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5 days of Intensive Berube Coached Practice Sessions

King Knut

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Dude... you're getting close to "Mcfly" territory with your Coburn obsession.  



No obsession here just calling him out like everyone does to Mcdud, Nick, Luke, RJ and Vinny. Stop holding other accountable and not him. If he's the best defenseman he should play like it or close to it.


Broadstreet called him friday so i'm just doing the same stop pretending he is doing ok.

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I understand Hextall's rationale for leaving the young guys in the minors, but maybe having the GM make such a strong statement creates a level of comfort on the big club. Couple that with his recent statements on not wanting to make trades because all anyone wants is your draft picks and young talent and I think you get a room full of guys who put in sub-par efforts because they feel they are untouchable. This team needs a wake-up call or a stronger leader who demands more from his teammates.

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I understand Hextall's rationale for leaving the young guys in the minors, but maybe having the GM make such a strong statement creates a level of comfort on the big club. Couple that with his recent statements on not wanting to make trades because all anyone wants is your draft picks and young talent and I think you get a room full of guys who put in sub-par efforts because they feel they are untouchable. This team needs a wake-up call or a stronger leader who demands more from his teammates.


i agree, there's too many players on this team that have big contracts which they just dont care, it's all about a paycheck, there's no push, no accountabilty, no nothing from the coaching staff or the gm. i would rather have vets on 1 year deals trying to prove that play harder than guys that have big contracts that do nothing. look schulz, del, cc, i mean they are on one year deals, they are playing better than the overpaid defenders like coburn and grossman.

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If this is what they have to show for all of that practice, then maybe it's time to seriously consider removing Berube. I have to say, I'm not one to jump the Fire The Coach bandwagon early, but after I spied Umberger out for the 2nd PK unit, I finally tipped over the ledge. I'm done with Berube and his infinitely wise line juggling.

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I understand Hextall's rationale for leaving the young guys in the minors, but maybe having the GM make such a strong statement creates a level of comfort on the big club. Couple that with his recent statements on not wanting to make trades because all anyone wants is your draft picks and young talent and I think you get a room full of guys who put in sub-par efforts because they feel they are untouchable. This team needs a wake-up call or a stronger leader who demands more from his teammates.

great post.


the team lacks accountability. they play poorly and nothing happens. they lack effort and nothing happens.


admittedly, the team is lacking in talent but there is no excuse for a lack of effort.


and, while we are on the subject, why did we acquire Umberger, again? That trade was terrible. I understand ridding the team of Hartnell, but why not get a pick in return, instead?

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If this is what they have to show for all of that practice, then maybe it's time to seriously consider removing Berube. I have to say, I'm not one to jump the Fire The Coach bandwagon early, but after I spied Umberger out for the 2nd PK unit, I finally tipped over the ledge. I'm done with Berube and his infinitely wise line juggling.



CRAP... I meant 2nd PP unit. 2nd PK unit isn't all that inappropriate. 

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If this is what they have to show for all of that practice, then maybe it's time to seriously consider removing Berube. I have to say, I'm not one to jump the Fire The Coach bandwagon early, but after I spied Umberger out for the 2nd PK unit, I finally tipped over the ledge. I'm done with Berube and his infinitely wise line juggling. 



I hate to say this but I've been thinking the same thing... I see this team come back this year making exactly the same defensive mistakes as last year.   Berube is starting to remind me of a hockey version of Collins.... let's all start praying the defense starts playing better <g>.


I say bring up the kids... and make this team worth watching again !

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