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Scouting report on phantoms defense


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Just checking to see if anyone has any updated scouting reports on Haag,Moran and Sanheim? Has anyone gotten to see them play for the Phantoms?  Do we foresee any of them on the team after the trade deadline? Or next season?  Just let Looking at the stats and from what I've read it seems that Haag may be a flop.

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5 hours ago, RonJeremy said:

Just checking to see if anyone has any updated scouting reports on Haag,Moran and Sanheim? Has anyone gotten to see them play for the Phantoms?  Do we foresee any of them on the team after the trade deadline? Or next season?  Just let Looking at the stats and from what I've read it seems that Haag may be a flop.



Hagg has been out with an injury.

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Part of the problem with Hagg is that he's got a skill set that makes one think he could be an offensive defenseman, but he's more of a defensive guy that has a great outlet pass. Honestly, I look at him and he's a less offensive Anton Stralman. Part of what kills Hagg is that he gets way too caught up in his own mental game that he often makes mistakes that a defenseman shouldn't make. It's not through lack of effort (even though he's been accused of that). Every coach that has ever worked with him has said that it's not a lack of trying on his part, but a he gets too caught up in his own mind when he makes mistakes. I've watched a couple of Phantoms games online this year and Hagg has looked good. He was keeping things simple and just making the safe play every time. If he can continue this for a season, he's a legit bottom pairing guy for the future. 


As for Morin, he's looking like a rock. I know Poconono will disagree, but Morin looks very much like a young Derian Hatcher but with better wheels. He still has to put on more weight and find a way to lower his center of gravity, but he's coming along and he's looking mean and he's going to be a leader for the next 15 years. He'll be called up by mid-season.


Sanheim is going to be very special. He and Morin have been playing together and they look incredibly good. Sanheim just gets 'it' with regards to the game. He knows when to pinch and when to hold back. He looks cool, calm and collected with the puck and it's something that seems to be wearing off a bit on Morin as well. Sanheim still needs to add a few pounds, but I certainly see the Pietrangelo comparisons. I'm glad that none of the three are in Philadelphia right now because the club is a bit of a mess. It's best to let them develop together and see where it goes.


Personally, I think the defense in two years looks as follows:


Provorov - Gostisbehere

Morin - Sanheim

Hagg - Gudas


I was on the bandwagon to keep Del Zotto and I think there's lots of time to turn his game around, but gut feeling is that he's going to get moved for a pick or a prospect. His spot will get freed up for Morin.


Either way, we're going to have another year of growing pains, but it will certainly be well worth it. The forwards are going to have to commit more to back checking and I think Hakstol is going to have to implement a more defensive structured game plan for the club. Once the defenders get up to speed, I expect Hakstol will open things up a little more then.

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In my opinion Sanheim is gonna be the best for the bunch outside of Prov.   Kid is smart on the ice and can skate with the best of them....    


Agree that he is gonna be special but patience is needed.    Has all the tools to become a really special player and honestly could be the "big" version of Ghost but better in his own zone.

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45 minutes ago, murraycraven said:

In my opinion Sanheim is gonna be the best for the bunch outside of Prov.   Kid is smart on the ice and can skate with the best of them....    


Agree that he is gonna be special but patience is needed.    Has all the tools to become a really special player and honestly could be the "big" version of Ghost but better in his own zone.


Agreed. Sanheim could be something real special. Him, Provorov and Gostisbehere are going to provide an awful lot of offense from the blue line. I still think Morin is going to be the leader of the group though in that he's going to set the tone for what teams are going to face every night and he's going to be the guy that plays the real tough minutes and last minute of every game that they're up by a goal. 


I don't think I've ever seen the defense this deep before and when you add in Reese Wilcox (who is looking like a sturdy guy himself), plus Mark Friedman and the two Swede's they drafted this year (Linus Hogberg and David Bernhardt), they've got legitimate depth building up all over the place. 


I'm excited for the future. I get that it's going to be rough for the next little while, but that's an embarrassment of riches and that doesn't even include some of the potential game breaking forwards (Wade Allison is going to be the next great power left winger in the game) and this could be a club that contends for years to come. Not everyone will make it, but it's good to know the pieces are there and can be moved if the right deal comes along.

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43 minutes ago, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:


Agreed. Sanheim could be something real special. Him, Provorov and Gostisbehere are going to provide an awful lot of offense from the blue line. I still think Morin is going to be the leader of the group though in that he's going to set the tone for what teams are going to face every night and he's going to be the guy that plays the real tough minutes and last minute of every game that they're up by a goal. 


I don't think I've ever seen the defense this deep before and when you add in Reese Wilcox (who is looking like a sturdy guy himself), plus Mark Friedman and the two Swede's they drafted this year (Linus Hogberg and David Bernhardt), they've got legitimate depth building up all over the place. 


I'm excited for the future. I get that it's going to be rough for the next little while, but that's an embarrassment of riches and that doesn't even include some of the potential game breaking forwards (Wade Allison is going to be the next great power left winger in the game) and this could be a club that contends for years to come. Not everyone will make it, but it's good to know the pieces are there and can be moved if the right deal comes along.

Lets not forget Phillipe Myers to.

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21 hours ago, Philly29 said:

Lets not forget Phillipe Myers to.


Nope, won't forget Myers. I also think he's going to get the two + year treatment in Lehigh Valley before he gets a sniff at the NHL and that's perfectly fine. He and Friedman are going to make things incredibly difficult for the club going forward and that's a great thing.

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Just now, Bernie said:

I am all for trading Del Zotto and moving Ghost to LD with Gudas on RD now and see the Defense as:


Provorov - Sanheim

Ghost - Gudas

Manning - Morin


Hard to say when we'll see Sanheim come up. I think Provorov is likely to serve as a testing ground of sorts. If he manages to find his groove at this level during the season, Sanheim may have a shot at coming up next year. If Prov continues to fumble as he has so far, I have a feeling Sanheim will be kept down to make sure he's good and ready before making the leap. The defense hasn't exactly been stellar. To bring in another young gun who is likely to have similar challenges defensively doesn't seem like a prudent move.


Morin is a bit different. I could see him coming up this year if a call up is needed. Then again, I could see him being left down in LV as well. It's a toss up really.

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22 hours ago, elmatus said:


Hard to say when we'll see Sanheim come up. I think Provorov is likely to serve as a testing ground of sorts. If he manages to find his groove at this level during the season, Sanheim may have a shot at coming up next year. If Prov continues to fumble as he has so far, I have a feeling Sanheim will be kept down to make sure he's good and ready before making the leap. The defense hasn't exactly been stellar. To bring in another young gun who is likely to have similar challenges defensively doesn't seem like a prudent move.


Morin is a bit different. I could see him coming up this year if a call up is needed. Then again, I could see him being left down in LV as well. It's a toss up really.


Your thinking seems really sound to me.  The trade deadline and the off season are going to be absolutely bonkers this year and how that ends up could change everything.


While Sanheim is going to make it extremely difficult to keep him in LV similarly to how Provo did this year, the fact was he needed work and luckily he was eligible to be a phantom this year.  Presuming they don't trade Ghost (that was the rumor as ridiculous as it seems-but I guess Habs fans will believe anything after losing Subban) they can afford to sit on Sanheim.


Morin, if he can develop in LV even just a little (and maybe even if he doesn't) could fill a hole in the lineup even now.

They just don't have anyone with his skillset.  Gudas kind of.  If Morin's game was on point, he'd be far a more vital addition to a team with MDZ, Ghost, & Provo.  


If they don't sign MDZ or something unthinkable happens with Ghost, tapping Sanheim and hoping for the best might be their only option.  It seems unthinkably reckless to have an entire squad so young, but at a certain point the team of the future is going to have to be the team of the now.   Whether it's MDZ or something crazy youth movement, they'll probably sign a mediocre dude to be the #7.


More than likely I see them resigning MDZ for a few years, sign a medicore #7 and use Sanheim as a fill in call up for extended IR stretches next year.  


MDZ       Provo

Gudas    Manning

Ghost     Morin


Just my take.

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