line stays in tact.

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Agreed I'd have no issue if it stays consistent.  Problem is I just can't believe it will.  I HATE the obstruction in this league, especially with the talent we have, but they just don't seem to get it right. 





I think Glass had more ice time because they were killing penalties so much and Bennett isn't on the PK.  




I think in the playoffs, every series takes its toll on a team.  I don't know that there are any you come out of unscathed.  

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I think in the playoffs, every series takes its toll on a team.  I don't know that there are any you come out of unscathed.  


I agree, but traditionally, the Western conference is more of a free flowing game and the Easter is a ground and pound game. I thought yesterdays pitts game was a great example of that. I did not watch the Dallas game so can't use a comparable. 

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