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Greetings everyone.... been a while and I hope you are all doing good.


Well, the Flyers made a bold move firing the coach. I guess for a fleeting moment there was a chance to go outside the norm and make an impact change. Of course, it was all over and done before any of us even knew it was happening so I guess that is a moot point. Even though I don't like that they hired from within again, I at least hold some glimmer of optomism that Berube really does know his ****. Maybe we will luck out on this one (a blind squirrel will find a nut ya know).


They beat Florida. That is a positive. However, I feel like it was more becasue Mason played great and Florida is pretty bad. I was under the impression the team would come out fired up and inspired. I didn't see any of that. All I saw was lack luster boring hockey and I was actually losing interest. It kind of reminded me of a few seasons back when the team was just not fun to watch. During games I find myself anxiously waiting for a Rinaldo shift because he will at least hit somebody (hopefully not one of his own mates). And I don't really care if he gets a penalty because at least that causes something to happen.


I'm happy to see Hartnell is back to his old form. Maybe we will see some quality Youtube videos and new drinking games. As the season progresses I  will turn to the Captain becasue I know he will come through and make the games fun to watch. I'm not referring to Giroux, instead my good buddy Morgan. He always delivers the same effort.


I liked Berube as a player. I'm not sold on him as a coach

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After watching the Blues/Blackhawks game last night, I realized just how pathetic this team is right now.  We are a LONG way behind them.  That is not to say we don't have talent and can't get better, but this team is currently brain dead.  


When it comes to system, I don't care what we play as long as it promotes winning.  When Lavy arrived, I supported him because he had won a cup recently.  If you look at my posts from earlier this year though, you will see I wanted him fired...for sure.  His system had led to nothing but shots from the points and desperate attempts to catch the other team in a change with us throwing passes from our goal line to the other blue line.  This is just dumb and you must be super talented (ie Pronger) to actually make that pass accurately consistently.  

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After watching the Blues/Blackhawks game last night, I realized just how pathetic this team is right now. We are a LONG way behind them. That is not to say we don't have talent and can't get better, but this team is currently brain dead.


No truer words have been spoken - well, typed but you get the idea.

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TarHeelFlyer, on 10 Oct 2013 - 07:48 AM, said:

After watching the Blues/Blackhawks game last night, I realized just how pathetic this team is right now. We are a LONG way behind them. That is not to say we don't have talent and can't get better, but this team is currently brain dead.
No truer words have been spoken - well, typed but you get the idea.


+1. I was watching that game last night too and found myself thinking, "There are two good hockey teams...and the Flyers look light years behind them."


Here's hoping they get their **** together pretty quickly!

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  I thought this would be a thread about the approach the Flyers should take.....boring defensive minded hockey...it's the only way this team will win. We don't skate well enough for any form of the run and gun crap Lavi was proposing. We need solid defensive positioning, so our crap d men get all the help they can get. Don't even send in a forecheck....CLOG THE NEUTRAL ZONE!!!

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We don't skate well enough for any form of the run and gun crap Lavi was proposing.


Well the first thing they need to do...



STEP 1: Retrieve the puck first.


STEP 2: Hold on to or pass it to a open man.


STEP 3: He actaully recieves the puck and then skates with it.



Baby steps......until they can do these simple things i wouldn't waste no more time with these guys cause it's the simple things that is kicking their tail.


Must get the small stuff first...every job in life has fundamentals basics...that you start with knowledge wise, and then grow that...this group gets away from the basics...and then they pay the price.


Hell maybe Berube can get them back to that but it's going to take work because there is alot of talent in the east....alone much less the whole league.


If they can just improve that power play in would get the into the playoff seeding, but they must want it and then work together to get there.


Finally though we don't have to blame the failures of this team on the goaltender....it will be the WHOLE TEAM!


There is plenty of time to get this headed in the right direction. Will they is the question???????????

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Well the first thing they need to do...



STEP 1: Retrieve the puck first.


STEP 2: Hold on to or pass it to a open man.


STEP 3: He actaully recieves the puck and then skates with it.



Baby steps......until they can do these simple things i wouldn't waste no more time with these guys cause it's the simple things that is kicking their tail.


Must get the small stuff first...every job in life has fundamentals basics...that you start with knowledge wise, and then grow that...this group gets away from the basics...and then they pay the price.


Hell maybe Berube can get them back to that but it's going to take work because there is alot of talent in the east....alone much less the whole league.


If they can just improve that power play in would get the into the playoff seeding, but they must want it and then work together to get there.


Finally though we don't have to blame the failures of this team on the goaltender....it will be the WHOLE TEAM!


There is plenty of time to get this headed in the right direction. Will they is the question???????????


I agree completely. 


Some of our inability to pass the puck out of the zone IMO was purely the system we were trying to run.  It is the rare player who can make a goal line to center line pass on the tape with the receiver of the puck in motion consistently let alone the far blue line which we frequently were trying to do.  I think this is why we were streaky as a team under Lavy.  When we were hitting these passes we looked like gang busters ready to beat anyone, when we weren't we looked like dog poop.  


This D is a capable as put together, I truly believe that.  We have a good mix of players.  Granted we don't have a true #1 guy, but I think we have about 7 guys who are capable of playing 18 minutes a night regularly.  That leaves you about a 6 minute hole some of which is going to be taken up by Voracek playing the point on the PP.  The biggest issue I think this D had was the fact that the passes needed to be so long and they didn't have the skill set to do that.  


I think the players knew they couldn't do it and that is why training camp was so bad.  They didn't even give the effort there because the system was the problem.  


IMO, Berube is doing this right.  The fix happens this way:


1.  You fix your own zone first.

2.  You fix the breakouts second

3.  You fix the attack last.


The goals will come on their own, but will come more consistently when you actually know what you are doing in your own end and how you are going to get out of that zone.  

Edited by TarHeelFlyer
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