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Matt Cooke feeling Wild

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Good for him. $2,000,000 plus per year for three years...not something the Pens could come close to. Here's hoping he continues to stay outta trouble.

Heckuva a 3rd liner and PKer.

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The Wild has agreed to a three-year contract with free agent forward Matt Cooke.

First response ..... uggggh. :wacko:

Second response ..... less money than Clutterbuck for the same type of player for the most part, and they get NIno. ...... ok, I get it. <_<

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@hf101 I'm interested to see how Nino fits into the whole equation for the Wild. He's still young, but this is looking like a make or break kinda year for the kid.

agree jammer. I really haven't watched Nino play much. I'm hoping Granlund toughens up, his play last season was disappointing. Zucker had some nice games, of the 3 I'd choose Zucker at the moment.

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All I know about Nino is he's highly skilled, but easily knocked off the puck. A skinny type of guy who really, really needs to beef up. My Hockey News Draft Preview Islander section says "Nino wins a spot on the wing after a long overdue full season in the AHL". Reading into that little blurb he must have encountered some sort of injury problems his first few years as a pro.

I was really dissapointed with Granlunds rookie year. I thought he would be one of the favourites to win the Calder.

This also from the HNDP..."Dumba almost made the team out of training camp and is on the cusp of prime time duty" and another quote " Four rookies got significant playing time this past season, so it's unlikely that Minnesota would want to break more than one or two during the 2013-14 season."

The vast overpayment for Pominville shows me that their GM is capable of making major mistakes (brutal, brutal trade there), even though Chuck seems to draft well.

That Brodin didn't get a lot of press, but he's good enough he could start getting serious Norris consideration starting next season. Jonas is the most underrated young star this league has. The real fans know what he's doing, but the average fan does not know his name, that will change next year when he makes the all star team.

Edited by jammer2
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To quote Buddy Guy..." let the doorknob hit ya, where my damn dog shoulda bit ya"

You won't be missed.

I'm torn on him leaving... I don't like his methods up till two years ago. Now I rather enjoyed watching the reformed Cooke drive everybody else nuts. But too much money for him ... bye bye

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