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Everything posted by bbgarnett

  1. https://www.nhl.com/video/aho-aho-score-34-seconds-apart/t-277350912/c-11162882
  2. Hey all just got home, saw we got scored on early and was like maybe I don't want to watch the game, But looks like they've not given in.
  3. wow that's good. I remember years ago our youth group was in South Dakota and we were painting a house and one of the kids was on a ladder up fairly high up and the ladder fell over and he luckily was ok but the first thing I said was is the ladder OK. I was probably 14 maybe 15 at the time but yeah the first thing that came to my mind was the health of the ladder.
  4. No I think maybe just some bruised ribs. Also he's left handed and that's the side he broke unfortunately. He was going back in today to meet with the surgeon and probably schedule surgery. They prescribed him some oxy but even yesterday he said he really wasn't in a ton of pain even though his radius, Ulna etc were fractured. luckily it was only the shed and not his house.
  5. Looks like I missed a good game. Was out grocery shopping then visited my brother who fell off the roof of his shed and broke his wrist pretty good among other things.
  6. Good luck all and while I barely squeaked out a win this week I at least know I can beat yave.
  7. I might have stepped on some people but I certainly didn't slap anyone.
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