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Trade guestion


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Don't kill me please. I'm fragile and on meds.

Would any one do a trade like RNH for MDZ, coots, and Hagg? I don't get to see RNH play to much, but I think we need a true 2C and coots and Scotty are not it and Edmonton needs defence. Maybe switch coots for scotty. Don't know, just trying to get a 2C in my head.

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Edmonton needs defence


Like the Flyers...Edmonton has good yound talent on defense. 

  • Oscar Klefbom - 2011 draft (19th pick overall)
  • Griffin Reinhart - 2012 draft (4th pick overall)
  • Darnell nurse - 2013 draft (7th pick overall)

MDZ would be a stop gap for them.  I doubt Edm does this trade.  When healthy the Oiler will have McJesus, RHN, and Draisaitl (who can also play wing) at Center who are all better than Coots.  No Edm, IMO does not do this trade.

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Maybe I'm too pessimistic but my "vision" of trades for this team the next two years is "salary dump/cap relief + picks" is addition via subtraction. That may be a sad truth. But I see Hexy going for long-term growth (2017-18+).  I think most of the current forward corps is history in two years with drafts or LVH as source material.  Meanwhile, Vinny and MacD have to be taken out of the picture.  That's just one man's opinion.




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Maybe I'm too pessimistic but my "vision" of trades for this team the next two years is "salary dump/cap relief + picks" is addition via subtraction. That may be a sad truth. But I see Hexy going for long-term growth (2017-18+).  I think most of the current forward corps is history in two years with drafts or LVH as source material.  Meanwhile, Vinny and MacD have to be taken out of the picture.  That's just one man's opinion.





I don't think it's pessimistic at all. I actually like having a gm who seems to have some sort of plan. It'll take a while for fans used to going for it every year (which worked...never) to get used to building a team to win instead of just being good. Of course we don't know if it will actually work, but after 3 decades of the other way, I'm ready to try something new.

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I don't think it's pessimistic at all. I actually like having a gm who seems to have some sort of plan. It'll take a while for fans used to going for it every year (which worked...never) to get used to building a team to win instead of just being good. Of course we don't know if it will actually work, but after 3 decades of the other way, I'm ready to try something new.

Amen Brother FC!  Good hearing from you.  I suspect we're going to finish at or near the .500 level, not much different from the Berube era. But the effort is much better and Hakstol seems to hold people accountable.  I can't see any big trades; just a slow building process.  And Voracek's current woes are a stern warning that we need to build from within.  He is one of the first rounders we've accumulated over the years...we need to start growing our own.



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I don't think it's pessimistic at all. I actually like having a gm who seems to have some sort of plan. It'll take a while for fans used to going for it every year (which worked...never) to get used to building a team to win instead of just being good. Of course we don't know if it will actually work, but after 3 decades of the other way, I'm ready to try something new.



Yes it will be nice to have a AHL team to have to dip into in a pinch when injuries arise instead of some knee jerk reaction WTF type of trade to replace injured players.

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Def seems to be a long-term plan, which is a refreshing change from the prior GMs. As to RNH he is a talented player but as FC pointed out he's on the small side. Obviously he'd be a huge upgrade but for an already smallish Flyers we should look elsewhere.

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Def seems to be a long-term plan, which is a refreshing change from the prior GMs. As to RNH he is a talented player but as FC pointed out he's on the small side. Obviously he'd be a huge upgrade but for an already smallish Flyers we should look elsewhere.


On some trades or demotions...


Dave Isaac of the Courier0-Post: Having Mark Streit’s $5.25 million cap hit on the LTIR, has allowed the Flyers to keep Shayne Gostisbehere and his $925,000 cap hit in the lineup. Streit could be about two weeks away from returning to the lineup. If Gostisbehere is returned to the AHL, the Flyers will have about $67,000 in cap space. Gostisbehere may be playing too well to be sent down though. The Flyers need to find a way to keep him up. The Flyers may need to temporarily send Gostisbehere down to the AHL and allow Streit to show that he’s healthy and effective, and hope that teams show interest. The 38-year old Streit has one year left on his deal.


No way i send him down...no way i would just waive Manning or even Schultz....but i'm not sending this kid down not the way he has been playing. I mean 4th on the team in goals scored...no friggin way!

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Laughton goes down I think. He hasn't been playing very well lately let's face it and IIRC he's waiver-proof. I don't know whether that'll be enough space tho...?

Edit- I agree and I'm sure Hex/Hak do too no way you can lose Gost. The whole team came alive after he joined the roster. Some of it, the improvement would've happened anyway I'm sure but Gost has played his way onto the team, period.

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Laughton goes down I think. He hasn't been playing very well lately let's face it and IIRC he's waiver-proof. I don't know whether that'll be enough space tho...?



You could be right but i have been ok with the kid and his great hustle. I'd do like Hexy did with Schultz and waive him because i don't think anyone snags him and his 2.25mill over priced price tag or Manning because you won't miss either if they were to get claimed. And you would create the cap space needed.

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Don't you think Manning has been better the past couple weeks? I do. He's learning the ropes I wouldn't bail on him at this point.


Yes he has been better but not loads....but more tolerable with Ghost.


It is why i offered Schultz 1st. Waive him. No one will take him.

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He, Schultz has been marginally better too lately I think but I agree with you I don't see any GM picking him off the waiver wire.



Yes he is ok for a 6th 7th Dman option but his 2.25mill for this year AND next year is way to much and i'd love for them to move him at the deadline if he is still on the team by then. Not sure who would take him for 2.25mill though.


I didn't want them to give him that much when they resigned him and certainly not for 2 damn years.

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Well to be fair he was one of the best D-men for the Flyers last year - steady, tough, did everything he was supposed to do. Hextall rewarded him for a good year, expecting he'd play the same way this year. And he's starting to...he's coming around.


The Flyers went thru (are going thru) one of the biggest disruptions a team ever goes through: changing HCs. They're playing a lot better now than they were in Oct and Nov. As everybody learns the system, figures out what's expected of him, etc. the team will begin to resemble an NHL hockey team...that's starting to happen now so Schultz and Manning look better, Simmonds is finding his game, etc.

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Maybe I'm too pessimistic but my "vision" of trades for this team the next two years is "salary dump/cap relief + picks" is addition via subtraction. That may be a sad truth. But I see Hexy going for long-term growth (2017-18+). I think most of the current forward corps is history in two years with drafts or LVH as source material. Meanwhile, Vinny and MacD have to be taken out of the picture. That's just one man's opinion.



Thought the same thing last year but then we ended up with Gagner for Grossman and Pronger.

If Hexy unloads Streit, who knows what he could do in the off season. And I like Streit.

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