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Everything posted by blocker

  1. blocker

    Petr Klima

    Klima's team had kids from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and two or three Michiganders. Some things never change. North American players look for a chance to hit somebody, while the kids from Europe try to finise. It's not a matter of courage, it's just a different way hockey is played. Another constant is that the Europeans are more reserved. There is a lot less chatter from their bench. These styles of play are not as distinct as in the past. But, even if I couldn't see the logos on the jerseys, I could tell which group came from which side of the ocean.
  2. When Phil Rizzuto first started radio broadcasts for the Yankees, he did some pretty funny things. He'd get excited and start hollering "Look at that, look at that!". I'd look, but all I could see was the radio.
  3. For some reason, NESN hires smart-mouth sissies. Boston Bruins have plenty of interesting veterans who could broadcast, but they hire Dale Arnold and Jack Edwards.
  4. As some of you know, Petr Klima brought some kids over from the Czech Republic to the US. I'm going to watch them play this weekend. Should be interesting and fun.
  5. Well, it is getting close to Easter. We can roll away the rock from Jagr's locker. If he comes out and sees his shadow, then we'll have six more weeks of missing the play-offs.
  6. Yeah...... But having some guy trying to break your fingers by stomping on your hand. Or worse yet, stepping on your foot so that he can break your leg, getting punched, kicked, gouged all sound like a fight to me.
  7. I played football. I was a lineman. Almost every play is a fight.
  8. Hockey has passion, speed and hard contact. Those things get the blood up, and there will be fights. If fighting is banned, that'll change the game. I don't need to see a fight to enjoy hockey. But, I realize why players do it. And, I think Podein is dead-on. I know lots of guys who don't like to fight, but they won't back away.
  9. blocker


    One of the local youth teams is having a bottle drive today. So, yesterday, I go to the garage and fill some bags with my empties, and put them on the front porch. The kids came early this morning. One kid said "Wow, we hit the jackpot.". It's a tough job, but I'm proud of my efforts. I'll begin work on the next bottle drive tonight.
  10. They don't. It's in my truck. I get nervous driving home after dark, and the beer calms me down.
  11. Today, we watched part of a pond hockey tournament. Sunshiny day. About 30 degrees, which is a little too warm for good ice, but very comfortable. Over 80 teams and everyone seemed to be having a blast.
  12. Just poking a stick about. James Van Reimsdyk has 7 goals.
  13. I used to go out with Phyllis. You're right. She had a mean streak.
  14. "There can't be any Davids without Goliaths" Yeah. But who cheers when Goliath pounds the s##t out of David.
  15. "I have no problem with it whatsoever. When you drop those gloves, it comes with the risk." You're absolutely right. Guys who are paid as much as these players should do whatever is needed to win. But, a beating from a guy with a huge advantage in size over a much smaller foe is not what we want to see in any sports event.
  16. Shawn Thornton has a concussion from his fight with John Scott. Fighting is part of hockey. Thornton's and Scott's job description includes fighting. They are both honest guys trying to hold onto their gig. But, I don't like watching a guy getting his brain knocked sideways by an opponent 60 pounds heavier and with a half-foot height advantage.
  17. " At least nobody will drink it on you! " I choked it down. Didn't really want to, but sometimes you have to exercise will-power and character.
  18. I was at a high school game the other night. Close to 20 below zero outside. The heaters in the stands were turned off. Went to the same rink last night. It was 60 degrees outside. The heaters in the stands were on full blast. Plus, my beer got warm in the truck.
  19. blocker

    a good one.

    You know that kind of awkward moment when someone asks a player if he remembers a previous meeting? The player never does, but he tries to say something gracious. Stephan LeBeau has a good answer. He says "Well, no--But I've had a lot of concussions.".
  20. I voted yes. Only because I'd like to see him in action for some team. I know he's prone to rash play, but he's talented and fun to watch.
  21. We have a pair of skates worn by Mark Recchi in his Flyer days. I got them for my wife back when she could still skate. She wore the same size as Mark. He signed them for us, as did John LeClair. We'll donate them to a deserving organization. Some youth hockey group. Wish we were still young enough to skate.
  22. blocker


    How many times have you seen this one? Yesterday in a high school game, a player was checked by a couple kids on the other team. Lots of stickwork, bumping, boot contact and borderline interference. They held this boy to a single assist, but his teammates took up the slack. His team was ahead by 5 goals in the third period. About half-way through that period, he runs one of his coattails. Smashes him into the boards really hard. The official gives a charging penalty. The coach of the player struggling back to his feet is screaming at the refs for more minutes. The parents of the kid who got belted are going ape. I'm on the side of the player who punished his shadow. If you want to try to stop a scorer by harassment, then you better be ready to take retaliation. Competitive kids like to hit and frustration adds heat to that hunger.
  23. IMHO........That tournament could have been won by any of the top four teams.
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