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Simon Gagne on indefinite leave of absence from team


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@radoran  *If* it is indeed the end, thanks for the memories Simon!!  He went out the same he came in, with class. Perhaps he comes back for the playoffs, never know...I'm sure the Bruins would welcome him back with open arms....you can do a lot worse than somebody like Gags, with the wealth of playoff experience he brings to the table.

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@radoran  *If* it is indeed the end, thanks for the memories Simon!!  He went out the same he came in, with class. Perhaps he comes back for the playoffs, never know...I'm sure the Bruins would welcome him back with open arms....you can do a lot worse than somebody like Gags, with the wealth of playoff experience he brings to the table.


He's not sick. His dad is.


I can understand him wanting to take some time off to go be with his family in this situation - especially during the holiday season - but I don't see where this has to keep him out of the lineup for the remainder of the hockey season.


If I'm his dad, I'm telling him to get back out there and live his life.

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yeah, I agree. He's logging minimal minutes, and isn't putting up huge numbers, but I'll take him over Umberger or VLC any day right now. Unless the Bruins tell him hey don't want him anymore, which they could have done at any point so far this year, I see no reason Gags doesn't play later in the year.

What Homer did to Gags last year was awful and shameful. He should still be a flyer.

So should Jagr and Carle, but I digress.

If the Bruins think he can contribute, he'll come back and play. He worked too hard for that spot.

Hell if he never plays again and if the Bruins want to trade his rights for Vinny or someone, they can be my guest! Gagne is what Flyers hockey should be. Homer is the embarrassment that symbolizes what it has been instead.


People have been writing Gagne's hockey epitaph for five years now.

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He's not sick. His dad is.


I can understand him wanting to take some time off to go be with his family in this situation - especially during the holiday season - but I don't see where this has to keep him out of the lineup for the remainder of the hockey season.


If I'm his dad, I'm telling him to get back out there and live his life.


If I remember correctly his Dad tried out for the original Flyers.

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