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Radulov Wants Back "In"...But At High Price

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From NBC Sports:



He is now a complete free agent.... I.E, no more Predators holding his rights.


Simply put: is he worth the $15M over two years he is reportedly asking for?

Detroit seems to be very interested....but NOT at that price point.


Awful lot of money for a guy who is about 30 who made only a slight impression previously in the NHL.

Granted, he has been more than a point per game player in the KHL, but I think we all know the overall talent level in the 'K', while much improved over the last couple decades, is still not up to par with what the NHL can ice.


Will anyone actually be crazy enough to give this guy $15M in this cap-strapped era to come play for them? If so, who might that insane GM be?


If an NHL team signs him (thinking some team closer to the cap floor perhaps), and he turns out to be great, that GM will look damned brilliant....but my oh my, that is a HUGE gamble, IMO.



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4 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:



From NBC Sports:



He is now a complete free agent.... I.E, no more Predators holding his rights.


Simply put: is he worth the $15M over two years he is reportedly asking for?

Detroit seems to be very interested....but NOT at that price point.


Awful lot of money for a guy who is about 30 who made only a slight impression previously in the NHL.

Granted, he has been more than a point per game player in the KHL, but I think we all know the overall talent level in the 'K', while much improved over the last couple decades, is still not up to par with what the NHL can ice.


Will anyone actually be crazy enough to give this guy $15M in this cap-strapped era to come play for them? If so, who might that insane GM be?


If an NHL team signs him (thinking some team closer to the cap floor perhaps), and he turns out to be great, that GM will look damned brilliant....but my oh my, that is a HUGE gamble, IMO.





Sounds like he is headed for the NHL already concussed....he needs to get that looked at!!!!:DancingGrape:

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Nobody wants you.


Radulov reminds me of all the old WWF wrestlers jumping to WCW. In this case, he is basically Jeff Jarrett. Jumped to WCW for money, was unhappy. Jumped back to WWE,was unhappy he was not given more than a mid carder role. Jumped back to WCW and was given a larger role. Company quickly goes downhill and folds. WWF no longer wants him back, so he co-founds TNA and finds moderate success, mostly due to mismanagement offering big contracts to former WWF stars for short term gain, but long term failure. But that company is basically folding too and is considered a dead brand. So he founds another new wrestling company called global force.


In no role did he ever draw money or help a company. He definitely hurt companies and is not worth his salary

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