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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. I'd rather see him traded than given away for nothing at the expansion draft. He will probably be left unprotected. He has value.
  2. What ever happened to King Knut? It’s been over a year since he’s been on here???
  3. Scheifele suspended 4 games. https://www.nhl.com/news/jets-scheifele-suspended-four-games-for-charging/c-325171288?tid=277549076
  4. Every once in a while you show these flashes of brilliance! This post fills your quota for the year!
  5. I respectfully disagree with your respectful disagreement. I saw a replay that isolated Scheifele on the play. He started from his end of the ice, (almost the goal line), and skated hard all the way down the ice until about the hash marks. He stopped moving his feet and that is the point where this play turned from trying to stop a goal to an illegal play. He made no attempt to play the puck and focused on the hit. Had he made or even attempted to make a play on the puck I’d feel different about it. He didn’t. It was all about sending a message. Scheifele has a phone hearing scheduled meaning the DoPS can suspend for 5 games or less. I think he gets 3 games.
  6. I read somewhere, (maybe in this thread, too lazy to go back and find it), that Seth’s dad is a coach with the 76ers. I could see him signing with the Flyers after next season because of that. Not so sure the Flyers would trade for him because it would take a significant package to pry him loose from the Jackets.
  7. Isn't it kind of early for him to come out and say he wants to test the market? He still has another year on his current contract. I guess it could be interpreted as a request to be traded.
  8. The most violent player played with the Flyers for a few years.
  9. LOL. I just cast my vote for the Jets to win in 4. I accidentally clicked on the poll then couldn't remove it so I just clicked on submit vote. I figured I better own up to that now so no one thinks I'm some kind of hockey savant or something!
  10. You forgot the the most important part in between the beginning and the end where he pushed the goalie’s pad.
  11. Nothing personal, Rux (or anyone else), but you can disagree all you want because you don’t like the call. It doesn’t change the fact that it was a clear cut violation of Rule 69.3.
  12. The referee waived it off immediately, and was decisive in his call. The video supports his call. He applied the rule exactly as he should have. Nothing else matters in this play. The referee got it right and so did the Panthers for not challenging.
  13. Not true. This is clearly spelled out in the rule book. 69.3 Contact Inside the Goal Crease - If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
  14. @pilldoc see the last sentence of my post above yours. It was not an automatic review situation. It required a coach’s challenge to be reviewed. Coach Q made the right decision.
  15. I’m with TFG on this (sort of). I don’t think it was borderline at all. It’s quite obvious from one angle that Bennett pushed the goalie’s pad out-of-the-way and then knocked the puck into the net. You can see the flex on Bennett’s stick as he is pushing the pad out of the way (1:26 mark of the video). The referee was in great position to see that. It would’ve required a coach’s challenge to be reviewed and the Panthers did not want to take a two-minute penalty because they saw the same thing as the referee.
  16. Fired? Or contracts expired and won’t be renewed?
  17. I was just about to post something similar. I wholeheartedly agree with the Bennett suspension. But I was surprised the DoPS (more like Dopes) didn’t fine or suspend McDonagh for his hit. Both were dangerous plays.
  18. There's good reason for that...Scott Niedermayer was his youth hockey coach.
  19. ‘Bout damn time you started seeing things my way!!
  20. I agree with a lot of what you said but I disagree with how dangerous you’re trying to make that play out to be. The video OR posted where Patrick checked Friedman from behind, face first into the boards was far more dangerous than the Ghost play. Friedman actually had to leave the game for a short period of time after that hit. The NHL didn’t give Patrick any discipline. If the NHL was consistent with the discipline, then I’d have no issue with the 2 games. They’re not...they’re all over the place. I’m sticking with my original comment that there is no way in hell that deserved a 2 game suspension.
  21. I’d agree with the 2 games if Friedman went straight into the boards. But he didn’t. He went in at about a 45 degree angle. It wasn’t head first and no injury. IMHO, it was worth a fine but no way in hell is that a 2 game suspension worthy hit.
  22. Wow! I didn’t expect that after the Wilson fiasco. https://www.tsn.ca/philadelphia-flyers-defenceman-shayne-gostisbehere-suspended-two-games-for-boarding-1.1635055
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