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Maatta staying with Pens?


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Olli Maatta has played well thus far and he certainly looks like an NHL defenseman. Now it looks like he'll be one for a while. From Rob Rossi at the Trib:

The Penguins will allow Maatta, a 19-year-old defenseman, to play in more than nine games, multiple sources told the Tribune-Review.

That decision was reached before Maatta's pivotal role on the tying goal in the Penguins' 4-3 shootout victory over Vancouver at Consol Energy Center on Saturday afternoon.

Maatta, the 22nd overall pick in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft, played in his eighth game. He cannot play in more than nine games without this season counting as the first of an entry-level contract.

Rossi also mentions that if Maatta plays 40 games with the Pens this year it will count as an "accrued season." That means Maatta could become an unrestricted free agent after the 2019-2020 season.

It will be interesting to see what will happen with the Pens' defense when Letang comes back.

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 Good on Maata (and glad you guys are keeping him, London doesn't need anymore help).If you're going to judge Holmgren on that pick at this stage of their careers, that's a little premature. A year ago at this time it was the other way around don't forget (Laughton was up, Maata was down). Right now they both look like good picks.

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Good on Maata (and glad you guys are keeping him, London doesn't need anymore help).If you're going to judge Holmgren on that pick at this stage of their careers, that's a little premature. A year ago at this time it was the other way around don't forget (Laughton was up, Maata was down). Right now they both look like good picks.


Laughton looked like a pointless fourth liner during his short stint as a checker for you guys last season. I was not impressed by anything he did bud, and though I know he has since become a commodity in the CHL, until he produces at a high level in the NHL I'll remain convinced Holmgren screwed the pooch on that draft for you guys, especially when you already have so much depth at center.

You're 100% right in that time will tell, I just respect how much more difficult it is to crack the lineup as a defenseman. Especially barely 19 years old.

Edited by Polaris922
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Olli Maatta has played well thus far and he certainly looks like an NHL defenseman. Now it looks like he'll be one for a while. From Rob Rossi at the Trib:

The Penguins will allow Maatta, a 19-year-old defenseman, to play in more than nine games, multiple sources told the Tribune-Review.

That decision was reached before Maatta's pivotal role on the tying goal in the Penguins' 4-3 shootout victory over Vancouver at Consol Energy Center on Saturday afternoon.

Maatta, the 22nd overall pick in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft, played in his eighth game. He cannot play in more than nine games without this season counting as the first of an entry-level contract.

Rossi also mentions that if Maatta plays 40 games with the Pens this year it will count as an "accrued season." That means Maatta could become an unrestricted free agent after the 2019-2020 season.

It will be interesting to see what will happen with the Pens' defense when Letang comes back.


I know you can never have enough NHL-cailbre defencemen but it's getting awfully crowded on our blue line. 


Letang will be paired with Scuderi when he returns though Niskanen (+10??) and he have really jelled.


Martin and Orpik won't be separated.


That leaves some combination Bortuzzo/Depres/Maatta/Niskanen with Engelland in "double secret reserve". Check that - Engelland is our 4th line winger. :ph34r:


Maybe we put Letang on Malkin's wing (right @flyercanuck)? ;)

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the Olli Maata I saw on Thursday was a completely different looking player than the guy I saw in last year's memorial cup....

There is nothing about his game... (small sample size in the nhl i know) that makes me think he would be better off getting big minutes in the A or juniors. He's been quick and right with his decisions, strong on the puck and along the wall and he's got really good offensive instincts.


the kid I saw last year was lost in his own end and hesitant, that kid, he's not there anymore.

Olli is looking to me like he's going to be a very good player at the game's highest level.

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Still keeping mum on whether or not Matta will stay, but he was taking third pair time with Nisky at practice.   I have no doubt at this point that he has the skills, but I wonder what playing an 82 game season will be like for him getting banged on the forecheck by men.  It could take a real toll.

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Gotta figure someone has got to go on the defensive corps.    Even without Despres, the Pens now have Orpik, Martin,Niskanen, Scuderi,Latang, Matta, Engllend, Bortozzo and Matta.   Have to think that a trade is going to happen soon.

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The kid has been great. First real big screwup I've seen him make was tonight though against the isles. He was at our blue line skating out when Kobasew's pass was cut off by the Isles defender Martinkek and Bouchard was all alone in front if Zatkoff thanks to Maatta being so far up ice already. Learning process... The kid's been stellar.

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The kid has been great. First real big screwup I've seen him make was tonight though against the isles. He was at our blue line skating out when Kobasew's pass was cut off by the Isles defender Martinkek and Bouchard was all alone in front if Zatkoff thanks to Maatta being so far up ice already. Learning process... The kid's been stellar.

Multiple screw-ups there.  Kobasew, has to get the puck out of the zone, make the simple play. Matta, watch that aweful Might Ducks sequel, you don't need any more goals, play defensive. Niskanen, caught watching the play, and leaving Zatkoff hang out to dry.


Feel bad for Zatkoff, he played well enough to win the game.  Look at the game winner, he makes the first saves, and still no one clears the puck.    Pens got caught thinking the game was in the bag.

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Multiple screw-ups there. Kobasew, has to get the puck out of the zone, make the simple play. Matta, watch that aweful Might Ducks sequel, you don't need any more goals, play defensive. Niskanen, caught watching the play, and leaving Zatkoff hang out to dry.

Feel bad for Zatkoff, he played well enough to win the game. Look at the game winner, he makes the first saves, and still no one clears the puck. Pens got caught thinking the game was in the bag.

I just don't understand how they can be so streaky on defense.

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I agree. From what I've seen from Maatta his offensive game is fine. It's his own end where he could use some guidance.

What I saw was the opposite. I missed most of the 3 game losing streak though. Early on he was purely defensive, with no real offense. Seemed focused on defense. He was stellar in his own end.

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He's actually been quite solid. I didn't see every goal of their 3 game losing skid but what I did see were defensive lapses.

My only problem was the goal he gave up in the Toronto game where he slid his self right out of position left to right for an easy goal.  This was my biggest complaint about Fleury in his early days, he committed so far out of position that he had no chance to recover.   As long as it doesn't become a habit.

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