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Is that $4 million burning a hole in your pocket Homer...

King Knut

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Or are you just happy to be rid of Bryz.

What do you guys think we do. THN estimates 4 million in cap room now. Not sure how they got to that number myself... something to do with bonuses?

I know they have a hard on for Bobby Ryan, but he's under contract and we'd need to trade and unless they want Mezaros (who I like but is hurt all the time) I'm not sure giving up any forwards for him is a great idea.

I like the idea of bringing in a Scuderi type UFA and trading one of our oft injured guys. I think you have to unload old if you bring in new at this point.

I'm not ready to give up on Coburn... but i know i'm alone in that.

I only want a cheap goalie that can be relatively safe backing up Mason. I think we have to cast our lots and see about developing/acquiring some prospect talent in that world instead of spending a hell of a lot of money for it now.

If it's me, I sign a UFA D man that meets needs instead of breaking the bank and package one or two existing D men with some filler for some extra punch at FWD.

Who? Guess it depends on who wants to deal.

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Or are you just happy to be rid of Bryz.

What do you guys think we do. THN estimates 4 million in cap room now. Not sure how they got to that number myself... something to do with bonuses?

I know they have a hard on for Bobby Ryan, but he's under contract and we'd need to trade and unless they want Mezaros (who I like but is hurt all the time) I'm not sure giving up any forwards for him is a great idea.

I like the idea of bringing in a Scuderi type UFA and trading one of our oft injured guys. I think you have to unload old if you bring in new at this point.

I'm not ready to give up on Coburn... but i know i'm alone in that.

I only want a cheap goalie that can be relatively safe backing up Mason. I think we have to cast our lots and see about developing/acquiring some prospect talent in that world instead of spending a hell of a lot of money for it now.

If it's me, I sign a UFA D man that meets needs instead of breaking the bank and package one or two existing D men with some filler for some extra punch at FWD.

Who? Guess it depends on who wants to deal.

He got more than 4 million! And if Mesz is traded, he's gonna have a mother load of cash. NHL, watch the hell out then!

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I think one of the two...Coburn or Mez, is probably gone. Coburn is probably the easier to deal, based on contract terms/length. Mez is a UFA after next season, and I don't see much coming back for him. Then again, if it's strictly a cap move(4 million in savings), trade him for what you can get, and use that to add a Dman.

While this team needs another scoring winger, the more pressing need is another defenseman, IMO.

BTW..Capgeek shows them with $2.9 million in bonuses. They need to account for all that under the cap, even if they don't pay them out.

They will also get cap relief on Sept 1, when Pronger moves back to LTIR-or whenever they move him there.

Edited by DaGreatGazoo
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www.capgeek.com has the breakdown. Note that that number is following the offseason calculation and will fluctuate some once the regular season arrives. For instance, if MAB starts injured or on the Phantoms, his $612,500 will go away. Gervais can be sent to the AHL as well with no cap implication. Also remember that the Flyers can exceed the cap by up to 6.4 million during the offseason, but that has to include Pronger's salary.

Meszaros is the only member of the top six under contract without some form of NMC/NTC. Maybe Streit, but they didn't sign him to trade him.

Edit: Luke Schenn's NTC doesn't kick in til 2015.

Gus is an RFA and should be a priority to be re-signed.

Edited by AJgoal
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www.capgeek.com has the breakdown. Note that that number is following the offseason calculation and will fluctuate some once the regular season arrives. For instance, if MAB starts injured or on the Phantoms, his $612,500 will go away. Gervais can be sent to the AHL as well with no cap implication. Also remember that the Flyers can exceed the cap by up to 6.4 million during the offseason, but that has to include Pronger's salary.

Meszaros is the only member of the top six under contract without some form of NMC/NTC. Maybe Streit, but they didn't sign him to trade him.

Edit: Luke Schenn's NTC doesn't kick in til 2015.

Gus is an RFA and should be a priority to be re-signed.

Capgeek also has Akeson and McGinn with the Flyers. If they are moved to the "A", that's another $1.5 million.

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I'm struggling to believe he can pull this off until some of the UFA D men are signed away and teams need to grab at straws to replace them. MEz is a great player and worth the money... but he hasn't played more than a fraction of a season in far too long to be worth the risk for most teams.

And if Mesz is traded, he's gonna have a mother load of cash.

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I'm not ready to give up on Coburn... but i know i'm alone in that.

No, you're not alone. I would not trade Coburn unless there is a good replacement in mind, which at this point I don't think there is. He's still arguably the Flyers best shut down defenseman. Right now, to me the defense looks like this:




That's not all that bad looking. So I wouldn't be looking to trade Coburn just for the sake of trading him.

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Correct. Assuming Akeson, McGinn, MAB, and Gervais go to the A (3.1 million total), and Laughton sticks, the Flyers have:


Hartnell - Giroux - Voracek

Simmonds - Schenn - Read

Talbot - Couturier - Laughton

Rosehill - Rinaldo - ???

With two more needed


Timonen - Schenn

Streit - Coburn

Meszaros - Grossmann

Need one more



Need one more.

@MC: No, that's with the Streit signing and the two buyouts.

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I didn't look at capgeek, but I don't understand this. They just shaved $12.5 off of the cap by buying out Bryz and Briere. How can they be only $4mil under the cap? Or Streit's slaray didn't start counting against the cap yet?

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I would like to see Homer hold onto the cap savings instead of giving it to players who are not worth signing. Example is Streit, he's overpaid and not worth the 4 year deal. This is a good chance to rebuild the team, if rumors are true on Edmonton wanting to trade the 7th pick to us for Coburn, Laughton and a 3rd rd pick. I would highly consider it then we can draft 2 young dmans. Maybe keep Mez and see if he will be the same from 2 years ago if not it will free up another 4 mil next offseason.

If we stink next year, I don't mind at all then we get a high draft pick and get to see if Crawford or Lundqvist will be available if Mason doesn't work out. We would have cap space to play with but I highly doubt Homer or the Flyers do this.

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They will also get cap relief on Sept 1, when Pronger moves back to LTIR-or whenever they move him there.

4.1mill now...trade Mezz...+4mill more...LTIR Pronger...4.9 mill more....bringing a grand total of...$13 mill to spend with Streit on the books too!!!!!

Still have guys like Gus that need signing though...

Edited by OccamsRazor
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I didn't look at capgeek, but I don't understand this. They just shaved $12.5 off of the cap by buying out Bryz and Briere. How can they be only $4mil under the cap? Or Streit's slaray didn't start counting against the cap yet?

The cap went down, and Streit's money needs to be factored in. Also, Pronger's salary counts until they can place him on LTIR at the start of the season.

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The cap went down, and Streit's money needs to be factored in. Also, Pronger's salary counts until they can place him on LTIR at the start of the season.

Thanks. I wonder if this is pretty much a foregone conclusion that Pronger will be LTIR'ed. I haven't heard the latest on him, but the last I heard (around April, I guess), he was in a bad shape.

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Thanks. I wonder if this is pretty much a foregone conclusion that Pronger will be LTIR'ed. I haven't heard the latest on him, but the last I heard (around April, I guess), he was in a bad shape.

He is done. He is doing us a solid by not retiring... otherwise, his $$ would count against the cap.

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Thanks. I wonder if this is pretty much a foregone conclusion that Pronger will be LTIR'ed.

Streit is on the books, the cap went down and they can't LTIR Pronger till the start of the season...and don't forget the penalies for the overage...again...yes again...performance bonuses for Coots and Schenn...about 2 mill for that. So we also have to wait til Mezz is moved...you don't pay your 5th 6th Dman 4 mill...just can't.

Also Gus, Manning, Ollie and Welly are all needing to be resigned.

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I think it is. One of my beefs with the new CBA is that they didn't fix the over-35 rule to let guys like Pronger just retire and be done with it, and not have to "intend to play again," in order to be able to be LTIRed each season until their contract runs out. Especially with the "Luongo Rule" now in effect which protects against the same thing the over-35 rule did - in some cases, more viciously.

Both Savard and Pronger suffered what are most likely career-ending concussions. Yet Savard can walk away from the game completely, but Pronger can't, solely due to his age when the contract came into effect.

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Keep in mind that, as I recall, the new CBA counts all one way contracts against the cap, regardless of where the player is actually playing. Which means sending gervais to the AHL does nothing to the flyers cap number.

Someone check me on that, but in pretty sure that was one of the bad contract burying tactics that we negotiated away.

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Aziz, not entirely true:


Money paid to players outside of the NHL counts against the cap.

A one-way contract counts against the cap as follows:

cap hit – [ minimum salary + $375,000 ]

Example: If Wade Redden plays in the minors in 2012-13, he counts as follows.

$6.5M – [ $525,000 + $375,000 ] = $5.6M

A two-way contract counts as follows:

minor-league salary – [ minimum salary + $375,000 ]

Example: Player A’s two-way contract pays $3M/$1M in 2012-13 and counts as follows in the minors.

$1M – [ $525,000 + $375,000 ] = $100,000

So following the calculation, Gervais' $825k would be below the $900k threshold and would thus count 0 against the cap.

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Aziz, not entirely true:


Money paid to players outside of the NHL counts against the cap.

A one-way contract counts against the cap as follows:

cap hit – [ minimum salary + $375,000 ]

Example: If Wade Redden plays in the minors in 2012-13, he counts as follows.

$6.5M – [ $525,000 + $375,000 ] = $5.6M

A two-way contract counts as follows:

minor-league salary – [ minimum salary + $375,000 ]

Example: Player A’s two-way contract pays $3M/$1M in 2012-13 and counts as follows in the minors.

$1M – [ $525,000 + $375,000 ] = $100,000

So following the calculation, Gervais' $825k would be below the $900k threshold and would thus count 0 against the cap.

So basically you have to count it except 900k..like last year with Boosch he only 50k against the cap...his salary was 950k.

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He is done. He is doing us a solid by not retiring... otherwise, his $$ would count against the cap.

Not really..if he retires, he doesn't get paid. But the cap hit remains. By staying unretired...he gets paid AND the Flyers get cap relief. Not hammering the guy, just stating the policy.

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Not really..if he retires, he doesn't get paid.

Didn't know that i thought he still got that money...wow strange the player don't get the money yet the team is penalized...wow.

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